珀涅罗珀记,The Penelopiad
1)The Penelopiad珀涅罗珀记
1.The Penelopiad: Rewriting the Myth of Women;重构女性神话:阿特伍德的《珀涅罗珀记

1.The Subversion and Rebuilding of Myth Viewed from "The Penelopiad"珀涅罗珀的花毯或叙述诡计——从《珀涅罗珀记》看神话的颠覆与重构
2.The Penelopiad: Rewriting the Myth of Women;重构女性神话:阿特伍德的《珀涅罗珀记
3.Getting to Know "the Known" through "the Unknown":Atwood s The Penelopiad,a Tribute to the Classics;温“新”而知“故”——阿特伍德以《珀涅罗珀记》向经典致敬
4.Postmodern Significance of Retelling Myths with Legends of Penelope as a Case从《珀涅罗珀记》看神话重述的后现代意义
5.The cultural Comparison of "Waiting for Saving" between Zhumu and Bonieluobo;珠牡与珀涅罗珀“待救”的文化比较
6.A band of suitors is destroying his property as they woo( attract or court) his wife Penelope.一群追求者们在向他的妻子珀涅罗珀求爱,乘机来侵占他的财产。
7.The wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus. Penelope was made immortal by Circe.珀涅罗珀奥德赛的妻子,忒勒马科斯之母喀耳刻使她永生不死
8.From the Roman's Pomona Day,从罗马的珀莫拉节,
9.multi channel fabry perot interferometer多道法布里 珀罗干涉仪
10.fabry perot laser法布里 珀罗激光器
11.Fabry-Perot amplifier法布里-珀罗放大器
12.Fabry-Perot resonator法布里-珀罗谐振器
13.Fabry-Perot interferometry法布里-珀罗干涉测量法
14.Fabry-Perot recycling spectrometer法布里-珀罗重复分光计
15.FP-LD(Fabry-Perot Laser Diode)法布里-珀罗激光二极管
16.mode selection by Fabry Perot etalon法布里-珀罗标准具选模
17.Fabry-Perot fiber optic sensor法布里-珀罗光纤传感器
18.The goddess of the harvest, daughter of Rhea and Cronus and mother of Persephone.得墨忒耳主管收获的女神,是瑞亚和克罗诺斯的女儿,珀尔塞福涅的母亲

3)A. Perot珀罗
1.The inventors of the multibeam interferometer——C. Fabry and A. Perot;F-P多光束干涉仪的发明者——法布里和珀罗
1.The Eleusis Mysteries were one of mystical religious rites in ancient Greece, which mainly worshipped Demeter, Persephone and Iacchus.埃琉息斯秘仪是古希腊的一种神秘宗教仪式,崇拜的神祗有得墨忒耳、珀尔塞福涅和伊阿库斯。
1.Incidence Measurement Analysis in Laser Warning Device Based on Fabry-Perot Etalon;法布里-珀罗型告警器激光入射角度的测量方法分析
2.The system of the optic fiber Fabry-Perot and Mach-Zehnder measuring refractive index of liquid based on the principle of Fiber Optic Filter is separately designed in this paper.本文利用光纤滤波器原理分别设计了光纤法布里-珀罗(Fabry-Perot)液体折射率测量系统和光纤马赫-曾特(Mach-Zehnder)液体折射率测量系统。
3.In order to meet the requirements for the detection of flammable and explosive continuous liquid level, based on the principle of static liquid pressure, we developed a liquid sensor by using optical fibre Fabry-Perot cavity interferometer.为了适应易燃易爆液位检测的需求,我们利用液体压力测量液位的原理,提出一种光纤法布里-珀罗(F-P)腔连续型液位传感器。

莱涅罗,V.  墨西哥作家。生于哈利斯科州瓜达拉哈拉城。当过工程师和新闻记者。1959年发表第一部短篇小说集《尘土及其他》。1961年发表长篇小说《痛苦的声音》,把现实与梦境结合描写, 获得成功。 长篇小说《瓦工》(1964)得到西班牙的"简明丛书"奖,它写一个现代建筑工地上老板、工头、工人之间的矛盾和一桩杀人案件,有一些惊险情节,但并不落惊险小说的窠臼。长篇小说《电视台Q》(1965)描写电视台的一个通俗喜剧演员,努力学习,企图在艺术上有所进步,结果一事无成;小说完全以内心独白的手法写成。他的创作表现了墨西哥当代作家在艺术技巧方面所进行的探索。其他作品还有长篇小说《铁钩》(1967)。