1.Application of amphoteric fat-liquoring agent CL-819 to manufacture of sheep skin leather clothing;两性加脂剂CL-819在绵羊服装革上的应用
2.Research on application of amphoteric chitosan derivative NAOC in wash-off for reactive dyeing;两性型壳聚糖衍生物NAOC在活性染料染色后净洗中的应用研究
3.Synthesis and Characteristics of Starch Sulfate Based Amphoteric Superabsorbent Resins;磺化淀粉基两性高吸水性树脂的制备及性能研究

1.Of or relating to both sexes.两性两性的或与两性有关的
2.amphoteric emulsifier兼性乳化剂,两性乳化剂
3.sexually attracted to both men and women对男女两性都有性欲的.
4.fungizone intravenous injection静注用b>两性b>霉素b
5.existing or occurring between the sexes.存在或发生于两性之间。
6.Gender and Water Alliance两性平等与水问题联盟
7.Gender and Humanity: Into the 21st Century21世纪两性平等与人类
8.Gender and Humanity: Into the 21st Century 21世纪两性平等与人类
9.Workshop on Gender Sensitization两性平等宣传讲习班
10.gender integration goals两性平等参与的目标
11.Achievements have a dual character and so have mistakes.成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性。
12.The quality or state of being twofold or double.两重性具有两方面的性质或状态
13.Strong Stability of Linear Forms with Pairwise NQD Random Sequences两两NQD序列线性形式的强稳定性
14.sexually attracted to both sexes.在性爱上吸引两种性别。
15.The Scientific Character of "Two Necessities" and "Two Nos" From "Two Co-existences";从“两个并存”看“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的科学性
16.Deepening Teaching Reform of Marxism and Ideological Political Education and Strengthening its Effectiveness;深化“两课”教学改革,增强“两课”实效性
17.Complete Convergence for Subsequences of Identical Distributed NQD Pairwise Sequences;同分布两两NQD列的子序列完全收敛性
18.L~r Convergence for the Weighted Sums of Pairwise NQD Random Arrays两两NQD阵列加权和的L~r收敛性

Two sexes两性
1.From its title to its contents,the relations of two sexes were reflected.赵本夫的长篇系列小说《地母》蕴涵着一种浓厚的母性崇拜之情,而且从题目到内容处处都流露出对两性关系的思考。
1.This thesis tries to use the theories about freedom and love of Erich Fromm, a German American sociologist, to analyze the contradictory inner world of the protagonist: Herzog s strong longing for active freedom and the fear of passive freedom; love and war between the sexes; the longing for both .本文试用弗洛姆的自由理论和爱的理论来分析赫索格矛盾的内心世界:赫索格对积极自由的渴望与他对消极自由的逃避;两性之间的爱与战争;赫索格对于生与死的思考。
4)pairwisely independent两两独立性
5)amphoteric modification两性改性
1.Based on the prevention and cure principium of extract for Cr(Ⅵ),the amphoteric modification was carried out to the waxberry extract through the treatments of sulphonation and Mannich reaction.以栲胶对六价铬的防治原理为基础,通过磺化以及Mannich反应对杨梅栲胶进行两性改性。
6)masculinity and femininity两性性度

两性两性[解释]1.指男性和女性。广泛来说不光指男女关系,还是男女差异。一般来说,女孩子生性喜欢社会交往,而不偏好冒险。2.指雄性和雌性。3.指两种性质。 例句:氨基酸既有酸性也有碱性,它是两性的。相关词:两性生殖:也称有性生殖,指经过雌雄两性生殖细胞的结合而形成新个体的一种生殖方式,是生物界中最普遍的一种生殖方式。两性化合物:遇强酸呈碱性、遇强碱呈酸性的化合物;能与酸化合成盐又能与碱化合成盐,常见的有铝、锌等的氢氧化物和氧化物。两性人:由于胚胎的畸形发育而形成的具有男性和女性两种生殖器官的人。通称二性子。