1.Stenting in malignant obstruction of inferior vena cava caused by hepatic carcinoma;肝癌致腔静脉梗阻的内支架治疗
2.Anatomical hepatectomy combined with inferior vena cava reconstruction for the treatment of hepatic cancer;腔静脉重建联合肝叶切除治疗肝癌的初步研究
3.Surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombus in inferior vena cava;肝癌合并腔静脉癌栓的外科治疗

1.sit, kneel, crouch, etc down坐、 跪、 蹲
2.up and down, up and down.上上,上上
3.A downward movement.降,落的运动
4.downbound commerce (=downbound traffic)行(水, 南)运量
5.I'm getting off (ie leaving the train) at the next station.我(火车).
6.Stop, Sam, stop,@ said Mr Winkle trembling violently,“停,山姆,停
7.I assisted him from the saddle / car.我扶他马/车。
8.The jaw, especially the lower jaw.()颌颌,尤指
9.drawdown [groundwater]水位降〔地水〕
10.Stay, Statan, stay!" roared the preacher again.“停,撒旦,停
11."'Under the Gaslight.'“《煤气灯》。”
12.Good afternoon, Harry .午好,Harry。
13.To give birth to(whelps or a whelp).(崽),产(仔)
14.In or to a place beneath; below.在面,在底;向在或向着地的地点;在
15.The act or manner of dismounting, especially from a horse.摔马,来的动作或方式,尤指
16.To become or be capable of becoming removed or detached.被取(拆)被取或拆或能被取或拆
17.ventral medial hypothalamus腹中丘脑 腹中丘脑
18.He checked off at 5 p.m.他午五点钟班。

1.we think that "窦里(douli)" is "肚里(duli)" that the meaning is "in"; we also think that "下(xia)" is "上(shang)" that the meaning is "on".某些方言词典中表“里面”之义的方位词“窦里”,应是“肚里”;某些方言词典中表“上面”之义的方位词“”,应是“上”。
2.The symmetry and asymmetry of shang/xia embodies in the meaning and form.“上/”的不对称不仅在语言形式上有所体现,在意义上也有所体现。
3.This paper, based on the fruit of the previous research, probes into the orientation words "shang" "zhong" "xia" from all angles.本文在参考、综合以往的方位词研究成果的基础上,对方位词“上、中、”做了全方位的系统考察。
1.This paper examines the symmetry and asymmetry of up and down in their collocations with nouns about human body in terms of their perspectives, register and frames of reference.如“上”和“”的不对称。
4)hsia liao下
5)top loading and bottom unloading下装下卸
6)Submandibular gland下颌下腺
1.Expression and distribution of leptin and leptin receptor in submandibular gland and stomach of rabbits;瘦素及其受体在家兔腺和胃的表达与分布
2.Localization of autocrine motility factor and its receptor in submandibular glands of rats;大鼠腺内自分泌运动因子及其受体的定位
3.Expression and localization of leptin and its receptor in submandibular gland of human fetus;胎儿腺内瘦素和瘦素受体的表达及定位

下下 下   [1]低处,与上相对。《素问·气交变大论》:“夫道者,上知天文,下知地理。   [2]指地,地气。《素问·天元纪大论》:“木火土金水火,地之阴阳也,生长化收藏下应之。”   [3]指人体下半身。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“阴者其精并于下。”   [4]指下焦肝肾。《素问·至真要大论》:“诸厥固泄 ,皆属于下。”王冰注:“下,谓下焦肝肾气也。”   [5]指下部经脉。《素问·离合真邪论》:“经言气之盛衰,左右倾移,以上调下,以左调右,有余不足,补泻于荥输。”   [6]指尺脉。《素问·脉要精微论》:“上盛则气高,下盛则气胀。”王冰注:“下谓尺中。”   [7]指大小便。《素问·五脏别论》:“凡治病必察其下,适其脉,观其志意与其病也。”   [8]指肠。《灵枢·邪气脏腑病形》:“清气在下,则生飧泄。”   [9]指下肢。《灵枢·邪气脏腑病形》:“下不胜其上,其应善酸矣。”   [10]指百姓。《素问·上古天真论》:“夫上古圣人之教下也,皆谓之虚邪贼风,避之有时。”   [11]较正常位置低下。《灵枢·本脏》:“五脏皆下者。”   [12]指社会地位低的人。《素问·上古天真论》:“高下不相慕。”   [13]指等级低的东西。《素问·至真要大论》:“主病之谓君,佐君之谓臣,应臣之谓使,非上下三品之谓也。”   [14]不足,不及。《素问·气交变大论》:“夫五运之政,犹权衡也,高者抑之,下者举之。”   [15]向下,下传。《灵枢·痈疽》:发于胸曰井疽……不早治,下入腹。”   [16]下行。《素问·气穴论》:“脉滴起……斜下肩交十椎下(脏)。”   [17]降落。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“天气下为雨。”   [18]泻下,遗泄。《素问·上古天真论》:“女子七岁……月事以时下。”   [19]润下,归下。《素问·五常政大论》:“静顺之纪,藏而勿害,治而善下,五化咸整,其气明,其气下。”   [20]指下陷。《素问·举痛论》:“恐则气下。”   [21]咽下。《灵枢·邪气脏腑病形》:“膈咽不通,食饮不下。”   [22]指用泻下攻逐的药物以通利大便、消除积滞、荡涤实热、攻逐水饮的治法。《素问·五常政大论》:“吐之下之,补之泻之,久新同法。”   [23]指次序在后。《素问·六微旨大论》:“相火之下,水气承之。”   [24]去,祛除。《素问·病能论》:“夫生铁洛者,下气疾也。”   [25]指进针。《灵枢·刺节真邪》:“用针者……视其应动者,乃后取之而下之。”[26]动量词。《灵枢·胀论》:“无问虚实,工在疾泻,近者一下,远者三下。”   [27]指在泉之气。《素问·五运行大论》:“厥阴在上,则少阳在下。”   [28]从高处到低处。《古今医案按》:“忽下榻行步如故。”   [29]指服药。《金匮要略》:“炼蜜和丸梧桐子大,酒下十五丸。”   [30]谦下,谦卑。《灵枢·通天》:“太阴之人,贪而不仁,下齐湛湛。”   [31]指北方。《素问·五运行大论》:“所谓上下者,岁上下见阴阳之所在也。”王冰注:“面向北而言之。上,南也;下,北也。”