词汇语法层,lexical and grammatical level
1)lexical and grammatical level词汇语法层
1.Ideational metaphor is realized through the transference from the congruent form to metaphorical form and nominalizaftion is a manifestation of the ideational metaphor at the lexical and grammatical level.概念隐喻是由一致式向隐喻式转移的过程,名物化是概念隐喻在词汇语法层的一种表现。

1.From Meanings to Wordings:--Reviewing Fawcett s Doubt on Grammatical Metaphor.;从语义层到词汇语法层——评Fawcett对语法隐喻的质疑
2.Trinity of English Teaching of Phonology,Lexicogrammar and Semmantics;音系层、词汇语法层与语义层三位一体的英语教学
3.Depths of Processing and L2 Vocabulary Learning;认知加工层次与外语词汇学习-词汇认知直接学习法
4.The total set of words in a language as distinct from morphology;vocabulary.词汇某一语言中区别于词法的全部词语;词汇
5.The Manifestations of Modern Chinese Semanteme in Grammar,Vocabulary,Pronunciation and Characters;现代汉语语素在语法、词汇、语音、文字四个层面的表现
6.Neologisms and Their Influence on Chinese Vocabulary and Syntax;新词语及其对汉语词汇和句法的影响
7.The Category of Animacy and Its Manifestations in Chinese Grammar and Lexicon;汉语生命范畴及其词汇、词法、句法表现
8.The Application of Stylistics in English Reading Teaching in Vocational Colleges-From the Aspects of Vocabulary and Syntax;从文体学的词汇、句法层面看高职高专英语阅读教学
9.The Influence of Tenor on the Lexico-grammatical Choices in ECST Texts;话语基调对科普英语词汇语法的影响
10.The Acquisition of Spoken English Vocabulary:A Corpus-Based Approach英语口语词汇学习的语料库方法探讨
11.Error analysis of Chinglish vocabulary;“中式英语”词汇层面的错误表现及原因
12.On the Phenomenon of Sex Discrimination on the Word Lay;语言中词汇层面的性别歧视现象刍议
13.Deviation" at the Lexical and Semantic Levels;文体“偏离说”在词汇和语义层面的体现
14.A study on the levels of vocabulary vacancies in bilingual teaching;双语教学中词汇“空位”的层次研究
15.A Study on the Lexical Approach to English Vocabulary Teaching in Senior Middle Schools of China;词汇方法在高中英语词汇教学中的应用
16.Lexicalization and grammaticalization: Two Chinese case studies of “henbude”(恨不得) and “wuse”(物色);词汇化二例——兼谈词汇化和语法化的关系
17.On Teaching Vocabulary by Means of English Vocabulary Chunk Association;利用英语词汇组块联想法进行词汇教学的探讨
18.The Keyword Method in English Language Vocabulary Learning by Chinese Students;中国学生英语词汇学习中的关键词法

lexemic stratum词汇层(层次语法)
3)syntax-lexicon level语法-词汇层面
1.By introducing syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations and the related lexico-grammar notion and grammatiealization,the article argues that the the choice for constructiing language structure,which involves mental process,should be made on the basis of the knowledge of the different levels of meaning that the language units indicate.通过介绍语言系统中的横组合关系和纵聚合关系以及与它们相关的词汇-语法概念和语法化,提出语言结构的建构是一种涉及心智的活动,是在了解语言单位具有的不同的层级意义的基础上做出的选择。
1.The lexicogrammar computer spelling checker model is based on systemic-functional linguistic theory.词汇语法拼写校对软件模型以系统功能语言学理论为指导,有四个处理单元,分别对应语言的四个级阶,可以侦别出词汇层、局域性句法层、整体性句法层和语义层次上的拼写错误。
6)French vocabulary法语词汇
1.This article intends to analyse and expound completely in term of lexicology the reasons,field and assimilation the influence of English vocabulary to French vocabulary.从词汇学的角度就英语词汇对法语词汇影响的促因、领域和同化程度进行了较为全面的分析和论述。
