比较文学形象学,imagologie of comparative literature
1)imagologie of comparative literature比较文学形象学
1.Viewing from the vision of imagologie of comparative literature,based on common psychological heritage of national culture,Hong Kong literature and Singapore Chinese literature have built a "tender China" image.从比较文学形象学的视阈来说,香港文学和新加坡华文文学基于共同的民族文化心理积淀,建构了"温情中国"的形象,但由于注视者观看时的距离不同,造成了描述结果的差异:一个深沉忧伤,一个单纯明快。

1.A Question and Solution to the Enactment of "Image" in Imagology in Contemporary Comparative Literature当代比较文学形象学中“想象”设定的问题及其解决
2.Positivism and the Origin of Imagologie--The Historical Achievement of Carre and Guyard;实证主义与比较文学形象学的缘起——卡雷和基亚的历史功绩
3.The Image of Chinese Farmers in the Film of"Good Earth"从比较文学形象学角度看电影《大地》对中国农民的描述
4.Starting with the image of comparative literature, analyzes the image of Indian in Memoir of the Pilgrimage to the Five Regions of India.从比较文学形象学的角度入手,对《往五天竺国传》中的印度人形象进行了解析。
5.Hermit and Wiseman--A Coparison of Fishermen s Images in Chinese and Western Liferature;隐士与智者——中西文学“渔夫”形象比较
6.Medea and Zhao Wuniang: A Comparison of the Images of Abandoned Women in Chinese and Western Literature;美狄亚与赵五娘——中西方文学弃妇形象比较
7.Images of Teachers in Studentsmind:A Cross-cultural Comparison;学生心目中的教师形象:一个跨文化的比较
8.Fanyi and Qiqiao--the Comparative Reading of Two Femal Figures in Modern Literature;繁漪和七巧——两个现代文学女性形象的比较阅读
9.The Comparison between the Female Images of Lu ling Writings and the Writings of Russia-Soviet Literature;路翎与俄苏文学创作中的女性形象比较论
10.Medea and Miss Dou: A Comparison Between the Images of Revenge Women in Eastern and Western Literature;美狄亚与窦氏——中西文学中复仇女性形象比较
11.The Comparison of Characters of Chinese Textbooks for Primary Schools between Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong大陆香港小学语文教科书人物形象比较
12.Two Priests Figure of Western Literature-Literature finure Comparison Between Cloud and Dimmesdale;西方文学作品中的两个教士形象——克罗德与丁梅斯代尔文学形象比较
13.The Nature et the Object of the Translation Studies in Comparative Literature;比较文学“译介学”的性质及其对象
14.The Image of the Monkey King and Its Origin论孙悟空神猴形象的来历(上)——《西游记》与印度文学比较研究之一
15.The Farmer Image s Comparison within Agrestic Novel about the Russian National Writers and the Chinese Folk Writers;俄国民粹派文学与中国乡土作家群乡土小说中的农民形象比较
16.Fox Image in Chinese-Western Literary Works;中西文学作品中的狐形象——《阅微草堂笔记》与《伊索寓言》之比较
17.Secular Female and Innocent Beauty:A Comparison of Female Images in the Literature of China and Japan世俗女性与纯净美人——中日文学中的女性形象比较
18.Where did the Myth of Motherhood Collapse--Comparing the Image of "Vicious Mother" in Classical Chinese and Western Literatures“母性神话”从何处倒塌——中西古典文学中的“恶母”形象比较

comparative literature比较文学
1.Cultural survey on establishing Chinese School of comparative literature;建立比较文学中国学派的文化考察
2.Comparative Literature: Special Academic Platform——From Hu Lianggui s World Literature and National Literature;比较文学:独特的学术平台——从胡良桂的《世界文学与国别文学》谈起
3."Parallel Studies" in the Crisis of Comparative Literature;比较文学危机中的“平行研究”
3)comparative study文学比较
4)comparative meteorology比较气象学
5)comparative literary theory比较文艺学
1.On account of exceeding the principle of nationalism and globalization, the researchers of comparative literary theory who are indulged in cross-cultural visual field and universalism try to build up the world literature theories.由于受到超越民族主义和全球化视点的吸引,比较文艺学的研究者较多地专注于跨文化视野和理论上普遍性方面的论证,试图建立世界性的文艺学理论。
6)pan-comparative literature泛比较文学
1.However,some other scholars come up with pan-comparative literature concept,advocating enlargement of its research scope.而有的学者则反过来提出了“泛比较文学论”的概念,主张进一步扩大比较文学的研究范围。

比较比较  两种事物之间的对比,诸如大小、高低、长短、前后、上下、左右、精神、营养、病情等都可作比较。