1.The Depth of a Rectangular Through Slot on the Surface of a Cuboid steel Componet and the Magnetic Leakage Field Caused by the Slot;方钢表面矩形贯通沟槽的深度与该沟槽引起的漏磁场
2.On Accurately Acquiring Time-depth Relationship Using VSP Data;准确求取VSP时间-深度关系的探讨

1.The color of water deepens with its depth.水的颜色随深度而变深。
2.maximum loaded draft最深满载吃水〔深度
3.a deep breath; a deep sigh; deep concentration; deep emotion; a deep trance; in a deep sleep.深呼吸;深深的叹息;高度集中;深厚的感情;深度昏迷;睡得深。
4.Width and Depth Research about TV In-depth Reporting in SMG;SMG电视新闻深度报道的广度、深度研究
5.Of or relating to the great depths of the oceans.海洋深度的海洋深度的或与海洋深度有关的
6.maximum operating water depth最大工作(水)深度
7.depth sensor/depth meter深度传感器(潜水)
8.Resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable.深不可测的,无底的深度上象深渊的;深不可测的
9.conductivity-temperature-depth probe传导性-温度-深度探测器
10.breadth-and-depth-first search宽度与深度优先搜索
11.A moderate to dark purple.深紫红色中度到深度的紫色
12.The depth vernier gauges can be used to measure depth and step.深度游标卡尺用于测量深度,台阶等。
13.Depth control wheels - to ensure a uniform depth of the drip lines embedding.深度控制轮—确保滴灌管掩埋深度一致。
14.Depth 105, a Column Walking on the Verge of Depth and Entertainment;《深度105》,行走在深度化和娱乐化的边缘
15.The Solution of Business Bribery: Its Depth,Limitation,Force and Extent;治理商业贿赂:深度、限度、力度与广度
16.Measurement of the depth of large bodies of water.海洋测深学,海洋测深术测量大水域的深度
17.too deep to determine the depth of.太深,以至不能测定其深度
18.graphic depth record水深图示记录仪图示深度记录

drawing depth拉深深度
3)abyssal depth深海深度
5)hadal depth超深深度

深度1.向下或向里的距离。 2.事物向更高阶段发展的程度。 3.触及事物本质的程度。