女权主义批评,feminist criticism
1)feminist criticism女权主义批评
1.This essay attempts to make an analysis of Kate Chopin’s famous short story The Story of an Hour by means of combining the narrative criticism and feminist criticism theories.文章从叙事学理论和女权主义批评结合的角度入手 ,通过对美国女作家凯特·肖班的短篇力作《一小时的故事》的多视角叙述手法的分析 ,来表明小说叙述视点的不断转换 ,体现出的不仅仅是叙事技巧 ,还整合出不同的内容 ,而这不同的侧面展开组合在一起 ,向人们展示了一曲女性寻求自由的悲歌。

1.A Frontier Poetics Moving Towards Central Position──A Critique of Contemporary Feminist Criticism;走向中心的边缘诗学——当代女权主义批评之批评
2.Spivak and Her Criticism on the Post Colonial Feminism;斯皮瓦克和她的后殖民女权主义批评
3.Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar: A Critical Review of Their Theory of "Feminist Poetics评吉尔伯特和古芭的“女权美学”──美国著名女权主义批评家巡礼之三
4.On Literary Creation of the 19th-Century British Women Writers and Feminism;19世纪英国女性作家的文学创作与女权主义批评
5.Man s Feebleness and the Overturn of Patriarchy──The feminism rebutment of Marriages to Awaken Common People;男性弱质与父权秩序的倾覆──《醒世姻缘传》的女权主义批评
6.For a Better World:A Study of the Perplexity in Western Feminist Literary Criticism and Its Influences in China;为了世界更美好——西方女权主义批评的困惑及在中国的影响
7.Another Aspect of Jane Eyre s Character--Comment on Charlotte Bronte s "Jane Eyre" from Angle of Feminism;简·爱性格的另一面——以女权主义批评解读夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》
8.On Spivak s Postcolonial Feminist Criticism;斯皮瓦克的后殖民女权主义诗学批评
9.The regulation has been criticized by humans rights groups and women activists.法规受到了人权组织和女权主义者的批评。
10.Post-colonial Feminism Theory and Others--The Foundation of Theory about Negative;后殖民女权主义及其他——论一种阴性批评的诞生
11.A Critical Analysis of English Advertising Lexis from a Feminist Perspective;女权主义视角中的广告用词批评性分析
12.A Summary on Development of American Feminist Literary Criticism;美国20世纪黑人女权主义文学批评发展概述
13.The Feminine Image in Women s Rights/Feminine Principle Literary Criticism since 1980;1980年代以来女权/女性主义文学批评中的女性形象
14.Feminist literary criticism and Taiwans women writers;从女性主义文学批评谈到台湾女作家
15.A Discourse That Overturns the Patriarchic Tradition --On Western Feminist Criticism and Its Three Schools of Thoughts;颠覆男权传统的话语——论西方女性主义批评三大学派
16.Comment on the American Feminist Drama under the Post-criticism Perspective评美国女性主义戏剧的后学批评视角
17.Western Feminist Literary Criticism: Its Theoretical Backgrounds and Critical Philosophies;西方女性主义文学批评:理论背景及其批评理据
18.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态

Feminist Literary and Art Criticism女权主义文艺批评
3)Feminist Criticism女权主义文学批评
1.Feminist Criticism,which is to so popular now,is no literary criticism at all,and it is advisable to suspend its use as a critical approach in literary studies.目前盛行的“女权主义文学批评”其实并不是“文学批评”,因此,至少在现阶段,我们应该慎用这一所谓批评方法。
2.It rectifies the improper tendencies by case feminist criticism through analyzing their misreading about Zweige s love stories.本文主要以茨威格情爱小说作为切入点,通过辨析女权主义文学批评对茨威格小说的误读指出:他的小说中的“爱情理想国”并不能简单地认为是具有男权意识形态性质的,他的“爱情理想国”实际上是爱情乌托邦,在他的情爱小说中,爱本身已经成为一种信仰、一种宗教,成为通往其乌托邦世界的理想道路。
4)black feminist criticism黑人女权主义批评
1.This thesis analyzes the theme of Alice Walker s most distinguished novel The Color Purple from the theoretical perspective of black feminist criticism, concluding that the theme expressed by Alice Walker in this novel is black women s search for self-identity under racial and sexual oppressions.第一部分主要介绍艾丽斯·沃克的生平、创作经历,回顾了评论界对她的创作及她的小说《紫色》的评价及反应,介绍了黑人女权主义文学批评理论并主要论述了黑人女权主义文学批评家芭芭拉·史密斯对于黑人女权主义文学批评提出的两条基本理论原则,即:第一,黑人女权主义批评应是种族政治和性政治相结合的批评;第二,黑人女权主义批评家应注重黑人妇女的自身经验。
5)Feminist Rhetorical Criticism女权主义修辞批评
6)feminist criticism女性主义批评
1.New reflections on the feminist criticisms of Lord of the Flies;《蝇王》女性主义批评的新思考
2.A lot of research has been devoted to the stream of consciousness novels of Virginia Woolf while it is to be explored how she is of a starting point of "feminine writing" and feminist criticism.作为意识流小说大师的弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫已被学术界广为研究与认可,但作为女性写作和女性主义批评先驱的伍尔夫仍待进一步研究。
3.Moreover, in these two poems, there are quite a few similarities in view of the feminist criticism.本论文从女性主义批评的角度对两部作品进行详尽分析,从而表现出勃朗宁对生活在当时男权社会中的女性的同情和支持——她们在思想上和身体上被禁锢,受到压抑,可是并没有因此自我放弃,相反,她们以自己的方式在男权社会为生存而斗争着。

女权主义  泛指妇女要求平等权利的社会思潮。又称男女平权主义、男女平等主义。1872年由法国小说家小仲马在《论妇女》一文中首先提出。女权主义是近代资产阶级启蒙思想运动和妇女解放运动的产物,提倡妇女在人类生活所有领域与男子具有同等权利。女权主义具有广泛的文化内涵,涉及政治、经济、法律、教育、宗教、伦理等领域,并导致当代声势浩大的女权主义运动(见女权运动)。