时空错乱,Space-time is in disorder
1)Space-time is in disorder时空错乱

1.The Disorder of Time and Space and the Method of Double-Faced Door-God in Timequake;《时震》中的时空错乱与两面神精神
2.Insanity, especially insanity relieved intermittently by periods of clear - mindedness.精神错乱精神错乱,尤其是有清醒的时间间歇
3.He became unhinged when his son died.他儿子死亡时,他变得精神错乱。
4.There are times when I truly believe your questions will drive me crazy.有时候, 我真的认为你的问题会使我精神错乱。
5.People make the air dirty when they litter.当人们乱丢垃圾的时候,空气被弄脏了。
6.Mechanisms of Flash-Lag Effect:Temporal Illusion or Spatial Illusion闪光滞后效应的机制:时间错觉与空间错觉
7.He has some reasonable causes, but most of the times fights with windmills.他有些理由还合乎情理,但多数时间他是凭空乱打乱斗。
8.afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement.受精神错乱折磨的,有精神错乱特征的。
9.As for Ah-hsuan, although he was fairly good-looking, he was rather scatter-brained- sometimes he seemed bright enough, but at other times he was terribly muddle-headed.阿萱呢,相貌真不差,然而神经错乱,有时聪明,有时就浑得厉害。
10.It is true that much leisure is used in play.不错,许多空闲时间都用来玩了。
11.Error determining disk space free for drive确定驱动器的磁盘可用空间时出错
12.An error occurred while trying to empty the Deleted Items folder.试图清空“已删除邮件”文件夹时出错。
13."Error modifying System Boot Options, Space Overflow"修改系统启动选项时出错,空间溢出
14.There has been an error while attempting to create your Personal Space.尝试创建您的“个人空间”时出现错误。
15.Error saving file. There is not enough memory or disk space.保存文件时出错。内存或磁盘空间不足。
16.An error occurred while trying to empty the Junk E-mail folder.试图清空垃圾邮件文件夹时发生错误。
17.The delicate fiber-shaped structure recreates the interlacing shadows of the bamboo forest.微细纤维状造型,交错编织光影时空。
18.A study of disorientation and mending strategies in the English versions of River Snow;英译《江雪》的时空错位及补救措施

3)temporary insanity暂时性精神错乱
4)time and space crisscross时空交错
1.Linear method of time and space crisscross for historiographical research on STS——analysis of the structure of《The Memorabilia of STS》;STS史学研究的时空交错线性方法——兼析《科技与社会大事总览》的体例结构
5)disorientation in time and space时空错位
1.In English versions of ancient Chinese poems exists disorientation in time and space,which is specifically embodied in the internal and external features of language.古诗英译中存在时空错位,具体体现在语言的内在性和外在性两个方面。
6)time-space crossing时空错综
1.LI Bai s outstanding artistic achievement in Jueju poems is due to his skillful use of time-space crossing technique,including describing the events, which happened in different periods,in the same space,the difference of the space in the same period or the difference as well as similarities in different period and space.李白绝句的卓越艺术成就与他纯熟地运用时空错综手法密不可分,具体来说有三种方式:即同一空间写时间的殊异、同一时间写空间的殊异和兼写不同时空的殊异。
