1.A note of powers of delayed renewal sequences;(广义)正延迟更新序列的的一点注记
2.Determination of the Last Figure or the Last Two Figures of Powers of Natural Numbers (n~(m_1))~(m_2);自然数n~(m_1~(m_2))最后两位(一位)数字的确定
3.The definition of average value of x power of positive numbers is introduced.作者首先引入了几个正数的x次的平均值定义,进而得到在x变化过程中几个正数的x次的平均值的两个结果。

1.The act of raising a quantity to a power.取升高级的行为
2.And element X=A is nilpotent.元素X=A是零的。
3.the fourth power of x x的四次(X+[4])
4.An algebraic quantity that when raised to a certain power equals zero.零一个代数值,其若干次等于零
5.The Finite Group that the Order of Maximal Nilpotence Subgroups are Prime Power极大零子群的阶为素数的有限群
6.Meme: Watcher of Culture--A Cognitive Approach to Meme;姆:文化的守望者——姆的认知研究
7.of or relating to the fourth power.属于或关于四乘的。
8.proper nilpotent element真零元素,根元素
9.the second, third, fourth, etc power of x x的二次、 三次、 四次等
10.y+n is an exponential expression.y+n是的表达方式。
11.equal to zero when raised to a certain power.其若干次等于零的。
12.The third power of a number or quantity.某一数或量的三次.
13.On Idempotent-Hermite Matrices;关于等Hermite矩阵的研究
14.Idempotent Fuzzy Semi-groups and Quasi-fuzzy Factor Groups;等Fuzzy半群与拟Fuzzy商群
15.Expressed in terms of a designated power of e, the base of natural logarithms.的表示以e为底的自然对数的被指明的
16.Purely Idempotent Latin Squares and Purely Symmetric Idempotent Latin Squares;纯的等拉丁方和纯的对称等拉丁方
17.Analysis of the efficiency of realized bipower variation and realized multipower variation;“已实现”双次变差与多次变差的有效性分析
18.Generating Funtion and a New Calculating Formula of the Sum Power of Natural Numbers和序列的生成函数与和新的计算公式

1.AS-level Internet Topology Power-law and Node Aging AnalysisAS级Internet拓扑律和节点时效分析
2.Numerical calculation of pressure drop of axial laminar flow in concentric annulus of power-law drilling fluid律钻井液同心环空轴向层流压降的计算
3)power law幂律
1.The data that describe the interlink conditions among ASs worldwide are analyzed,whereby finding that connection rates of ASs obey the power law very well with a correlation c.为研究自治系统拓扑的性质及其之间连接的情况,引入了“连接率”的概念;分析描述全球范围内自治系统互连情况的数据,发现自治系统的连接率服从律(PowerLaw)分布,且相关系数达到99%以上,表明因特网中存在少数几个度值极高、连接性很强的自治系统构成的AS核心。
2.However, it has been observed that fire distribution deviates power law when fire size is very small or very large.森林火灾系统是一个自组织临界性系统,它的表现之一就是火灾的尺度分布满足律规律。
3.It is shown that the distributions of forest fires of both sparse forest and over dense forest do not satisfy power law relations, indicating that these two types of forest do not have SOC.本文研究了以密度为控制参数的森林火灾模型以及这个模型在森林密度不同时产生的相变行为 ,发现对过于稀疏或者过于密集的森林类型 ,森林火灾的分布会偏离甚至完全背离律关系 ,从而使得自组织临界性不再满
4)power law幂率
1.A simulation is carried out and some complex phenomena, such as phase transitions and power laws, are discovered.基于 Transit- Stub分层网络拓扑结构模型 ,提出了一个相对复杂的计算机网络模型 ,并通过对仿真结果的处理 ,揭示并分析了其中存在的诸如相变、率等复杂性现象 ,同时定性地研究了网络参数的影响。
2.Many characteristics of topology are analyzed with the corresponding metrics, including power law.对包括率(power law)在内的多种Internet拓扑特征及其相应度量进行了分析,对现有的拓扑模型、拓扑生成算法以及拓扑生成器进行了全面的综述。
3.Analysis results show that the network topology of every country has similar properties on several metrics,that different from the research results of AS-level topology the power law does not in strict sense fit the degree distribution of the main Asia-Pacific countries\' topologies and that Japanese network size is larger while its average path length is shorter.与AS级拓扑的结论不同,率不能在严格意义上描述亚太主要国家网络拓扑的度分布。
5)modular exponentiation模幂
1.Fast Implementation of Public-Key Cryptosystem with Large Number Modular Exponentiation;基于大数模运算的公钥密码体制快速实现
2.Efficient unsigned sliding window algorithm based on run-length for modular exponentiation新的无符号滑动窗口算法及其在模中的应用研究
3.Modular squaring is essential operation in modular exponentiation.模平方运算是模运算中的基本运算,其运算速度关系到大多数公钥密码和数字信号处理的应用效率。
6)power method幂法
1.A modified power method for the PageRank problem一种求解PageRank问题的修正乘法(英文)
2.As for computing the largest eigenvalue and its eigenvector of a higher-order real symmetric matrix in the algorithm,the power method is used.对于算法中涉及的求高阶实对称阵的最大特征值及其特征向量,采用法加以实现。
3.Based on the matched filter beamforming criterion in CDMA, a novel method called power method is proposed to compute the weight vector to beamform.基于适于CDMA的匹配滤波波束形成准则 ,提出使用法计算权矢量的波束形成的新方法 。
