1.The sufficient and necessary conditions of existence of the univalent harmonic orientationpreserving mappings f(z) are given,and f(z) satisfies the equation f =a(z)f z for given Beltrami coefficient a(z)= e iθ (z-a 11- a 1 z)(z-a 21- a 2 z) and maps unit disk U onto a given polygon P .给出a(z)= eiθ( z- a11- a1z)( z- a21- a2z)存在将单位圆盘单叶调和保向地映射为已知的多边形并满足给定的Beltram i方程fz= a(z)fz 的映射的充分必要条件。
2.It is given that the sufficient and necessary conditions of existence of the univalent harmonic orientationpreserving mapping f(z) which satisfies the equation f =a(z)f z for given Beltrami coefficient a(z)= e iθ ((z-α)/(1-z)) m,m=1,2 and maps unit disk U onto a given polygon P .我们给出当a(z)=eiθ((z-α)/(1-αz))m,m=1,2时存在将单位圆盘单叶调和保向地映射为已知的多边形并且满足给定的Beltrami方程fz=a(z)fz的映射的充分必要条件。

1.minimum ellipse of a hyperboloid of one sheet单叶双曲面的最小椭圆
3.type genus of family Ulmaceae; deciduous trees having simple serrate leaves; widely distributed in temperate regions.榆科的模式属;歪形单叶的每年落叶的乔木。
4.Pinnately compound with a single terminal leaflet, as in the leaves of the rose plant.奇数羽状叶的与顶端羽状单叶接合的,如蔷薇科植物的叶
5.family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed.在萌芽阶段单子叶(胚胎叶)开花植物科。
6.monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and small flowers.水生单子叶植物的一科具有窄小的叶子和小花。
7.a monocotyledonous genus of West Indian feather palms.西印度羽状叶棕榈的一个单子叶植物属。
8.Single white. Medium green, plain, glossy. Standard.单瓣白色花。中绿色叶,平坦叶面光滑。标准型。
9.type and sole genus of the Clethraceae; deciduous shrubs or small trees: white_alder, summer-sweet.桤叶树属的模式单属;双子叶的灌木或乔木。
10.One way Fluid Solid Interaction of Unshrouded Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Blade半开式离心压缩机叶轮叶片单向流固耦合分析
11.Cotyledon (seed leaf) the first leaf of the embryo of seed plants, which is usually simpler in structure than later-formed leaves.子叶:种子植物胚胎的第一片叶,在结构上通常比后来形成的叶简单。
12.Single medium blue. Medium green, pointed, hairy, serrated. Standard.单瓣中蓝色花。中绿色尖型叶,叶面多毛,锯齿叶缘。标准型。
13.an order of monocotyledonous herbs.单子叶草本植物的一个目。
14.an order of aquatic monocotyledonous herbaceous plants.水生单子叶草本植物的一个目。
15.a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales.热带单子叶植物芭蕉目的一科。
16.a monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.鸢尾科的一个单子叶植物属。
17.The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.瘦人斜*干净的豆科植物上读叶片传单.
18.isolated deficiency of anterior pituitary hormone单一性垂体前叶功能不全

Baiye Dancong白叶单从
3)One-way threshing单向打叶
4)Calamus simplicifolius单叶省藤
1.Rapid Propagation and Flowering of Calamus simplicifolius in Vitro;单叶省藤萌蘖芽组培快繁技术及试管内开花
2.An Analysis on Growth Character of Tissue Culture Families of Calamus simplicifolius;单叶省藤组培家系的生长特性分析
3.A comparison on planting effect of tube seedling and normal seed seedling of Calamus simplicifolius;单叶省藤组培苗与实生苗的造林效果分析
1.HPLC-DAD/MS/MS Analysis of Tea Polyphenols in Leaves of Baiyedancong and Huangguanyin;白叶单枞和黄观音茶树芽叶中茶多酚的HPLC-DAD/MS/MS分析
2.OBJECTIVE Tea polyphenols in fresh leaves of two oolong tea cultivars (Baiyedancong and Huangguanyin) were identified and determined.目的对白叶单枞和黄观音两个广东乌龙茶和闽南乌龙茶的代表品种茶鲜叶中的茶多酚进行定性、定量比较分析。
6)The single leaf of obstetric forceps单叶产钳
1.Method: The pliers leaf selects the Kielland obstetrical forceps is left or the right leaf,In the vaginal midwifery,The single leaf of obstetric forceps laying aside occipital bone side underneath is the pivot,The single leaf of obstetric forceps tightly pastes the embryo head,Under the pl.目的:随着围产医学的发展,我科在产钳术的基础上,使用单叶产钳助产60例的临床应用。

单叶函数的变分单叶函数的变分variation of a univalent function 单叶函数的变分〔variati佣of aun加习即t 6.比6佣;Ba-P,a双“二0八Ho“。cT“0益勿HK从““」 单叶函数论中的一个概念(见单叶函数(1川】valent仙letion)).在复平面的给定区域中,设存在一给定函数f(z)与一个依赖于实参数又的函数族F(:,劝,0簇几O,对所有又〔10,A」均在D内单叶.假定F(:,O)=f(:).作差F(:,又)一f(:)兰。(:,劝.函数f(z)(沿着族F(:,劝)的n阶变分(,:一th order variation)或n次变分(”一thvariation),。=1,2,…,是。(:,劝关于参数又的展开式中又”的系数q,.(:),且满足如下条件:余项 。。(:,又)=中(z,凡)一g,(z)又一·一g。(:)义”是之”的高阶无穷小量,且关于D中的z在D内紧集或D的闭包上一致.这些附加条件之一的选取常常决定于问题的性质,这些问题的解决涉及与单叶函数的变分有关的变分方法. J .Ha比llnard(【1」)与M .A.几aBpeHTLeB(【2〕)首先计算了一阶变分并给出了应用.要在某个特殊单叶函数类中通过函数类本身得到变分是一项复杂的任务,这是由于这种函数的非线性性质.对单连通与多连通区域中的某些函数类,这一任务已完成.【补注】在过去的半个世纪中,在单叶函数的变分理论中最有影响的人物是M M.Schiffer,他在该领域的最早的工作甚至囊括了月aBpeHTbeB的工作.见「A2}中关于Sc址ffer的工作的文献目录.对这一课题最完全的处理可在【AI]中找到;亦可见【A2]中的讨论. 还可见内变分方法(internal varin石ons,服山团of);边界变分方法(boun比汀y var扭tions,methodof).