流亡文学,exile literature
1)exile literature流亡文学
1.Integrating his experience in his writing, Benedetti has established a unique exile and post-exile literature, presenting a kaleidoscope of the hist.作家结合自身的经历,形成了自己独具特色的流亡和后流亡文学,成为了观察这个国家历史与现状的一面镜子。
2)post-exile literature后流亡文学
1.Integrating his experience in his writing, Benedetti has established a unique exile and post-exile literature, presenting a kaleidoscope of the hist.作家结合自身的经历,形成了自己独具特色的流亡和后流亡文学,成为了观察这个国家历史与现状的一面镜子。
3)the Exile Literature of Northeast东北流亡文学
4)cultural exile文化流亡

1.Cultural Exiles in Dilemma:On Naipaul s Recent Novels;文化流亡者的窘境——试析奈保尔的近期创作
2.The Modem Signiticance of Inter-cultural Excile--On Image of by Nabokov;跨文化流亡的现实主义——论纳博科夫的“普宁”形象
3.The Trend of the Outlaw and the Refugee in Han Dynasty and the Progress of Economics and the Culture in the Southern Region of the Yangtze River;汉代“亡人”“流民”动向与江南地区的经济文化进步
4.New Research on the Doom of Qin Dynasty;秦皇朝覆亡新论——兼谈文化交流的一些理论问题
5.Literary Texts in the Magazine Tribune for Jewish Exiles in Shanghai and Cultural Identity Construction;上海犹太流亡杂志《论坛》中的文学文本与文化身份建构
6.The Exile and Post-exile Works of Mario Benedetti;流亡与后流亡——马里奥·贝内德蒂文学硬币的两面
7.On Nabokov s Diaspora Consciousness and the Multi-Cultural Perspective on Nabokov Study;论纳博科夫的流亡意识与纳博科夫研究的多元文化视角
8.Pavilion in the Diaspora:Framing Diasporic Productions of the Kun Opera Mudanting;“大流亡”中一“亭”——昆剧《牡丹亭》在海外上演的文化框架
9.Reflections upon the Rootlessness of Modern Intellectuals in Exile: Cultural Critique of A Bend in the River from Postcolonial Perspective;现代流亡知识分子的无根性反思——《河湾》的后殖民文化解读
10.Fight of Life Existence under the Background of Foreign Culture--Milan Kundera’s Writing on Exile异质文化下的生命存在抗争——米兰·昆德拉的流亡书写
11.On the Exiling Gentry of South Dynasty During North Wei Dynasty--A Glimpse of the cultural Communication between South and North Dynasty;北魏时期之南朝流亡人士行迹考述——从一个侧面看南北朝之间的文化交流
12.Alvin Johnson and the Establishment of “the University in Exile”;阿尔文·约翰逊与“流亡大学”的创办
13.Nobel Prize’s Attention to the Theme of Literature : Exile and Return;诺贝尔奖关注的文学母题:流亡与回乡
14.Euphemism of Death;死亡委婉语面面观——从死亡委婉语看中西文化
15.Death Worship in the Japanese Cartoons--On the Death Culture in the Japanese Cartoons日本动漫的死亡崇拜——谈日本动画中的死亡文化
16.O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast!哦,背离慈爱胸怀的顽固不化的流亡者!
17.The ancient Aztec culture has all perished now.阿兹特克古文化现在已经全部消亡。
18.National Standpoint and Cultural Display of the Fugitive in the North Border of the Han Dynasty;汉代北边“亡人”:民族立场与文化表现

post-exile literature后流亡文学
1.Integrating his experience in his writing, Benedetti has established a unique exile and post-exile literature, presenting a kaleidoscope of the hist.作家结合自身的经历,形成了自己独具特色的流亡和后流亡文学,成为了观察这个国家历史与现状的一面镜子。
3)the Exile Literature of Northeast东北流亡文学
4)cultural exile文化流亡
5)Evaluating Exilic Literature of the Southern Song Dynasty南宋流亡文学评介
6)exile student流亡学生
1.The influence of northeast exile student group to the incident of Xi an;东北流亡学生群体对西安事变的影响

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。