现代传记,modern biographical literature
1)modern biographical literature现代传记

1.An Elementary Study about the Chinese Modern Biographies in the 1930s;二十世纪三十年代中国现代传记刍言
2.On the Historic Source of Modern Chin ese Biographical Literature;中国现代传记文学的土壤根基——现代传记文学的民族特色研究之一
3.Modern biographers do not invent such stories.现代传记作家不胡编这样的故事。
4.A Comparison Between Different Versions of Biographies of ZHANG Ai-ling;“张爱玲传记”不同文本之比较——兼论现代传记的叙事特征
5."History" Load on the Development of Modern Literary Biography of China;论中国现代传记文学发展进程中的“历史”重负
6.On the Essential Property of Contemporary Biographical Literature in China;论中国现代传记文学的本质属性及其他
7.Introduction to Western Thoughts and Birth of China’s Modern Biography Writing Concept;西学东渐与中国现代传记文学观念的诞生
8.An Analysis on Postmodern Evolution of British and American Modern Biographies;试析现代美英传记文学的后现代嬗变
9.Experiment and Subversion:Modernism and Postmodernism in Biography实验与颠覆:传记中的现代派与后现代
10.Understanding Modern American and BritishAuto/Biography Influenced by Postmodernism;看后现代主义影响下的现代美英传记文学
11.The Professional Ethics of Journalists in the "Post-modern" Media Context论“后现代”传媒语境下记者的职业道德
12.A Biography-Based Personality Study of Successful People in Modern China;中国现当代成就人物人格特征的传记分析研究
13.XIAO Feng: the First Female Author of New China in Modern Biography Writing;肖凤:新中国现代女作家传记写作第一人
14.Inherit and Develop --The modern value of Liu E and Travels of Lao Can;承传与扬弃——刘鹗与《老残游记》的现代意义
15.Some fresh interpretations of Shakespeare s biography;现代西方批评家对莎士比亚传记的新阐释
16.Deformed Biography--A theoretical description of the development of modern fiction;失去原貌的传记——现代小说演变的理论描述
17.On Encyclopedia of Life Writing:Autobiographical and Biographical Forms“传记时代的来临”——评《传记百科全书》
18.Historical Records and Biographical Prose in the Tang Dynasty试论唐代散传对《史记》传记文学传统的继承

modernization of biography传记现代化
3)new notation现代记谱
4)Modern Traveling Works现代游记
5)modern media现代传媒
1.On the Existing Mode of Literature in the Context of Modern Media;现代传媒语境中的文学存在方式研究
2.A Study on Modern Media Supervising Political Power;现代传媒监督政治权力的法理探讨
3.The rapid development in modern media has made it the important carrier of the ideological and political education of college students.现代传媒的飞速发展,已经使其成为高校学生思想政治教育的一个重要传播载体,但现代传媒对高校学生思想政治教育的负面影响不容忽视。
6)modern communication现代传播
1.Editing innovation & modern communication do a important annotation from four aspects to this proposition.《编辑创新与现代传播》对这一命题做了四个方面的重要诠释:创新思维乃基础、创新能力为根本、理论创新应先行、实践创新是目的,从而以创新为理论圆点,构建了现代编辑主体的自我超越与发展之途,为编辑主体行为实践提供了具有活性的生命因子。
2.Their adoption in modern communication brings up a younger generation who is better at apperceiving the world with vivid visual images,promotes people s ideation and exerts profound influence on people s life style.因此对视觉符号的形式探讨,是现代传播更具魅力和效率的重要保证。

传记1.经书的注释。 2.泛指记载的文字。 3.文体名。亦单称传。记载人物事迹的文字。一般由他人记述,亦有自述生平者,称"自传"。传记大体分两大类:一类是以记述翔实史事为主的史传或一般纪传文字;另一类属文学范围,以史实为根据,但不排斥某些想象性的描述。