以丑为美,regard ugliness as beauty
1)regard ugliness as beauty以丑为美
1.Among the literary and artistic theories on"beauty"and"ugliness",an important aesthetics topic is to"regard ugliness as beauty".在关于"美"与"丑"的文艺理论中,"以丑为美"是一个重要的美学命题。

1."Within its ugliness, this rock harbours a great and unearthly beauty, like a diamond in the rough."“它是以丑为美的。”
2.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观
3.The Sixth-Generation Directors' Aesthetics-"Treating Ugliness as Beauty";“以丑为美”:第六代导演的审美观
4.UGLINESS:AESTHETIC CONCERN OF JIA PING-WA--Taking "Gao Laozhuang" as an Example;丑:贾平凹的审美观照——以《高老庄》为例
5.From “beauty” to “ugliness”:Change of Jia Pingwa′s Aesthetic Perspective--Taking “Gao Laozhuang” as an example;由“美”及“丑”:贾平凹审美观照的转换——以《高老庄》为例
6.That beauty once was an ugly duckling.那美女以前是个丑小鸭。
7.If we say the essence of the classic art is with beauty,we also can say the essence of the modern art is with ugliness.如果说古典艺术是以美为本质的话,现代艺术则应当以丑为主题。
8.And to this very day men and women mistake the one for the other.所以,直至今日,世上的男男女女,错把丑当作美、美当作丑。
9.Learning and Alienation: Pan Jinlian Who Turning Ugliness into Beauty;习染与异化:“化丑为美”的潘金莲
10.On "the Ugliness" and "the Absurdity" as the Western Modern Aesthetic Categories;论作为美学范畴的“丑”和“荒诞”
11.Talking About the Special Meaning of Clown in the Art of Literature and the Restriction of Turning Clown to Beauty;论丑在文学艺术中的特殊意义及化丑为美的限制性
12.A comedy or pantomime in which Harlequin is the main attraction.以丑角为主的喜剧或哑剧
13.An ugly woman serves as a foil to a pretty girl.一个丑女人可以将美丽的姑娘反衬得更加漂亮。
14.A few years ago we were greatly concerned about the "Ugly American."几年前,我们极为担忧的是“丑陋的美国人”。
15.Some words may be thought beautiful and some ugly;一些词可能被视为美的,一些可能是丑的;
16.The Behavioral Finance Analysis on the Mechanism of American Corporations Scandals Occurring;美国公司丑闻发生机理的行为金融学解释
17.It is not that scandals may be causing the dollar to sinkbecause the greenback was overvalued anyway丑闻也不会导致美元贬值,因为无论如何美元价值已经过高了。
18.She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father's house.因为她在父家行了淫乱,在以色列中作了丑事。

to turn ugly into beauty化丑为美
1.Comments on the creative art to turn ugly into beauty in Les Fleurs de Mal;论《恶之花》化丑为美的创新艺术
3)small is beautiful以小为美
1.The meaning of Japanese word "utukushii",Japanese literature and other art forms indicate that Japanese people regard "small is beautiful".日本人对美有一种特殊的感受,无论是日语单词“うつくしい”的涵义,还是日本文学以及其他艺术形式都表明了日本人“以小为美”的审美意识。
4)taking sorrow as sensuousness以悲为美
1.The paper outlines the development venation of "taking sorrow as sensuousness" in appreciating Chinese ancient music.本文勾勒了中国古代音乐鉴赏中“以悲为美”现象的发展脉络,进而运用亚里士多德关于音乐功能的论述来阐释悲曲何以能产生美,认为正是由于音乐之“悲”可以宣泄听众的不良情感,故而使受怜悯、恐惧或其他情感骚扰的人能感受到一种轻松和愉快,“以悲为美”才有了产生和流行的依据及价值。
5)the beauty of vulgar以俗为美
1.There are lots of Kehun in the later one,which shows the characteristics of the beauty of vulgar that embodies in the respects of role,language,content,action,etc.戏曲作品按照是否适于演出可大致分为案头本和舞台本,而舞台脚本中包含大量插科打诨,其以俗为美的整体风格特色具体体现在脚色、语言、内容、动作等几个方面。
6)regarding grandness as beauty以大为美
