表现技巧,representation skill
1)representation skill表现技巧
1.The method of toy packaging design and the way to increase visual impact were discussed from representation skill,graph utilization,color,personalized design,and interesting design.透过玩具包装装潢设计的表现技巧,从图形运用、色彩、个性化设计、趣味性设计等方面分别论述了如何进行玩具包装设计和如何增加玩具包装设计的视觉冲击力,这对未来儿童玩具包装的设计具有重要意义。

1.The Performance Skills for Sports Movements and Bearing;Ⅱ型单线图体育动作神态的表现技巧
2.Comparative Journalism between China and West about the Value and the Expressing Skills;中西新闻写作价值取向及表现技巧比较
3.showing inventiveness and skill.表现出创造性和技巧。
4.Her performance displayed great art.她的表演表现了高度的艺术技巧.
5.the art of appearing confident at interviews在面试时表现自信的技巧
6.showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people.在对人上表现出技巧和灵敏。
7.He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。
8.He displayed a great deal of artifice in decorating his new house.他在布置新房子中表现出富有的技巧。
9.She shows a high degree of skill in her work.她在工作中表现出高度的技巧.
10.She show a high degree of skill in her work.她在工作中表现出高度的技巧。
11.This musician has perfect technique but little expression.这个音乐家技巧有余,但表现力不足。
12.a remarkable exhibition of musicianship.一种关于音乐技巧的非凡表现。
13.This generally works best on a sustained trill.这个技巧一般较好的表现在持续抖音。
14.On the Performance of Form Techniques in Post-Modernism Novels;论后现代主义元小说的形式技巧表演
15.On Kafuka s Expressionistm-Art Skill in His Novel;论卡夫卡小说“表现主义”艺术技巧
16.Practice and Skills of Making Building Displaying Chart with Computer;计算机制作建筑表现图的实践和技巧
17.He displayed admirable skills in passing, dribbling, and heading.他在比赛中表现出了绝妙的传球、球和头球技巧。
18.The students show various degrees of skill in doing the experiments.学生们做实验时,表现出各种不同程度的技巧。

technical manifestation技巧表现
3)Skill and perfomance技巧与表现
4)skill and expression技巧与表现力
5)Expressionistic techniques表现主义技巧
6)skill and form of literature displaying文学表现技巧和形式

《电影艺术在表现形式上的几个特点》  中国电影理论著作。史东山著,艺术出版社1954年出版。全书分两部分。第一部分从分析小说、戏剧与电影的区别和共同点入手,阐释了电影艺术在表现形式上的基本特点;第二部分,对电影分镜头的原理提供了一些论据。该书对初写电影剧本者有一定的参考价值。