木兰形象,Image of Mulan
1)Image of Mulan木兰形象

1.On Character and Culture in Mulan Poem;从《木兰诗》看木兰形象的文化内涵
2.On the Tragic Implications of "No Choice but to Make a Helpless One"--Re-discussion on the Motif of Ode to Mulan and the Image of Hua Mulan无奈抉择中的悲剧意蕴——《木兰诗》题旨与木兰形象再探析
3.The Image of Hua Mulan in American Culture;中国传统花木兰形象在美国文化中的变异——以汤亭亭的《女勇士》为例
4.Fa Mulan: Feminist Traits and Dilemmas in Woman Warrior;《女勇士》的女性主义特点和困境——《女勇士》中花木兰形象分析
5.Culture Politics: Hua Mulan s Postmodern Adaptation and Reception A Reread of The Woman Warrior;文化政治:花木兰形象的后现代改写与接受——《女勇士》再思考
6.Resembling a block, as in shape.木头似的,迟钝的在形状上象木头一样
7.Research on tourism Image Resource and Position in Lanzhou City;兰州市旅游形象资源与旅游形象定位研究
8.A representation of this ring or circlet, as in woodwork.花圈象征物环形或圈形的象征物,如木制品
9.FA ZHOU: Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.祖先在上,请你帮助木兰给媒人留个好印象。
10.An Experimental Research of Presentational Training in Mulanquan Teaching;表象训练方法运用于木兰拳教学的实验研究
11.Intrduction to Rhetoric “Mutual Illustration” --From the Rhetoric ? Mutual illustration? Phenomena in Mulan Poem;浅谈互文辞格——从《木兰诗》中几处互文现象谈起
12.The rock paintings in the Helan Mountains feature many figures with odd shapes and faces whereas贺兰山的岩画,形象古怪,面目各异。
13.Analysis of Exile Image in Milan Kundera s Novel;米兰·昆德拉小说中流亡者形象分析
14.Reffction on Women:An Analysis of the in Frankenstein;反思女性:《弗兰肯斯坦》女性形象分析
15.Recharacterization of Emperor Jie of Xia Dynasty by Victor Segalen;法国作家谢阁兰笔下夏桀形象之重塑
16.Against loneliness-the image analysis about Hester Prynne反抗孤独——海丝特·白兰形象分析
17.The Study on Development of flok Custom tourism of the City Urumqi;乌鲁木齐城市民俗旅游形象发展研究
18.The lyric female images in Zhu Shuzhen s works of ode to flowers and trees;朱淑真咏花木作品中的抒情女性形象

1.This paper has done carefully revision work on the three bigger genera, Manglietia, Magnolia and Michelia from the family Magnoliaceae.对中国产的木兰科植物3个大属即木莲Manglietia,木兰Magnolia和含笑Michelia进行了分类修订工作,共提出新组合5个,新异名8个,澄清2种和1亚种。
3)Mu Lan木兰
1.Researching Chinese Traditional Medicines and Extending Chinese Cultural Context:Corrected Names of ‘Mu Lan’(木兰),‘Sou Shu’(溲疏),‘Shu Yangquan’(蜀羊泉) in Emperor Shen Nong s Materia Medica;发掘传统中药 延续中华文脉——为《本草经》中的木兰、溲疏、蜀羊泉正名
2.Later,in the Period of Disunion(220-589AD)changes in the districts were very confusing and then mergered into Huang Pi and Mu Lan counties in the Sui Dynasty.黄陂县在汉代分属西陵、安陆两县地,三国至南北朝时期,黄陂县境内郡县名目繁杂,隋时进行了归并,只存黄陂与木兰两县。
1.Eco-agricultural economic model building in Mulan County;木兰县生态农业经济模式建立的探讨
2."Hua Mulan" in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem "Mulan Shi" and Movie Mulan;穿比基尼的“花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编
5)Magnolia mulunica木论木兰
1.Separation of Red Pigments from Magnoliaceae×soulangeana Flower by Macroporus Resin Column Chromatography;大孔树脂法分离二乔木兰花红色素
