1.Comparative study of syllabus for medical licensing examination between China and USA;中美医师资格考试大纲对比及启示
2.The main changes in the new version of secondary biology syllabus;改革生物课程 提高教学质量——初中生物教学大纲的指导思想和特点
3.This article analyses the difference between the old syllabus of College English and the new syllabus which point out the way for the reform of College Enghish methods texts and testing.本文讨论了大学英语教学大纲、教学方法、教材和测试的改革 ,以期解决大学英语教学目前存在的问题 ,迎接 2 1世纪的挑

1.Outline Land Law of China《中国土地法大纲
2.Contrast between the Present and Newly-revised Syllabus;现行大纲与新编“过渡性” 大纲比较研究
3.From Synthetic Syllabus to Analytic Syllabus:On the Shift of the Design Paradigms of Second Language Syllabuses;从综合大纲到分析大纲——论第二语言教学大纲设计范式的转变
4.statutory outline zoning plan法定分区计划大纲
5.integrated test requirement outline综合的测试要求大纲
6.The programme was pitched at just the right level.大纲所定水平恰到好处.
7.Research Libraries Group Conspectus研究图书馆组织大纲
8.a brief version of the essential meaning of something.某事的大纲或中心意思。
9.Umrisse zu einer Kritik der Nationaloeknomie《政治经济学批判大纲
10.Better Putonghua Proficiency Test in Light of(New Standard)(Implementing Outline);掌握新《大纲》及《实施纲要》 提高普通话测试水平
11.Macrocosm is the Whole China,Microcosm is Wutai Mountains" --MAO Ze-dong Views on Wutai Mountains;“大纲是全中国,小纲是五台山”——毛泽东论五台山
12.The College English videos are designed to fit into the syllabus.大学英语录像带设计的事和教学大纲.
13.plan a programme of lectures for first-year students为大学一年级新生拟制教学大纲.
14.Introducing Cultural Elements into the Present College English Syllabus;论将文化因素引入大学英语教学大纲
15.Carrying out college English teaching program and deepening teaching reform;贯彻大学英语教学大纲深化教学改革
16.Reflections on the Design of College English Syllabus编写大学英语教学大纲的思考(英文)
17.Outline levels: Specify the number of outline levels displayed by default in this view大纲级别: 指定默认情况下在此视图中显示的大纲级别数字
18.The OMDP was translated into two Outline Zoning Plans which were gazetted in July.总体发展大纲图已转画为两份分区计划大纲图,并于七月刊登宪报。

1.A Study on "the Outline of HSK Vocabulary";《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》问题研究综述
2.An Introduction to the Research on the Outline of Evaluating Criminal Liability of Persons with Mental Disorders;《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定大纲》研究简介
3.Study on the Frame of the Basic Training Outline of Rhythmic Gymnastics in China;我国艺术体操基础训练大纲框架的研究
1.Based on the experience of developing the preventive maintaining program of the ship main power plant,this paper discusses the technical methods and some problems that should be noticed and provides the suggestion about expediting the programs developing schedule.文章结合制订某型主动力装置预防性维修大纲的体会,就制订船舶设备的预防性维修大纲的技术路线、应该注意的问题进行了探讨,并提出了加快大纲制订进度的建议。
2.To implement information literacy education,an information literacy appraisal module and a program of information literacy education shall be formulated and mounted to the integrated literacy appraisal target system for university students.信息素质是体现科学素质、人文素质和思想道德素质的一种综合素质,是大学生整体素质的重要组成部分;实施信息素质教育,要制定能镶嵌到大学生综合素质评价指标体系之中的信息素质评价模块和信息素质教育大纲
3.The new "curriculum standard"which is being experimented and promoted in the field of physical education,and is the inheriting and development for the former teaching program.正在实验和推广的新的"课程标准"是学校体育领域的重大改革,是对以往"教学大纲"的继承与发展。
1.This thesis aims to reveal the interactive relationship between the recent theories in linguistics, second language acquisition and the English curriculum and teaching practice of senior high school, so as to clarify the developmental tendency of the theories and practice of English education in China.而现如今我国正处于教育改革阶段,从1976年我国文化大革命以后到2002年,教育部陆续颁发了各时期的英语课程教学的教学大纲和教学标准。
6)teaching syllabus教学大纲
1.College English: teaching syllabus and vocabulary teaching;大学英语教学大纲与词汇教学
2.According to the undergraduate educational plan,some discussion was made about the selection of teaching material,teaching syllabus,curriculum content and the division of difficulty and emphasis in the Material Chemistry Course,based on the analysis of the existing course construction.基于《材料化学》课程建设的现状分析,按照材料化学专业人才培养计划,对《材料化学》课程的教材、教学大纲、教学内容的选择、难点与重点的区分等课程建设内容进行了探讨,并在课程实际教学中进行了一些相关实践。
3.The revision of the teaching syllabus for medical adult education is very important to research on medical theory and reformation in medical adult teaching.医学成人教育教学大纲的修订对医学理论研究与成人医学教学改革有重要的意义,修订医学成人教育教学大纲时应详细了解现有教学大纲的弊端,确定修订大纲的指导思想、修订原则、操作思路及其结构等方面问题;特别应注重在新的教学模式下教师与学生之间的平等、互动关系,力求创造出有利于教学相长的大环境。

大纲【大纲】 (杂语)法门之大义,譬如网之纲,委细之教义譬如目。法华玄义十曰:“唯论如来说教大纲不委细网目。”同释签曰:“说法华唯在大纲不事网目。”