生存欲,desire for living
1)desire for living生存欲

1.An Inquiry into Human Being s Survival and Demand--From the Flying Days to Hard as Water;考问人类的生存欲求——从《日光流年》到《坚硬如水》
2.The Dynamics - Outlines the eight dynamics, levels of the urge to survive.动力学概述八个动态,多层次的欲望生存.
3.Questioning Intellectuals Survival,Desire and Belief--Rereading the Greening Tree;知识分子生存、欲望、信仰的追问——重读《绿化树》
4.A marginal survivals′ carnival:On the love stories in Three Collections of Short Stories;边缘生存者的狂欢——论“三言”中的爱欲小说
5.mortify the [one's] flesh= mortify the [one's] body禁欲苦修,过禁欲生活
6.Conflicts between Sense of Survival and Original Living Desire--Liu Heng s Objective Analyses on "the Desire for Food and Sex Is Part of Human Nature";生存意志与生命原欲的冲突——刘恒对“食色”的客观叙述
7.From "Uphold Justice, Annihilate Desire" to "Justice is Desire;从“存天理,灭人欲”到“天理就是人欲”
8.Exploration of the Transformation from "Keeping the Justice, Eliminating the Desire" to "The Justice Being the Desire;试探从"存理灭欲"到"理即欲"的转换
9.One of the major pleasures in life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to preserve it.生活中最在的乐趣之一是食欲,我们的一个重要责任就是保存它。
10.Human Desires and Existential Dislocation--A Survey of the Fiction Creation of Immigrant Writers in Wuyi Region;人性的欲望与生存的错位——五邑移民作家小说创作简论
11.University Teaching as the Games of Desire,Technology and Intellegence--Enlightenment from the Educational Views of Foreign Existentialist大学教学作为欲、技、道的游戏——几位国外生存论者教育观点的启示
12.With the attainment of maturity and at the zenith of biological existence, life's drive towards a goal in no wise halts.随著生命达到圆熟及生物存在的峰顶,人生追求的目标的欲念却丝毫未曾稍减。
13.For a laboratory organism to survive in the harsh Darwinian outside world, it would have to be very carefully crafted indeed.事实上欲使诞生于实验室环境的生物体在弱肉强食的外部世界存活下来需要极为精细的设计。
14.Suffering is caused by endless desire, the desire that creates bad karma.人生多欲为苦——人常被“欲”所牵引造业。
15.He that would command must serve欲做先生,先做学生
16.I forgive those ancestors who took away the land that other humans lived upon without compensation and for self gain.我宽恕那些为了自己私欲而掠夺他人所生存的土地却不给补偿的祖先们。
17.Different Reflections of DAI Zheng and CAO Xue qing on the Existence and Significance of Life“遂欲达情”与“古今之情”——戴震与曹雪芹对生命存在及其意义之不同思考
18.a way of life given to easy indulgence of the appetites.为所欲为的生活方式。

survival desire生存欲望
3)Survival and demand生存欲求
4)the basic survival desires基本生存欲望
1.The main body of this thesis consists of four parts: the special style of Liu-Heng’s novels, the extreme form of explorations about the basic survival desires and it’s representation in Liu-Heng’s fictional texts, the concrete patterns of it’s presentation about the basic survival desires, and the psychological motives of the extreme form of exploration etc.本文主要内容包括:刘恒小说创作的独特个性;刘恒有意识地对基本生存欲望的极端探询及其怎样表现在他的小说文本中的;刘恒小说探询基本欲望的极端性的具体表现模式;这种极端性探询的心理动因等。
6)Desires Extinguishing存理灭欲

欲【欲】 (术语)梵语剌者Rajas,希求之义,希求尘境也。唯识论五曰:“云何为欲?于所乐境希望为性。勤依为业。”俱舍论四曰:“欲谓希求所作事业。”大乘义章二曰:“于缘欲受称欲。”同七曰:“染爱尘境,名之为欲。”释氏要览下曰:“杂阿含经云:佛言:若众生所有苦生彼一切皆以欲为本。增一经云:欲生诸烦恼,欲为生苦本。”梵语杂名曰:“欲,剌者。”