1.On a Subfamily of the Star—Function;关于星形函数的一个子
2.Study on divisible Abelean group of difference family-pairs;可分解阿贝尔群差对之研究
3.The tight optimal double loop networks in such family, whose N was given randomly and s varied from 2 to N-1, can be calculated and stored in database.0作为编程语言、SQLServer2000作为数据库来实现这一算法,对任意给定N,而2≤s≤N-1的这样一双环网络中的所有紧优双环网络都可以计算出来,结果存入数据库。

1.Ethnicity:Nationality or Ethnic Group?;Ethnicity:民抑或群?
2.Lahu-Va-Blang-Dai Autonomous County of Shuangjiang双江拉祜布朗自治县
3.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a clan.氏的,宗的氏的或氏特征的
4."These are the families of Levi: the family of the Libnites, the family of the Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the family of the Mushites, the family of the Korahites. and Kohath was the father of amram."利未的各有立尼,希伯伦,玛利,母示,可拉。哥辖生暗兰。
5.Serbian National Party of Croatia克罗地亚塞
6.racial policy of apartheid种隔离种主义政策
7.Dehong Daizu jingpozu Zizhizhou德宏傣景颇自治州
8.ethnic group同种同文化的民
9.ethnic nationalist少数民主义者
10.an intertribal dispute种间 [部间] 的纠纷
11.tribal apartheid按部实行的种隔离
12.Xiangxi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizhou湘西土家自治州
13.Exi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizhou鄂西土家自治州
14.Zhenning Bouyeizu Miaozu Zizhixian镇宁布依自治县
15.Hainan Lizu Miaozu Zizhizhou海南黎自治州
16.Zhuang and Yao nationalities use pottery drums during their dances.壮、瑶的陶鼓舞
17.Seshoeshoe (or South Sotho)塞舒舒(或南索托)
18.Overriding concern with race.种(或民)中心主义

the Uighur、the Hans维族、汉族
3)the origin of Tibetans藏族族源
4)origin of the Tus土族族源
1.At present,there has considerable divergence on the origin of the Tus,Tuyuhun theory and Mongolian theory are repsesentative of the academic circles.土源问题,目前学术界仍有较大分歧。
5)the Origin of the Nation族源族称
6)clansman and tribe宗族部族
1.In the 1960s or 1970s last century, the "Qiubang" theory Put forward by the western scholars discussed the existence of the clansman and tribe government.西方学者在上个世纪的六七十年代,提出了被一些国内学者所接受的“酋邦”说,似乎看到并论述了宗政权的存在,但“酋邦”说概括不了宗政权的性质和形成的原因。
