1.From Utopia to Eden——Evolution of Chinese Compact Residential Form;从乌托邦到伊甸园——我国城市集合住宅形态的演变
2.On D.H.Laurence s Eden of Image;论D·H·劳伦斯意象中的“伊甸园

1.The Eden Project was named after the 1)Bible's Garden of Eden.伊甸园计画得名自圣经里的伊甸园
2.The man was placed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.男人被放在伊甸园中耕种和守卫伊甸园
3.The Modern Paradise --Spiritual Wilderness;现代伊甸园——精神荒原——析《喧哗与骚动》中的伊甸园原型意象
4.Then in 1951, he published East of Eden.其后,他在1951年发表了《伊甸园以东》。
5.Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties伊甸园之门:六十年代美国文化
6." The Garden of Eden is placed in the eastern end of this continent.”伊甸园放置在这块大陆的东部末端。
7.Adam: Where so ever she was, there was Eden.亚当:她出现在哪儿,哪儿便是伊甸园
8.There is no silent and lovely garden of Eden for us.对我们来说,却没有静谧可爱的伊甸园
9.The Losing and Reconstructing of the Garden of Eden--Appreciation on Sons and Lovers伊甸园的失落与重建——解读《儿子与情人》
10.On the Intertexuality between Tess of the Dubervilles and the Story of Eden《苔丝》——伊甸园神话的现代版本
11.The Fall of the "Eden" in Pynchon s Entropy;“伊甸园”的毁灭——评托马斯·品钦的《熵》
12.The Missing Garden of Eden -- Analysis of Love about “Revolution and Love" Novels;迷失的伊甸园——“革命+恋爱”小说之情爱论
13.On D.H.Laurence s Eden of Image;论D·H·劳伦斯意象中的“伊甸园
14.The Garden of Eden:a Token of Hemingway's View of Gender《伊甸园》:海明威复杂性属观之写照
15.The Lost Garden of Eden--On the Wildness Image and Archetype in The Bear失落的伊甸园——论《熊》中的荒野意象
16.There was a river flowing from Eden to water the garden, and when it left the garden it branched into four streams.伊甸园中流过一条河,河水可作灌溉之用。这河流出伊甸后分为四股。
17.The garden that was the first home of Adam and Eve.伊甸园亚当与夏娃居为第一个家的花园
18.Eden and Utopia: Permanent Imagination of Human Perfect Homeland伊甸园与乌托邦:人类美好家园的永久想象

Garden of Eden伊甸园
1.The Garden of Eden on the Earth Religious Views in John Updike s Novels;尘世中的伊甸园——约翰·厄普代克作品中的宗教思想解读
2.The Lost Garden of Eden——On the Wildness Image and Archetype in The Bear失落的伊甸园——论《熊》中的荒野意象
3.The spirits of Garden of Eden reveal the people s strong desire for return to Eden and seeking for the freedom and true love.成功地建立起人的自我实现及与世界融为一体的梦想,从中展示人们重归伊甸园、追求自由和真爱的美好愿望。
3)the Garden of Eden伊甸园
1.The Losing and Reconstructing of the Garden of Eden——Appreciation on Sons and Lovers;伊甸园的失落与重建——解读《儿子与情人》
2.Questioning the view that the Garden of Eden is in Yunnan;质疑“伊甸园在云南”之说
3.Genesis · the Garden of Eden is an important part of the Bible, which has not only important religious value but the significance of culture and literature.《创世记·伊甸园》是《圣经》的一个重要组成部分。
4)modern Eden当代伊甸园
5)In the garden of the Eden,在伊甸园里,
6)Your eden.你的伊甸园。
