小王子,little prince
1)little prince小王子
1.The inter-subjectivity of Little Prince is shown by the relations between little prince and me, little prince and pilot, little prince and others, that is to reach the harmony by the interaction, mutual dialogue and mutual understanding among the author, the text and the readers.《小王子》的主体间性是通过“我——小王子”、“小王子——飞行员”、“小王子——他者”来体现的,也就是通过“作者——文本——读者”之间相互作用、相互对话、相互理解从而达到统一性关系。
2.Little Prince,Maomao,the Surprising Adventures of Pitt Shlemy,respectively from the three angles of number,time and soul,by the method of fragment interlinking,set up a bridge between fairy tale and philosophy.《小王子》、《毛毛》、《彼得。

1.The young prince was fostered in the home of the duke小王子在公爵家里长大。
2.Breeding of Mini Seedless Watermelon Variety ‘Mini Prince’小果型无籽西瓜新品种小王子的选育
3.After this all the protests had to stop. Thus the Simpleton received the crown, and he ruled wisely for a long time.这一下谁都无话可说了。小王子继承了王位,成了一位英明的国王。
4.This the boy did, and soon the wood sprite was free.小王子依计而行,树妖很快便自由了。
5.Two Metaphors and Traditional Western Culture in Le Petit Prince;《小王子》中两个隐喻与西方传统文化
6.A Warning from The Little Prince: Away from the Alienation,Back to the Innate Character;《小王子》的告诫:远离异化,回归本真
7.Prince Edward is the Queen' s youngest son.爱德华王子是女王最小的儿子。
8.Coronet:a small crown worn by princes and princesses and by other nobles below the rank of sovereign.小王冠:由王子、公主或国王之下的其他贵族戴的一种小王冠.
9.The Happy Prince misunderstood the little bird's meaning and replied,快乐王子误会了小燕子的意思,回道:
10.A crown is the tuft of leaves at the top of the pineapple, you dork.“王冠就是菠萝顶部的一簇叶子,小傻子。”
11.The dwarfs pitied him and gave him the coffin.小矮人很同情王子,就把棺材给了他。
12.I need your help again, little bird,@ says the prince.王子说:“小鸟,我又要麻烦你了。
13.Xiao Wang is an impetuous person, and he'll do anything clear-cut and fast.小王急性子,做什么事都愿意干脆、快。
14.Wang, may i trouble you with this table ?小王,你可以帮我搬这张桌子吗?
15.The prince and the little mermaid had fun together.王子和小美人鱼玩得很愉快,
16.The little mermaid took the prince to shore.小美人鱼把王子带到岸边。
17.The little mermaid swam to the prince's palace.小美人鱼游向王子的宫殿。
18.She told them about the prince.小美人鱼把王子的事跟她们说了一遍。

The Little Prince《小王子》
1.Analysis of the Narrating Time of The Little Prince;《小王子》叙事时间解析
3)Wang Xiaobo王小
1.Indifference and Consumption:"Sex"in Wang Xiaobo’s Novels;淡漠与消耗:王小波小说中的“性”
1.Study on Brand Promoting Strategies of Prince Beer;王子啤酒品牌提升策略研究
2.This essay proceeds with Hamlet s identity uncertainty,analyzes and explains Hamlet s complex image from the following four respects:Hamlet as a prince;Hamlet from prince to thinker;Hamlet from prince to politician and Hamlet from prince to soldier.本文从哈姆雷特的身份特征入手,将哈姆雷特的复合性形象从以下四个方面分析和阐释:作为王子的哈姆雷特、从王子到政治家的哈姆雷特、从王子到思想家的哈姆雷特、从王子到作为战士的哈姆雷特。
6)Wang Xiaobo王小波
1.On Wang Xiaobo novels in shaping the image of women;简论王小波小说中女性形象的塑造
2.On the Triple Image in Wang Xiaobo’s Novels;巨人、顽童还是悒郁者?——论王小波小说的三重形象
