凄美,miserable beauty
1)miserable beauty凄美
1.For Pure You Came and Pure Shall Go——Analysis on Artistic Image of Lin Daiyu′s "miserable beauty";质本洁来还洁去——林黛玉之“凄美”形象艺术探析

1.The Doleful Love Stories in Puzhou(Ⅲ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(下)
2.The Doleful Love Stories Sprouted in Puzhou(Ⅱ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(中)
3.The Sad Love Stories Sprouted in Puzhou(Ⅰ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(上)
4.a representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems.李清照的词婉丽凄美, 是婉约派词的代表人物。
5.A hero fights for freedom, a beautiful, solemn and stirring epic.一个为自由而战的英雄,一段凄美悲壮的诗史。
6.The Transient Bloom but Eternal Beauty--A comparison of Marguerite and Juzi瞬间绽放 凄美永恒——玛格丽特与驹子形象之比较
7.For Pure You Came and Pure Shall Go--Analysis on Artistic Image of Lin Daiyu′s "miserable beauty";质本洁来还洁去——林黛玉之“凄美”形象艺术探析
8.Heartbreakingly Graceful Emotion--An Analysis of the Tragic Emotion in Haiyan s Novels;凄美婉约 至情至性——解读海岩小说的悲剧情结
9.The Transient Bloom but Eternal Beauty--A comparison of Marguerite and Juzi;瞬间绽放 凄美永恒——玛格丽特与驹子形象之比较
10.Comments on Lou Ye s Movie " The Su Zhou River;爱情比生命凄美——评娄烨的电影作品《苏州河》
11.Melody of Being Coldly Beautiful and Sadly Moving--On Sense of Beauty and Sadness in Some Works by Kawabata Yasunari;冷艳、凄美的旋律——论川端康成部分作品中的悲与美
12.A Primary Analysis on Aesthetic Flavor of Modern Family Novels;凄美的图画 泣血的命运——论当代家族小说的悲剧审美格调
13.The Temporary Roosting of the Poetic Soul--On Sense of the Love Purport and Profound Meaning of Lin Daiyu’s Beautiful and Rorrowful Image;诗意灵魂的暂栖——林黛玉凄美形象情旨、意蕴的辨析
14.Sentiment in Miserable Sound:An Initial Research on Miserable Aesthetic Feeling in Northwest Folk Song;悠悠黄土情 凄凉声咽中——西北民歌凄凉美初研
15.The moon was above, cold and beautiful,月亮挂在空中,凄冷而美丽,
16.I will love the beautiful for their eyes of sadness;我爱美丽的人,因为他们眼中流露着凄迷。
17.Inextricably Plaintive and Serenely Graceful--A Textual Analysis of the Beauty of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe缠绵悱恻 哀凄幽婉——论埃德加·爱伦·坡《乌鸦》之美
18.A Deep,Mournful and Agreeable Beauty--Feeling of the love words of Nalanxingde;幽艳哀断 凄婉深沉的美——读纳兰性德爱情词有感

Miserable Aesthetic Feeling凄凉美
1.Sentiment in Miserable Sound:An Initial Research on Miserable Aesthetic Feeling in Northwest Folk Song;悠悠黄土情 凄凉声咽中——西北民歌凄凉美初研
3)The Making of Magic Beauty凄怆之美
4)unfortunate love凄美爱情
1.It is attributed to his personal charm which is reflected by the aspects like his heroic mettle,his lofty quality,his affectionate chivalrous spirit,his unfortunate love and his strong character.他的人格魅力主要表现在五个方面:拔山盖世的英雄气概;光明磊落的率直品格;重情重义的侠义精神;生死与共的凄美爱情;悲壮豪迈的刚烈性格。
5)Cold, cold are the wind and the rain.风雨凄凄。

惨凄残贼惨凄残贼 惨凄残贼   形容寒凉、肃杀、伤害生物的秋气。《素问·气交变大论》:“春有惨凄残贼之胜,则夏有炎暑燔烁之复。”