叙述自觉,it is conscientious to n arrate
1)it is conscientious to n arrate叙述自觉

1.Spirit is Taken Care of and Narrate Conscientiously--DIAO Dou s “Go Home”and the Others;精神关照和叙述自觉——刁斗《回家》及其他
2.On the Context Standpoint of Literature History Narration from Literature Consciousness;从“文学自觉”看文学史叙述的语境化立场
3.Consciousness of Being and Quest of soul in Dong Xi's Death Narrative死亡:叙述生存的自觉与灵魂的追问——对东西“死亡叙事”的探究
4.His account contradicted itself.他的叙述自相矛盾。
5.overstate one's case夸大叙述自己的理由
6.The real and reliable narrator should be the narrative ego.真正的叙述者应为叙述自我,而且是可靠的。
7.Title: Apparent Narration and Image Narration of Revenge of Nature;《大自然的报复》的显在叙述和意象性叙述
8.The Way of Modern Chinese Fine Arts:Self-Consciousness and the Four Isms:A Reflective Account of Fine Arts History Based on Modernity;中国现代美术之路:“自觉”与“四大主义”——一个基于现代性反思的美术史叙述
9.The “I" in Chinese and Western Autobiography;自在·叙述·他者——中西自传主体论
10.An Interpretation of Yu Dafu s Autobiographical Narratives and Japanese "I-novel"from the Perspective of Narratology;郁达夫“自叙传”小说与日本私小说的叙述学解读
11.On the Images of Luxun's Seft-expressions from the First-person-narrative Fictions of Luxun's Novels从第一人称叙述看鲁迅小说的自叙传特色
12.The Suspension Relation between Word and Thing Explore the Sense of Reality;词与物关系的悬置——现实生存感觉的叙述
13.Self-Consciousness of Narrative and Reading Expectation: An Analysis of Chinese MiniStories华文微型小说的叙事自觉与阅读期待
14.Self and Watching: Women s Body Narrative in The Awakening;自我与注视:《觉醒》中的女性身体叙事
15.Fabrications in Zuozhuan and Rational Consciousness of Historiographer s Narration;《左传》虚饰与史官叙事的理性自觉
16.Narrative Self-consciousness: Short Story Writing of the 1990s;1990年代:走向叙事自觉时期的短篇创作
17.Transition and Consciousness of the Narration of Historial Novels in the Ming Dynasty明代讲史小说叙事操作的过渡与自觉
18.The Types and Features of Unusual Narrative Forms:A Review of Unnatural Voices:Extreme Narration in Modern and Contemporary Fiction非常规叙述形式的类别与特征:《非自然的叙述声音:现当代小说的极端化叙述》评介

narration angle叙述视觉
1.By the selection of carrier, narration angle, and the form of language, Sanqu creates an apt "diversion" between the text and the reader, and produces a unique "Unfamiliarized" aesthetic effect.散曲在载体的选择、叙述视觉以及语言形式上都造成了一种文本与读者的恰如其分的“间离”,有一种奇特的“陌生化”审美效果。
3)The Illusion of Narration叙述的幻觉
4)narrative freedom叙述自由
1.the author s self-narrative; 2.对《随想录》的经典化叙述包含三个层次:一是巴金的自我叙述;二是公众的期待性叙述;三是学院派的知识分子叙述。
6)narrating ego叙述自我
1.The narrative viewpoint in "The Rubber Soul" (a short story by Chen Yao-hua, a contemporary Taiwan writer) is unique by applying the double viewpoints, which can be explained as the flexible combination of the first person ("experiencing ego") and the first witness ("narrating ego").台湾当代作家陈瑶华的短篇小说《橡皮灵魂》,在叙事技巧上颇具匠心,创造性地运用了有机统一的双重视角,即第一人称主人公(“经验自我”)视角和第一人称见证人(“叙述自我”)视角的有机融合。
