1.The Comparison of Self-esteem and Social Support between Poor Freshmen College Students and Non-poor Freshmen College Students;大一新生中贫困生和非贫困生社会支持和自我价值感之比较
2.Objective To identify the relationship between time management disposition and self-anxiety among freshmen.方法采用“青少年时间管理倾向量表”和“焦虑自评量表”对重庆市270名大一新生进行调查。
3.Based on the interview of the freshmen, student directors, and experts in the field of psychology, combined with literature documents, questionnaires are designed.然后先后在该大学本科生公共选修课上抽取124和178人作为样本,就问卷信度效度进行检验,编制出大一新生学习适应量表作为本研究中的测量工具。

1.It is necessary to help the freshmen to orient themselves to college life.帮助大一新生适应大学生活是必要的。
2.God! the freshmen is pathetic this year !天啊!今年的大一新生什么也不懂!
3.God! the freshmen are pathetic this year !天啊! 今年的大一新生什么也不懂!
4.This is the orientation week for all the freshmen.本周是专门让大一新生熟 悉情况的.
5.On Role Conversion of Freshmen;关于大一新生角色转换的现实性思考
6.Study on Understanding and Work Essentials of Class Mentor of Freshmen of Engineering;高校工科类大一新生班导师工作探讨
7.A Survey on Mental Healthy of Freshmen in Private College;民办高校大一新生心理健康状况调查
8.Investigation and analysis of the mental health of normal university’s freshmen;师范院校大一新生心理健康调查分析
9.The Analysis on the Problem and Causes of Psychological Conflicts of College Freshmen;略论大一新生常见的心理矛盾及成因
10.Study on the Relations between University Freshmen's Adaptation to College and Coping Style大一新生应对方式与学校适应的关系
11.The Psychological Problems of Freshman Students and Its Coping Strategy浅谈大一新生心理问题及其应对策略
12.plan a programme of lectures for first-year students为大学一年级新生拟制教学大纲.
13.A student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university.新生高中、学院或大学的一年级学生
14.The First Lesson of Freshmen;大学新生第一课——关于我院新生入学教育的思考
15.that I was a new boy in a huge school,我是一所大学校里的一名新生,
16.On the Plan of Having One College Student in Every Village and the Construction of New County;“一村一名大学生计划”与新农村建设
17.A New Model of Handling Students Affairs Gearing to the New Century in Universities;大学面向新世纪的学生工作新模式——大学创新与发展研究之一
18.This is my first year of college . I’m a freshman.这是我大学的第一学年,我是新生。

1.This paper analyzes the causes of freshman s moral improvement problem and its countermeasures,hoping to draw the attention of the society,colleges,teachers,students and parents to this problem.通过对大一新生思想道德建设问题产生的原因及其对策的分析,旨在引起社会、学校、教师、学生和家长的高度重视。
2.Many freshman feel them in trouble since the first day when they enter the colleges.大一新生在入学后都有一个"心理断乳期",其中又突出表现在学习适应问题方面。
3.This paper analyzes the causes of freshman’s psychological adaptability problem and its countermeasures, hoping to direct the attention of the society, college, teachers, students and parents to this problem.通过对大一新生心理适应性问题产生的原因及其对策的分析,旨在引起社会、学校、老师、学生和家长的高度重视。
3)university freshman大一新生
1.400 university freshman were measured by "Cattell the Sixteen Personality Factor Text or Questionnaire (16PF)", "Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance Scale(IPC)"and" Coping Style Questionnaire(CSQ)".为了解大一新生的应对方式特点,分析人格和心理控制源对应对策略产生的影响,本研究采用问卷法对随机抽样的大一新生400人进行考察。
4)freshman in Jishou University吉首大学大一新生
5)the first year middle school students初一新生
6)a new crop of students一批新生
