意象论,imagery theory
1)imagery theory意象论
1.Based on the Chinese artistic tradition of nature, Wang Fu-zhi embodied his imagery theory by means of diction, syntax and text coherence.王夫之的意象论建立在“以天为主”的艺术规律上,无论炼字、谋句及其与谋篇的统一方面,都追求“现量”,旨在以正统的儒家诗教重振中夏文明,是规律性和目的性的统一。

1.A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Image in Chinese and Western Literary Cridcism;彼“意象”非此“意象”——中西意象论比较
2.Setting Up Image to Fully Express Meaning--The Aesthetic Imagery Theory in WEI and JIN Dynasty;立“象”以尽意——魏晋审美意象论
3.Presentation, Verbal Images and Conceptional Images: Production of Literary Images;表象·语象·意象——论文学形象的呈现机制
4.Analysis on the Symbols of Life in the Images of Flower in Zhu s Poems;论朱淑真诗词“花”意象的人生象征意义
5.On the Images and Their Symbolic Meanings in "The Thin Red Line";论《细红线》中的意象及其象征意义
6.On the Symbolism of "Flying Bird" in Tao Yanming s Poetry;论陶渊明诗中“飞鸟”意象的象征意蕴
7.On the Objective Things Group and the Aesthetic View of the "Rain" Image;论“雨”意象的客观物象群及其审美角度
8.Application of Symbolic Image in Shen Congwen s Novel;论沈从文小说创作中象征意象的运用
9.On Reproduction and Representation in Works of Fine Art;论艺术作品中具象与抽象意味的转换
10.Thinking in Images and Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into English;论形象思维与古诗英译中的意象处理
11.Leaving Some Room for Readers Imagination--On Imagery Translation;读者需要想象的空间——略论意象翻译
12.Symbolic Poetry-Imagery Narrative of Beijing Fiction;象征的诗学——京派小说意象叙事论
13.On the "Tragic Spirit" and Symbolic Images of Romsersholm;论《罗斯莫庄》的“悲剧精神”和象征意象
15.The Discussion From"Imagery Doctrine"of Classical Poetics in China to "Imagery Note System"of Modern Doctrine --The thought on imagery aesthetic to Chinese poetry;从“意象说”到“意象符号系统”论——对中国诗歌的意象审美思考
16.A Text on the Use of Expressive Model of Color Image in the Consfraction of Poetic--the Expressive Models of Blue Image and Yellow Image;再论诗歌审美中色彩意象抒情范式——蓝色意象与黄色意象抒情范式
17.On image in Poem Zhengfeng--One of image and image management research of Poem Zhengfeng《诗·郑风》意象简论——《诗·郑风》意象及其意象经营研究之一
18.Unification Of Image And Totem Among Artistic Images In Chinese Classical Poems;论中国古典诗歌艺术形象中意象与物象的统一

theory of speech (image) and idea言(象)意论
3)Image Theory意象理论
1.On Ai Qing s Image Theory from the Perspective of His Poetic Creation;从艾青的创作实践看其意象理论
4)poetical imagination诗意想象论
1.Bachelard s poetical imagination,one of the most important ele- ments of phenomenology in the twentieth century,not only corrects the mis- take of traditional idea of taking imagination as the imitation of the world,but also remedies the phenomenological idea of taking imagination as a means to deny the existence of being,which makes a great contribution to the develop- ment of imagination.巴什拉的诗意想象论是20世纪中叶现象学研究的一个重要方面内容,它不仅克服了传统想象论把想象当成是对现实的简单模仿的片面认识,而且还纠正了同时代的现象学把想象看成是对客观现实的否定的看法,对想象论的发展具有重要意义。
5)Picture theory of meaning意义图象论
6)On Image Criticism论意象批评

情绪性意象法情绪性意象法emotive imagery 情绪性意象法(emotive imagery)由拉扎勒斯(Lazarus,A.A.)和亚伯拉莫维茨(Abram。vitz,A.)创用的一种系统脱敏法变式。这种脱敏法与经典的系统脱敏法的区别在J二,它不要求对病人首先进行放松训练,而是要求治疗者诱发病人积极的情绪以对抗焦虑和恐惧反应。在实施治疗过程中,治疗者一边让病人按焦虑层次依次接触令他感到恐惧的事物或情境,一边通过形象化的语言或视听手段描述那些令病人感到愉快、轻松、骄傲和喜爱的事物与情境。这些描述所激发出的积极情绪、情感可以抑制或消除恐惧的意象,从而瓦解恐惧刺激物同恐惧反应间的联系。这种方法最初被用于儿童(因为儿童不易掌握放松技巧),后来又被用于具有丰富想像能力的青少年。 (梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)