母性原型,maternal archetype
1)maternal archetype母性原型
1.In the world of Patrick White’s novels, women are the maternal archetype.在怀特的小说世界中,女人是母性原型的象征。

1.Probing into Motherhood Archetypes of A Dream of Red Mansions and Story of Yuan’s;《红楼梦》和《源氏物语》母性原型探迹
2.In the world of Patrick White’s novels, women are the maternal archetype.在怀特的小说世界中,女人是母性原型的象征。
3.Anima and Archetypal of Maternity--The Image of Negro in A Rose for Emily;阴性灵魂与母性原型——《纪念爱米莉的玫瑰》中的黑人形象
4.Functional Metaphors of Life and Death Maternal Subjects in Western Literatures --Also on Original Ecotype of Wine-God Rite and Oriental Value;西方文学原型中“生/死”母题的仪式性隐喻——兼论酒神仪式的原生形态与东方价值
5.Seek the Mother along The Yangzi River in Hunger:An unscrambling to the dual-imago of the mother archetype in Daughter of the River;在饥饿中沿着“母亲”寻找母亲——《饥饿的女儿》母亲原型双重意象的探讨
6.The Effect of An Archetype of Great Mother On Laozi;“大母神”原型对《老子》创作的影响
7.Expounding the Original Pattern of "Thinking Fondly of Maternal Instinct" about Seeking the Females in Li Sao;论《离骚》求女情节的“怀母”原型
8.The Mythological Prototype s Explanation of the Queen Mother of the West and Folklore Meaning;“西王母”神话的原型解读及民俗学意义
9.A Comparison of "Return to Hometown" Motif Between The Book of Songs and Chuci;《诗经》《楚辞》“还乡”母题原型及比较研究
10.Differences of MGMT and Mutant P53 Protein Expression between Primary and Secondary Glioblastomas and the Biological Implications原发性与继发性胶质母细胞瘤中MGMT与突变型P53蛋白表达的差异及其生物学意义
11.candida:any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.假丝酵母:任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌.
12.Any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.假丝酵母任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌
13.On the angle of archetype, the peach's can expel evil spirits because this is the reflection of maternal instinct consciousness.从原型角度来讲,桃之所以能够避邪驱鬼也是其母性保护意识的体现。
14.The characters of Ross∝ s ex-wife and her girlfriend Susan are based on the godmothers to Kauffman∝ s daughter.罗斯前妻和她的同性恋女友苏珊的故事原型是制片人和编剧考夫曼女儿的两个教母。
15.Expression Japanese Encephalitis Virus E and E Domain Ⅲ in Escherichia Coli and Reporter Gene Assay of Japanese Encephalitis Virus E Gene in Yeast Two-hybrid System;流行性乙型脑炎病毒E蛋白及其结构域Ⅲ的原核表达及酵母双杂交系统的初步构建
16.secondary gonocyte次级性原细胞, 次级生殖母细胞
17.The Application of Baker's Yeast in Selective Bioreduction;面包酵母在选择性生物还原中的应用
18.Construct and Aroma-producing Yeast for Kiwi Wine by Protoplast Fusion;原生质体融合构建增香型猕猴桃酒酵母的研究

the original pattern of the thinking fondly of maternal instinct怀母原型
3)prototype of motif原型母题
4)Mother Prototype母亲原型
5)evil mother archetype恶母原型
6)maternal prototype恋母原型
