叙述特征,narrative features
1)narrative features叙述特征

1.On the Narrative Characteristics of the Contemporary Fairy TaleHarry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone;评当代童话小说《哈利·波特与魔法石》的叙述特征
2.Narrative Characteristics and Cultural Consciousness of Modern Novels on Urban Residents;20世纪中国社会的市井叙事——现代市民小说的叙述特征及文化意识
3.The Narration of Urban Societies in Contemporary China;中国当代社会的市井叙事——池莉小说的叙述特征及文化意识
4.Look at Features of Contemporary Pictorial Narration从计算的角度看当代图像叙述特征——形式化操作
5.The differentiation of the main parts of narration-The narrative features of Zhang Ailings novels;叙述主体的分化——张爱玲小说的叙述学特征
6.The Symbolic and Mythic Narrative of Master and Margaret;《大师和玛格丽特》的象征与神话叙述
7.Make-up in Lolita as Meta-fiction;叙述的谎言—《洛丽塔》的元小说特征
8.Transition of narrator s status and position--Analysis on narrating characteristic of Zhang Ailing s novel;叙述者身份和位置的转变——浅析张爱玲小说的叙述学特征
9.The Types and Features of Unusual Narrative Forms:A Review of Unnatural Voices:Extreme Narration in Modern and Contemporary Fiction非常规叙述形式的类别与特征:《非自然的叙述声音:现当代小说的极端化叙述》评介
10.Deconstructional characteristics of the postmodern lust depiction and the transformation of con-temporary literature;后现代欲望叙述的解构特征与当代文学的转型
11.Formation and Characteristics of the Narrative Subject in the Interaction of "Language - Picture;“语-图”互文之中叙述主体的生成及其特征
12.On Narrative Feature of Lu Xun s Divorce from the Narrative Point of View;论鲁迅小说《离婚》叙述视角的叙述特色
13.The article also narrates the characteristics and applications of side-glowing optical fiber.本文还叙述了侧面发光光纤的性能特征及其应用。
14.A Study of Chinese EFL Learners Use of Repetition in Their Oral Narrative Production;中国二语学习者英语口头叙述中重复的使用特征研究
15.Narrative Mode of Innermost Being--the writing features of Virginia Woolf s stream-of-consciousness novels;内心活动的叙述方式——弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫长篇意识流小说的书写特征
16.Economic Perspective,Synchronic Description and Objective Narration --On the Characteristics of the Ethical Description of Midnight;经济视角、共时性描写与客观化叙事——谈《子夜》的伦理描述特征
17.On Feature of Lu Xun s Kong Yiji from the Narrative Point of View;论鲁迅小说《孔乙己》叙述视角的叙述特色
18.A Study of the Narrative Structure of Jinpingmei论《金瓶梅》的叙事建构与叙说特征

The Character of the Depiction about the Literary Dream文学梦的叙述特征
3)narration idiosyncrasies叙述特质
4)unique narration独特叙述
1.Between tradition and modernness:unique narration in 17~(th) century metaphysical love poetry传统与现代之间:英国17世纪玄学爱情诗的独特叙述
5)narrative features叙事特征
1.On the narrative features of Xiong Zhengliang s medium-length novel Our Humble Soul;卑微人生与不灭灵魂的极致表现——论熊正良的中篇小说《我们卑微的灵魂》的叙事特征
2.Analysis of the Postmodernism Narrative Features in Lost in the Funhouse《迷失在游乐场》中的后现代主义叙事特征
6)narrative traits叙事特征
1.The narrative traits of "Queen Hortense" by Maupassant,the famous French Novelist,are shown by the structure,ways,means and strategies of his narration.法国著名作家莫泊桑的短篇小说《奥尔唐斯女王》的叙事特征集中表现在叙事结构、叙事方式、叙事手段和叙事策略四个方面。
