1.The product of finite amount of objects in the category Lip is discussed.证明了此范畴的任一有限族对象都存在
2.In this paper,we define fuzzy modules over interval-valued fuzzy rings and study itsProp-erties,we also define categories of fuzzy modules over interval-valued fuzzy rings and study its product and coproduct.定义了区间值模糊环上的模糊模的概念,讨论了它的性质,并定义了区间值模糊环上模糊模范畴的概念,研究了它的与余的性质。

1.Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habit; watch your habit, they become character.思成言,言成行,行成习,习成性。
2.Heaped-up earth becomes a mountain; accumulated water becomes a river土成山,水成川
3.method of summated ratings累评等法 累评等法
4.ratio of gas-cap volume to oil zone volume气顶体-油带体
5.Acquired by or resulting from accumulation.累的由累而获得的
6.net prover volume标准体管的净体
7.Fat deposits were laid down.脂肪堆物堆起来。
8.glacial outwash【地质】冰水沉, 冰水漂
9.interlobe space(容式压气机) 叶间容
10.a unit of measurement of volume or capacity.测量体或容的单位。
11.integrator circuit分器电路,分电路
12.braided-fan-delta deposit网状冲扇三角洲沉
13.acid volume to coupon area ratio酸容与试件面
14.volatility product挥发度挥发性乘
15.For this reason the inner product is called also the scalar product.为此,内也叫做纯量
16.The seeond integral is easier to approximate than the first one.第二个分比第一个
17.Comparison Between Riemann Integral and Lebesgue Integral;Riemann分与Lebesgue分之比较

Integral Area积分面积
3)Volumetric integration体积积分
4)area product面积乘积
5)convolution integral卷积积分
1.The main idea behind this method was firstly to utilize convolution integral to calculate pointwise curvature through resampling the contour in multiscale space, and then the feature points were selected.该方法的基本思想是首先采用卷分的方法 ,在多尺度空间里通过对轮廓进行重采样来计算轮廓上每一点的曲率并选取特征点。
2.There are two difficult points in convolution integral: how to determine the limit of the integral, and the integrands on the convolution integral.确定卷分的分限和在相应区间上的被函数是计算卷分的两个难点。
3.The zero state response to an arbitrary excitation in a fist order circuit can be solved by either the convolution integral or the three element method.一阶电路在任意激励下的零状态响应,既可以用卷分法,也可以用三要素法进行分析与计算。
6)deposition and silting沉积淤积

积积 积   ①病证名。胸腹内积块坚硬不移,痛有定处的一类疾患。见《灵枢·百病始生》。《难经·五十五难》:“积者,阴气也,其始发有常处,其痛不离其部,上下有所终始,左右有所穷处。”有五积之分,心积名伏梁,肝积名肥气,脾积为痞气,肺积名息贲,肾积名贲豚。宋以后将饮食所伤而致的食滞气结之症,亦称为积。《济生方》卷四:“积者伤滞也,伤滞之久,停留不化,则成积矣。”《杂病源流犀烛·积聚癥瘕癖痞源流》在五积之外,又列酒、食、面、肉、果、菜、茶、水等十八种积。积病多由起居不时,忧喜过度,饮食失节,脾胃亏损,气机不运,沉寒郁热,痰水凝结,瘀血蕴里,食积久滞,邪正相结而致。治宜破坚消积为主。《素问·六元正纪大论》:“大积大聚,其可犯也,衰其大半而止。”《证治准绳·杂病》:将积病之治初、中、末三法。初治为积块未坚者,宜除之,散之,行之,虚者补之。中治为积块已坚,气郁已久,湿热相生,块日益大,治以清热祛湿,软坚消积,并须攻补兼顾。末治为块消及半,当停用攻药,改为补益气血,兼活血理气,导达经络。   ②留聚。《灵枢·五变》:“怒则气上逆,胸中蓄积。”   ③凝聚,聚集。《灵枢·五色》:“视色上下,以知病处,积神于心。”   ④重叠;复加。《素问·生气通天论》:“阳气者,烦劳则张,精绝,辟积于夏,使人薄厥。”