小历史,micro history
1)micro history小历史
1.This paper reckons that the selections from the book explore the topics concerning the self exploration of personal identity and the state of marginality in the field of early American history from a perspective of micro history.这本论文集从小历史的角度来论述了早期美国史研究中关于个人认同的自我探索与边缘化状态的问题 ,并较好地弥补了大历史的缺陷 ,使人们从历史叙述、文本细读和语言学转向这三个方面更新了对小历史长处的认识。

1.A Revolution in Regional Social History--Review of The ‘histories’ and ‘History’ by Zhao Shiyu;区域社会史的革命——评赵世瑜著《小历史与大历史》
2.Reflection on the New-historical Novel:"history"Rewriting"History";“小历史”对“大历史”的改写——对新历史小说的一种解读
3."History" Beyond "Histories" in Interpreter of Maladies“小历史”中的“大历史”——《疾病解说者》中的历史叙事与文化霸权
4.The Existence of History in Historical Novels: Realism and Ideographicism;历史在历史小说中的存在:写实与写意
5."Idea of Historical Reality" and New Changement of Contemporary Historical Novel;“历史真实”观与当代历史小说新变
6.The New-Historical Novels: Writing Oppose the Tradition-Historical Understanding;新历史小说:解构传统历史理解的写作
7.Epic Versus Anti-epic: An Inner Paradox of Revolutionary History Novels;史诗/反史诗:革命历史小说的内在悖论
8.a less in the facts of history.历史事实的一小部分。
9.Are history novels interesting too?历史小说也有趣吗?
10."Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision"科幻小说:历史、科学、想象
11.Literature,History and Time Spirit--The Comparison Between the Revolutionary Historical Fiction and the Neo-historical Fiction;文学、历史与时代精神——革命历史小说与新历史小说比较研究
12.Revolutionary History And "New History";革命历史小说与新历史小说的虚构叙事
13.A Comparison between Mao Dun s and Shi Zhecun s Historical Novels;茅盾历史小说和施蛰存历史小说之比较
14.Surmounting to Traditional Historical Novel of Neo-historicism Novel;论新历史主义小说对传统历史小说的反拨
15.History and Historical Narrative in Wang Xiao-bo's Novels论王小波小说创作的历史观和历史叙事
16.Between History and New History: Research on Historical Narration in The Story of Silver City;在历史与“新历史”之间——论李锐小说《银城故事》历史叙事的困境
17.“Present Organization” of Revolutionary History:An Analysis of Revolutionary Historical Novels in New China;革命历史的“现在性组织”——新中国革命历史长篇小说历史叙事分析
18.Narrative,Text,Memory and History;叙事·文本·记忆·历史——论格非小说中的历史哲学、历史诗学及其启示

History novel历史小说
1.A Study on the Traditional Morality of Walter·Scott s History Novels;司各特历史小说的传统道德观探微
3)historical novel历史小说
1.The Anti-Japanese War females in the historical novel Wanxiang;《万象》历史小说中的“女性抗战”
2.The Hard "Assumption" under the Vision of Family and Country——An Analysis of the intellectual figures in Eryue He s historical novels;家国视野下的艰难“承担”——析二月河历史小说中知识分子形象
3.Coming from the nature of family and limitation in historical novels of 1990 s;历史小说:在家庭文化的认同与互动之间
4)historical novels历史小说
1.The Inheritance and Development of"Newly Organized Stories"By Lu Xun from Scott s Historical Novels;论鲁迅的《故事新编》对司各特历史小说的继承与发展
2.On the Social Acceptable Psychology in Scot s Historical Novels;刍议司各特历史小说的社会接受心理
3.The aesthetic expression of the historical novels from 1980 till now;论新时期历史小说的审美表现
5)Historical Fiction历史小说
1.Historical Fiction in Traditional,Modern and Postmodern Models;历史小说的三种表现形态——论传统、现代、后现代历史小说
2.In the historical fictions of the New Era,narrative from children s perspective is a brand-new phenomenon worthy of our notice.在新时期的历史小说中,儿童视角叙事是一种崭新的、值得关注的现象。
3.Among those who have written historical fictions, Ogai Mori, Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Yasushi Inoue are representatives.历史小说是文学创作的一种重要体裁。
6)primary school history小学历史

《地理学:它的历史、性质和方法》  见A.赫特纳。