1.The hierarchy rearch of shopping streets interface;商业街界面的层次性研究
2.The Analysis of Accounting Practice Teaching System——A study based on the hierarchy and standardization;会计实践教学体系的创新分析——基于层次性与规范性的研究
3.Analysis of the causes of occurrence of the financial crisis in USA according to the hierarchy of economic contradiction以经济矛盾的层次性探析美国金融危机爆发的原因

1.Discussion on Integrity and Multi-level of Higher Physical Education;试论体育高等教育的整体性和层次性
2.Discussing Variety and Level Quality of the Enteprise Achievement and Evaluating;企业业绩的多样性、层次性及其评价
3.On stratification of linguistic vagueness under cognitive view认知视阈下语言模糊性的层次性考察
4.On the Translator's subjectivity in the Perspective of Literary Translation Dimension从文学翻译目的层次性谈译者主体性
5.Evolution of the Concept of Upper Hierarchy in Physical Science and the Hierarchiness of Its Theoretical Framework物理学高层观念的衍变与理论框架的层次性
6.On Economic Logical Basis of Analytic Hierarchy Process--Principle of Hierarchy of Economic Thinking;论层次分析法的经济逻辑基础——兼论经济思维层次性原则
7.On the Stratifying Growth of Economy;经济分层次增长浅析——经济体的层次性、相应政策与更多增长分析
8.stratified areas of the distribution.分布状态成层次性的区域。
9.To study the gradation of socialist nuclear value system;社会主义核心价值体系的层次性探析
10."Levels Teaching"Pattern in Secretary Major Education;文秘专业教学的“层次性教学”模式
11.Levels and evolutional law on forms of matter system;物质系统形态的层次性及其演化规律
12.General and Individual Levels in English Teaching Target外语教学目标的整体层次和个性层次
13.Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)and Attribute Hierarchical Model(AHM)无结构决策:层次分析法AHP和属性层次模型AHM
14.The Reliability Assessment of One Storey Workshop Base on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP);基于层次分析法单层工业厂房的可靠性评判
15.On gradation division and rules involving contemporary Chinese multi-attributes;现代汉语多层定语层次划分及其规律性
16.linear hierarchy of multiple storage levels多存储器级的线性层次结构
17.Different properties were specified in the same hierarchy在同一层次结构中指定了不同的属性
18.the different need of every hierarchy also calls for periodicity;每个层次的不同需要也具有周期性;

1.User Service Quality—Satisfying Information Demands at Levels;信息用户服务质量——层次性期望与满足
2.The Multiple Levels on the Theory of Mao Zedong s Thought;论毛泽东思想理论体系的多层次性
3.Much attention should be paid to the aspects of aim, level and practice in teaching " Professional Ethics" to higher vocational collage students.在高职生中开《职业道德》课应注意针对性、层次性和实践性。
1.Brief comment on language norms and its stratification;略论语言规范及其层次性
2.On stratification of linguistic vagueness under cognitive view认知视阈下语言模糊性的层次性考察
3.The paper presents the authors view on a supposed strategy of developing West China in term s of system ic collectiveness, relativity, environmental adaptivity and stratification.从系统的集合性、关联性、环境适应性、层次性等不同角度对西部开发应采取的策略提出了自己的观点。
1.The Gradation and the Main Problems of Present Stage Transition in China;中国经济转型的层次性和现阶段转型的主要问题
2.Elaborated is the discrepancy and gradation in students′ ideological and moral education in institution of higher learning,A suggestion is made to have a correct comprehension of the gradation.阐述了大学生思想道德教育的差异性、层次性特点,要求正确理解和正视思想道德教育的层次性,采取分层教育法,真正把思想政治教育做到有针对性和为学生所乐于接受。
3.The article makes a necessary definition and analysis of the importance and urgency, the specific characteristics and gradation of government efficency from three sides, and reveal the internal rule.从政府效率的重要性与紧迫性、政府效率的特殊性、政府效率的层次性三个方面进行必要的界说与分析 ,并揭示其内在的规定性。
1.Realistic Basis, Phases and Levels of Constructing Well-off Society in Yunnan;云南小康社会建设的现实基础及阶段性、层次性
2.On the levels of the construction of teachers in colleges and universities;试论高校师资队伍建设的层次性
3.Facing the problems of the out of date planning, the authors think it is important to pay attention to the levels of contact space in a university.在我国教育新形势下 ,新一轮的大学校园环境规划设计已陆续展开 ,针对以往大学校园规划所存在的问题和矛盾 ,提出重视校园交往空间的层次性 ,充分考虑广大师生的行为特点和心理需求 ,从而改善校园环境 ,创建既能满足教学基本职能 ,又能为行为主体 (人 )提供舒适、安全、优美、宜人的多层次的交往空间。
6)individual levels个性层次
1.Points out general and individual levels in English teaching target, their co-relations, and their importance to college English teaching.运用外语教学心理学理论,分析大学英语教学目标,提出教学目标的整体层次和个性层次,它们之间的关系及对大学英语教学的重要性。

技术性层次技术性层次technically levels  技术性层次(teehniea曰evels)管理系统中的一个基本的管理层次,指那些实际从事第一线生产的技术性人员。这些人员的工作,随着现代科学技术的发展,生产劳动的高科技化,他们的工作己从原来的体力性劳务逐渐向脑力性劳务过渡,即他们的工作,己不仅仅限于体力劳动,其技术性正在起决定作用。如市场调查、生产控制、线性调配等方面的工作人员都必须具有一定的技术或专业素质,否则就无法胜任工作,故称为管理系统中的技术性层次。 (孙俊山撰张觉审)