1.Oscillation and asymptotic behavior for second-order nonlinear neutral dynamic equations on measure chains;测度链上非线性二阶中立型动力系统的振动性与渐近性
2.Forced oscillation of solutions for systems of nonlinear neutral impulsive partial differential equations;非线性中立型脉冲偏微分方程系统解的强迫振动性
3.Forced oscillation of first order nonlinear neutral impulsive differential equation;一阶中立型时滞脉冲微分方程的强迫振动性

1.The Expression of Some Solutions of Some Neutral Dif ferential Difference Equations一类中立型微分方程部分解的表达式
2.Oscillation of Solutions for Several Classes of Higher Order Netrual Differential Equations;几类高阶中立型微分方程解的振动性
3.The Stability and Control for a Class of Neutral System with Time Delay;中立型时滞系统的稳定性与控制研究
4.Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Neutral Functional Differential Equations;非线性中立型泛函微分方程数值分析
5.The Asymptotic Analysis of Neutral Stochastic Functional Differential Equations;中立型随机泛函微分方程的渐近分析
6.The Existence of Positive Solutions for Neutral Differential Equation with Variable Delays;多滞量中立型微分方程正解的存在性
7.Stability of Neutral Stochastic Large-scale Systems;中立型随机线性随机大系统的稳定性
8.Hopf Bifurcation of First Order Neutral Logistic Differential Equations;一阶中立型Logistic微分方程的Hopf分支
9.Oscillatory Criteria for Second Order Neutral Delay Difference Equations;二阶中立型差分方程的振动准则(英文)
10.Mathematical Model of Evaporator in Large Cold Storage大型冷库中蒸发器的模型建立及优化
11.The Scheme of Establishing Responsibility Center System in Hospital;中小型医院建立责任中心制度的构想
12.A Study on Legislative Transformation in the Course of Contemporary China s Social Changes;当代中国社会变迁中的立法转型研究
13.aerotriangulation by independent model独立模型法空中三角测量
14.Study on the Tridimensional Unit Design of Congregated Housing;我国集合式住宅中立体户型设计研究
15.Research on the Building and Application of Digital Elevation Model in GIS;GIS中数字高程模型的建立与应用研究
16.On the Significance of the Independent Retainer Images in Pre-Qin Literature;论先秦文学中独立型家臣形象的意义
17.Establish Sino-Japan Market-Oriented Logistics Management System;市场结合型日中物流管理系统的建立
18.Forecast Research of Medium and Long Term Oil Production in China;中国石油产量的VERHULST模型的建立与分析

neutral type中立型
1.Oscillation of 2n-order differential equations of neutral type;2n阶中立型微分方程的振动性
2.Periodic solutions of a class of autonomous neutral type funcitonal differential equation;一类自治中立型泛函微分方程的周期解
3.Oscillation of solutions of hyperbolic differential equations of neutral type;中立型双曲偏微分方程解的振动性质
3)neutral equation中立型
1.Asymptotic behavior of the nonoscillating solutions for a class of nonautonomous neutral equations;一类非自治中立型方程非振动解的渐近性
2.Consider the odd-order nonlinear neutral equation (x(t)-p(t)g(x(t-T)))+Q(t)h(x(t-σ)) = 0.考虑奇数阶中立型非线性微分方程本文在允许P(t)-1振动的条件下给出了该方程的几个线性化振动结果。
4)neutral system中立型
1.The existence of nonoscillatory solutions for higher order nonlinear neutral system of difference equations;一类高阶非线性中立型差分方程组非振动解的存在性
2.This paper is concerned with the existence of nonoscillatory solutions for a class of higher order nonlinear neutral system of difference equations.研究了一类高阶非线性中立型差分方程组非振动解的存在性。
5)hyperneutral type超中立型
1.By the Lyapunov function with weighted vector norm and modeling mass to the hyperneutral type linear large scale system with delays, the corresponding massing system is obtained.采用具有加权向量范数型Lyapunov函数,对具滞后超中立型线性大系统进行模型集结,得到集结系统;再运用原理与时域中的微分积分不等式,讨论相应集结系统,通过集结系统的稳定性,获得了具滞后超中立型大系统的指数稳定性。
6)neutral term中立型项
1.On the basis of the Banach contraction mapping principle,we obtain the existence of eventually positive solution of the equation for the four type of distribution situation of the neutral terms system.我们利用Banach压缩映射原理,对中立型项系统的四种分布情形给出了方程存在最终正解的存在性定理。

宋中立《净土圣贤录》【宋中立《净土圣贤录》】  中立,姓陈,明州鄞人。九岁,出家于甬东栖心寺。受诸经卷,过目不忘。治平中,试经得度。初依广智学教观。及神智继主南湖,复依之。座下二百人,无出立右者。神智谢事,立继其席。常以净业诱人,命其徒介然,创十六观堂,以延净业之士。已而谢去,未几,重兴宝云寺。又退居白云庵,日宣止观法门,著述颇众。应众请,重主南湖。升座说法,开牖无尽。前后诵净名光明数十过,诵法华逾万部。为人祈禳,辄验。政和五年四月辛亥夕,忽谓门人法维曰,闻异香否。即集众,含笑言曰,吾往生期至,面西坐逝。(佛祖统纪)