1.The Gracefulness and Harmoniousness of Two Classes of Graphs;两类图的优美性与和谐性
2.The gracefulness of C4k∪Pn,n≥k+2;which are the disjoint union graphs of cycles and pahts is discussed in this paper.研究了圈与路不交并图C4k∪Pn,n≥k+2的优美性
3.The paper proves the gracefulness of C_(4k+1)∪C_(4k+2), and gains the necessary and sufficient conditions for C_(m-1)∪C_m to be a graceful graph.证明了C4k+1∪C4k+2的优美性,得到了Cm-1∪Cm为优美图的充要条件。

1.Gracefulness of several kind of Graphs from ∧C_(4,m);以∧C_(4,m)为子图的三类图的优美性
2.On the Gracefulness of G∪(m_i-C_4) from i=1 to n;关于G∪(m_i-C_4) from i=1 to n的优美性
3.k- graceful properties of wheel and count;齿轮图_n和L_n的k-优美性
4.On the proof of the directed graph n·_5(n≡0(mod2)) is a graceful graph;有向图n·_5(n≡0(mod2)的优美性
5.About the graceful prorerty of R(m = C_4,C_(4k));关于R(m=C_4,C_(4k))图的优美性
6.Gracefulness of Graph P_(2r,4m+2)(r=8,10)P_(2r,4m+2)图(r=8,10)的优美性
7.On the Gracefulness of Graph C_(6,i,2n)关于图C_(6,i,2n)的优美性
8.Study on the Odd Graceful and Odd Strongly Harmonious of D_(m,4);关于图D_(m,4)的奇优美性和奇强协调性
9.Graceful and Odd Strongly Harmonious of D_(n,4)~2*p_m*S_t荷花图D_(n,4)~2*p_m*S_t的优美性和奇强协调性
10.The Graceful and Odd Strongly Harmonious of m(G_1(2n,1)*G_2(2n,1))图m(G_1(2n,1)*G_2(2n,1))的优美性和奇强协调性
11.On Application of English Writing Technique and Politeness of the Language;试论英文写作技巧的应用与语言的优美性
12.The gracefulness of graph (K_2∨■)·(K_2∨■);图(K_2∨"非汉字符号")·(K_2∨"非汉字符号")的优美性
13.On the Gracefulness of Graphs C_n∪T_k圈C_n与树T_k生成的单圈图的优美性及其它标号
14.Devotion to and pursuit of the beautiful; sensitivity to artistic beauty and refined taste.爱美性对美好事物的热爱与追求;对艺术美及优雅品味的敏感性
15.The Yunnan festive lantern has beautiful songs and rhythm, with many dances;"云南花灯"词曲优美,舞蹈性强;
16.SINO-US Trade Negotiation:Uncertainty and Optimal Choices;中美贸易协商:不确定性与最优选择
17.It is usually nonconstructive, inelegant, hard to generalize.它通常是非构造性的,不优美的,难于一般化的。
18.His sisters were fine women, with an air of decided fashion.他的姐妹都是些优美的女性,态度落落大方。

1.The grace of sad——On neoclassical style of CAO Wenxuan;感伤的优美——曹文轩新古典主义风格论
2.This paper mainly talks about aesthetic form of plaza,analyze two aesthetic forms in details,one is the grace form which is grand and powerful ,the other is sublime form which has more consideration for people and has fitting scale.对广场的审美形态进行了论述,详细的分析了场面宏大、具有强大震撼力的崇高的审美形态以及尺度适宜、以人为本的优美的审美形态,分析了广场现存的盲目求大等现象,认为在城市广场的建设当中,一定要有合适的审美形态定位,并在设计中把握其特征,才能为市民创造出具有良好空间质量的、人性化的城市广场空间。
3.Regardless of the similarities between sublime and magnificence, we compare differences between sublime and grace in ten respects.排除崇高和壮美的关系可能带来的干扰后,我们从十个方面比较了崇高和优美的不同。
1.In this paper,we obtain three kinds of graphs by adding some vertices and some edges on,and proved that the three kinds of graphs not only are allgraceful,odd graceful,but also are balanced graphs and alternating graphs.本文通过在上增加一些顶点和边,得到了三种图,并得出此三种图均是优美的,奇优美的,也是交错图,平衡图,同时给出了相应的标号。
2.A group of graceful labeling of caterpillar-tree is giving by a kind of new method.给出了毛毛虫树的新的优美标号法,以此为基础给出了所有11阶非毛毛虫树的优美标号,从而证明了11阶树都是优美的。
3.When n≡0(mod 2),for any positive integers k and when n≡1(mod 2),for positive integers k≤(n-1)/2 +t-1 or k=(n-1)/2 +1,the k-gracefulness of a kind of unicyclic graph C+tn is proved.当n为偶数时,对任意正整数k及当n为奇数时,对正整数k≥(n-1)/2+t—l或k=(n—1)/2+1,单圈图C+tn的k-优美性被证实。
1.Chinese aesthetes, influenced by western aesthetics, traditional classifies the forms of beauty into elegance, loftiness (or majesticity), tragedy, comedy, farce, and humor.关于美的形态分类 ,我国美学界由于受西方美学界的影响 ,一般分为优美、崇高 (或壮美 )、悲剧 (或悲 )、喜剧 (或喜 )、滑稽、幽默等。
2.The philosophical foundation of elegance is naive dialectics, while that of sublimeness is mechanic metaphysics.优美是一个比较古老的概念 ,崇高则是近代美学研究的产物 ;优美的哲学基础是朴素的辩证法 ,崇高的哲学基础是机械的形而上学 ;优美在于审美主客体的和谐统一 ,是审美主体借助审美客体对自身本质力量的积极肯定与实现。
1.The more freedom it shows,the more concinnity it has.这种充满精神自由的身体美,具体显现为合目的性和合规律性的身体,充满生命活力而又动态自由的身体,优美可爱的身体。
2.According to Kantian and Yaonai抯 aesthetic style, The Sonthern Dynasty landscape抯 poetry are concinnity.以康德的美学观和姚鼐的美学风格分类为依据分析以大小谢为代表的南朝山水诗,认为其美学风格是典型的优美。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-