怀乡诗,poems of homesickness
1)poems of homesickness怀乡诗

1.To see evolvement of Li Bai s self-image through his homesick poems;思乡的李白——从李白的怀乡诗看诗人的自我形象演变
2.Contradiction And Conflict in Home Dependence----Homesick Poems家园情结中的悖离与冲突——试论刘基的怀乡诗
3.Nostalgia and Poetic Interpretation of Life Philosophy --Re-Appraisal of Lu Xun s Native Land;故乡情怀与生命哲学的诗意阐释——鲁迅《故乡》的再认识
4.Other Countries Are also Poetic--Simple Explanation at Poems of Van Poet Zhang Zao;他乡亦诗乡——浅论先锋诗人张枣的诗
5.The Energence and Development of Ruan Ji s Poems of One s Heart and Poems Oding to History;阮籍《咏怀诗》与咏怀诗的产生和发展
6.Comparison between Chants of Ruanji,and Copy Chants of Yuxin;阮籍《咏怀》诗与庾信《拟咏怀》诗比较
7.Lady Zhaojun's Lament. This famous tone poem describes the grief of Wang Zhaojun, a palace lady who was sent far from home and kindred to marry a Hun chieftain.《昭君怨》,是潮州弦诗乐,描写汉代宫女王昭君远嫁匈奴后,遥望故乡,怀念亲人的哀怨。
8.In works such as The Poet Reclining, Chagall painted rural scenes remembered with a childlike nostalgia.在诸如《躺着的诗人》等作品中,他以孩童般的怀旧记忆描绘了乡村景色。
9.The sailors yearned for home.这些水手怀念家乡。
10.Do you miss your home country?你怀念你的家乡吗?
11.I carry memories of my homeland around with me.我总是怀念着我的故乡。
12.To feel a lingering, often nostalgic desire.怀念怀念,常指思乡的愿望
13.He nurses an aspiration to be a poet.他心怀当诗人的愿望。
14.A Review of the Decline of the Native Land--on the care about Native Land in Shaanxi Opera;颓败的乡土的回望——论《秦腔》的乡土关怀
15.The Poetic Problems in the Interpretative History of Ruan Ji s Yonghuai Poetry;阮藉《咏怀诗》阐释史中的诗学问题
16.On the Lyric Poetry to the Contribution of Poetry s Scholarization;论阮籍《咏怀诗》对诗歌文人化的贡献
17.A Study and Analysis on Li Yiqing′s Poems about Missing Friends and Relatives土族女诗人李宜晴怀人思亲诗词探析
18.Poems of Rural Life in Common English通俗的乡村生活诗集

More discussinon on Li Bai s poems of homesickness再论李白怀乡诗
3)Discussion on LiBai's Poems about Homesickness论李白怀乡诗
4)The picking poems about homesickness and longing for somebody思乡怀人类采摘诗
1.The homesick consciousness in 19 Ancient poems conceals confusion and depression.十九首的怀乡意识中潜藏着迷茫和苦闷,有欲归不能欲说还休的复杂况味。
6)Emotional Love for Countryside乡村情怀
