叙事比较,narration comparison
1)narration comparison叙事比较

1.The Theoretical Point for the Comparison Between Literary Narrative and Historical Narrative;文学叙事与历史叙事比较的理论基点
2.A Comparison of Narrative Styles in the Cinderella s way of Zhang Ai-Ling and Jane Austen;张爱玲与简·奥丝汀灰姑娘叙事比较
3.The Clan Narrative of Absalom, Absalom! and Thunder Storm《押沙龙,押沙龙!》与《雷雨》的家族叙事比较
4.On the Narrative of Marriage of Tolstoy and Zhang AiLing--Anna Karenina and the Love of the Fallen City;婚姻叙事中的性别视角——《安娜·卡列尼娜》与《倾城之恋》婚姻叙事比较
5.Comparing Narration of Song and Yuan s Script With That of Teleplay;话本“书场叙事”与电视剧“拟书场叙事”比较研究
6.From Collectivization Narrative to Personalization Narrative--A Comparison between the Narrative Patterns between "Undertaking History" and "Ordinary World"从集体化叙事到个人化叙事——《创业史》与《平凡的世界》叙事模式比较论
7.Comparison and contrast of the narrative arts in Vanity Fair and in Fortress Besieged《名利场》与《围城》叙事艺术之比较
8.20~(th) Century: A Comparative Study of Narrative Tradition of Chinese and Western Novel;二十世纪:中西小说叙事传统比较研究
9.The Comparisons between the Narrative Arts of the Novel and the Film Living;《活着》:小说与电影叙事艺术之比较
10.Comparison Jin Ping Mei with A Dream of Red Mansions on Narrative Art;《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》叙事艺术比较
11.The Comparison Study of the Narrative Strategy in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights;《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》叙事策略比较
12.The Comparison of the Narrative Structures of the Three Women Characters in A Travel Made by Laocan;《老残游记》的三个女性叙事结构比较
14.Comparsion of Narrative Poems of “Book of Songs·Forks of Wei·A Simple Fellow”and“Southeast Fly the Peacocks”;《诗经·卫风·氓》和《孔雀东南飞》叙事之比较
15.Comparison Jin Ping Mei with A Dream of Red Mansionson Narrative Pattern;《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》叙事方式比较
16.Comparison of Jin Ping Mei with A Dream of Red Mansions on Prophetic Narrative;《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》预言叙事艺术比较
17.Medium,Narrative,Text :A Comparison between the Text of Films and the Text of Novels;媒体·叙事·本体:电影、小说文本比较论
18.Comparing Jin Ping Mei with A Dream of Red Mansions on the Art of Time-and-Space Narratives;《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》时空叙事艺术比较

Comparison of Narrative Art叙事艺术比较
3)posterior comparisons事后比较
4)prior comparisons事前比较
5)narrative comparison research叙述的比较法
6)comparative folktale study比较故事学
1.By Comparative Literature and Folk Literature,which is a comparative study about folktale between countries,ethnics and disciplines,Ji Xianlin establishes a new subject with special significance called comparative folktale study from comparative literature.季老《比较文学与民间文学》,作为关于对故事体裁做跨国、跨民族和跨学科的比较研究,实际上由比较文学牵连出另一个具有独立意义的学科:比较故事学。
