1)subdivision[英]['s?bdi,vi??n][美][,s?bd?'v???n, 's?bd?,v???n]剖分
1.The subdivision design for the cylinder of the reversing winch model JTK-1.2;JTK-1.2型提升绞车滚筒剖分设计
2.K_(3,3)-Subdivision in Bipartite Graphs;偶图的K_(3.3)剖分(英文)
3.In this paper, on the basis of a quick subdivision of complicated elements into tetrahedrons , we present a quick algorithm for mutiple isosurface in post_process of finite element method.本文提出了一种将复杂单元剖分成四面体的快速准则,从而设计出一种用于有限元后处理的多等值面面绘制的快速算法。

1.Mesh Segmentation Based on 3D Delaunay Triangulation基于Delaunay四面体剖分的网格分割算法
2.Delaunay Triangulation Interpolation Used in Super-Resolution ImagingDelaunay三角剖分插值用于超分辨成像
4.Changes of rate and operation indicators of cesarean section during 1997~200610年剖宫产率及剖宫产指征变化分析
5.Analysis on Changes of Cesarean Section Rate and Caesarean Section Indication During a Five-year Period剖宫产率及剖宫产指征5年变化分析
6.high resolution seismic profile高分辨率地震剖面仪
7.longitudinal cut analysis method of ship wave纵剖面船行波分析法
8.saturation profile纵剖面饱和度分布图
9.A detailed examination or analysis.剖析详细检查或分析
10.The branch of anatomy that deals with the nervous system.神经解剖学有关神经系统的解剖学分支
11.Retrospective Analysis of Change in Cesarean Section Rate and Indications over 30 Years.30年剖宫产率及剖宫产适应证变化回顾性分析
12.Therapeutic Effects on 1360 Cases Cesarean Section and Analysis of Cesarean Section Indications1360例剖宫产手术临床分析及剖宫产指征的探讨
13.Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Cesarean Section Rate and Cesarean Section Indication影响剖宫产率与剖宫产指征的因素分析
14.Change of cesarean section rate and indication in basic level hospitals基层医院剖宫产率及剖宫产指征变化分析
15.Statistical analysis of caesarean birth′s indication from 1306 cases1306例剖宫产指征分类的统计分析
16.Response of Profile Distribution of Maize Root System to Water Stress玉米根系剖面分布对水分亏缺的响应
17.The study or description of an anatomical region or part.局部解剖学对某一解剖后的局部或部分的研究或描述
18.The anatomical structure of a specific area or part of the body.局部解剖身体某特定区域或部分的解剖后的结构

1.Cube partitionbased rapid three-dimensional k-coverage decision algorithm for sensor networks;基于立方体剖分的传感器网络快速三维k-覆盖判定算法
2.Partition of Graphs into Cycles and Paths;图的圈和路剖分(英文)
1.Preprocess of 2-dimensional domain mesh generation─disintegration of the domain;二维区域剖分的前处理—剖分区域的分解
2.In finite element method,interpolation function,mesh density and vertical differential of the electromagnetic fields near the surface are all the factors that can affect the precision of the apparent resistivities.在有限元法中 ,插值函数、剖分密度以及电磁场在地表附近的垂向导数都是影响视电阻率计算精度的重要因素 。
3.A novel method of triangular element automatic mesh in 2D finite element analysis while considering rotor movement is presented in this paper.采用该方法只需重新剖分气隙部分就可获得转子位置已变化了的整个求解区域的网格剖分,可以节省大量机时,解决了采用场路耦合法模拟电机时需频繁进行网格剖分而造成的“瓶颈”问题。
1.3D FEM dissection of boiler drum of downcomer tee;汽包下降管三通三维有限元剖分
2.In the present paper, 10 nodes tetrahedron isoparametric element was employed to perform the net dissection of asymmetry entity through unusual dissection idea.剖分是进行有限元计算的前期工作 ,它主要是通过网格化 ,将实体划分成具有相同类型的单元。
3.Let D(n, k) be dissection number of integer n into k nonempty unordered parts, we find the recusive relation as follows: D(n, k) = D(n-1, m-1)+D(n-k, k) In this paper, some property of dissection number D(n, k) have been proved本文讨论了剖分的另一类模型——精细剖分模型。
1.In view of that conventional algorithms of collision detection spend a lot of detection time on complex polyhedrons, an algorithm to divide a convex polyhedron was presented and proved.针对传统的碰撞检测算法对于复杂多面体之间的碰撞检测时间过长的缺陷,提出并证明了一种凸多面体的剖分算法,该算法能将复杂的凸多面体剖分为简单四面体,利用基于MPI(Mes-sagePassingInterface)并行处理的方法来提高碰撞检测的实时性。
2.This paper proposes an algorithm to divide an arbitrary polyhedron to tetrahedrons and gives its theoretical basis, data type and implementation.本文提出了一种将任意多面体剖分为四面体的算法 ,给出了算法理论基础的证明、算法具体实现步骤及所用数据结构。
3.After removing the simple polyhedron from the original polyhedron, we can obtain a new polyhedron and such simple polyhedron can be divided into tetrahedrons.提出了一种将任意多面体剖分为系列四面体的算法,该算法首先根据多面体类型,查找出符合剖分要求的一个面与一个顶点,构成一个简单多面体,将原多面体剖分为一个简单多面体和一个新的多面体,再对新的多面体重复剖分,直到全部剖分为简单多面体,每个简单多面体再进一步剖分为四面体。

剖分1.平分;划分;分开。 2.分断。 3.分说。