感情基调,fundamental key of emotion
1)fundamental key of emotion感情基调

1.The Reknowledge of Key Note in the Affection of "Former Fu on the Red Cliff";对《前赤壁赋》感情基调的重新认识
2.On the Skills of Teaching Dancing for Children;试谈少儿舞蹈教学中感情基调的把握
3.The Rise and Decline of the XIE Family and the Emotional Key to the Poetry of XIE Ling yun and XIE Tiao;谢氏家族兴衰与谢灵运、谢脁诗歌感情基调
4.Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem.忧郁的感情是该诗的基调.
5.On Basic Emotion and Time Character of Wen Tingyun s Poems;论温庭筠诗歌的情感基调与时代特征
6.The Analysis of Emotional Keynotes in Let Us Gather the Wild Peas,Our Chariots Are Out to Conquer,and In the Sixth Month;《采薇》《出车》《六月》的情感基调分析
7.Substantial Content and Emotional Central Theme of Fan Image;宋词中的“扇”意象及其内涵与情感基调
8.Survey on Infections of Common Parasitic Diseases in Officers and Soldiers of Grass-root Troops基层部队官兵常见寄生虫病感染情况调查
9.A Study on the Implementation of Affective Objectives Based on Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)基于《牛津初中英语(上海版)》的情感教育目标落实情况的调查研究
10.a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling.显示说话人感情的语调。
11.Her poetry has an elegiac quality.她的诗有伤感的情调.
12.slushy sentiment, stories庸俗伤感的情调、 故事.
13.Melancholy is based on self-consciousness of limited life and comprehension of limited perceptual existence.忧郁的情调是基于对有限生命的自我意识、感性存在有限性的超脱。
14.M-Business Value Chain Research and Benefit Allocation Based on CAS;基于情景感知的移动商务产业链中合作协调及分配机制的研究
15.Anger and Passion--Ups and Downs of Scholar-officials in the Period of Yuanjia and the Emotions Expressed in Their Poems;“忧愤”与“激荡”——元嘉士庶的人生际遇及其诗歌的情感基调
16.Research on Sentiment Classification of BBS Reviews Based on Identifying Words with Polarity基于情感词识别的BBS情感分类研究
17.Sentiment and romance were coming into fashion.感情用事与浪漫情调正开始流行。
18.The Investigation and Analysis of Higher Vocational College Students' Emotions高职院校学生情绪情感问题调查研究

emotional keynote情感基调
1.Song-and-Xia War Poetry appeared in the background of long-term warfare between Song and Xixia dynasties,and formed unique literature scenery of Song poetry with the features of extensive selection of subjects, straightforward and courageous discussion,spirit of reality criticism and sorrowful emotional keynote for the misery in the world.宋代诗人笔下的宋夏战争题材诗歌产生于北宋与西夏旷日持久的战争背景之下,以其角度多变的题材取向、直言敢谏的议论勇气、针砭时弊的批判精神和感时伤世的情感基调,构筑成了宋代诗歌中一道独特的文学景观。
2.But they present completely different emotional keynotes.《采薇》、《出车》和《六月》都是参战者在战胜犭严狁之后对战争的回忆之作,但是它们却呈现出完全不同的情感基调。
3.It is pointed out in this article that in spiritual disposition, Liu is a modern conservative; and in narrative mode, he adopts the techniques of multi-visual integration, mutual deconstruction and phantasied images; while in emotional keynote, a sense of horror and loss is implied.本文从刘继明小说的精神气质、叙述方式、情感基调入手 ,指出 :刘继明在思想脉络上是现代性的枯守者 ;叙述方式上采用多视野融合、相互解构、虚构图画来进行创作 ;情感基调方面隐含了恐慌感、失落感。
3)maudlin lyric accordatura感伤的抒情基调
4)adjustment of affective factors情感调控
5)affection regulation情感调节
1.Teachers affection quality is the organic element of modern teachers qualities, and the affection regulation is the effective way to improve the affection quality.教师的情感素质是现代教师素质的有机构成,教师的情感调节是提升情感素质的有效途径。
6)emotional concert情感协调

Σ(基调)代数Σ(基调)代数∑(signature) algebra  乏(J一d lao)da一shu名(基调)代数(名(signature)aigebra)一种非齐性代数,由G.Birklloff等于1970年作为对齐性代数的推广而引进。在非齐性代数中,元素集被分成几个互不相交的子集。每个代数运算均以特定的子集为其定义域和值域。描述这种结构的语法称为基调。 基调和名代数令5={s、}i任川为一有限集,其中I是一个有限下标集,每个s:称为一个类子(可以看作乏代数中元素的类型)。O={oj}]任J}为另一有限集,J也是有限下标集,每个oj称为一个运算。一个k目运算q(k)0)可表为 Oj:5 IX、ZX…X乓~s走+1(1)其中、1,…,、、,sk千les。对偶艺=<5,0>称为一个基调。 给定基调乞。=。假定有一组集合A二{A、}沂I}和一组函数G={石lj任川,使得诸类子凡和诸集合A,之间有一一对应关系,诸运算oj和诸函数无之间也有一一对应关系,且Vi铸j,A‘n人=必。若函数无与式(1)的oj相对应,则寿:A,xA:x.二人~A*十;。满足这些条件的对偶称为一个以乏。为基调的乞代数(或基调代数),A是它的载体集。 例如,为了定义基调“整数堆”,可设立3种类子:s一int,:2=b昭,:3=h刀l,和9个运算: emPty:一城 Zero:一int true:一1)刃1 false:一比」 sue:int一int Pra卜int一int illsert:basXint一hag r~e:hagXint一bag elernent: hag Xint一b以习 令函数集G二{曰(空堆),0,T,F,+1,一1,i、(向堆中插人元素),~(从堆中删去元素),?(判断某整数是否为堆中元素)}对应于上述运算集。又令载体集A={A,,AZ,A3},Al={o,o+l,o一l,o+1一1,O+i+1,…},AZ=1必,ins(必,0),rern(必,o),ins(ins(必,o+1),o),…},A3={了,F,?(必,o),?(rem(必,o),o+1),…}。则万=层次结构设和存在单值映射?,把A映射为A’,G映射为G’,且 (l)甲={件11任I}U{介} (2)对a,任A,,吸(a‘)任A、‘,其中A、和A“分别是A和A’中的载体。 (3)对乏中任一运算oj,若f是G中与oj对应的函数,则几(f)二厂是G’中与oj对应的函数。 (4)由f(a一,aZ,…,a*)=a*十1,其中诸a,属于AZ,可得 热+1(f(al,…,a*))=/(沪1(al),…,傲(a;))则甲称为是到的一个乞同态。乞同态使乞代数的类子属性不变,也使它的函数结构不变。如果把艺代数看作对象,把乞同态看作对象1093.间的态射,则对应于同一基调的所有万代数及其艺同态构成一个范畴。