1.On the Principles of Making an Example in the Gynecological and Obstetric Teaching;论妇产科教学举例的原则
2.The paper introduces several methods and specific processes in the designing of PLC ladder charts and shows its advantages and disadvantages and points for attention,which are all explained through examples.文介绍了PLC梯形图的几种设计方法和具体设计步骤 ,它们的优缺点以及在设计中注意的事项 ,并举例说明。

1.Illustration of a Barn Statement.银行往来调节表的举例
2.Let me just list a few.让我举例说明如下。
3.Here's how it's used:下面举例说明如何使用:
4.exemplify the problems involved.举例说明所涉及的问题.
5.Please amplify your remarks by giving us some examples.请举例详述你的话。
6.Distinguish morality from ethics and give examples of their difference.区分道德和伦理并举例
7.To clarify by serving as an example or comparison.举例说明运用例证或比喻把问题讲清楚
8.To cite as an example or means of proof in an argument.引证,举例在辩论中引以为例或引以为证
9.Instancing in Finance Teaching on the Basis of Case Teaching Module;从案例教学模式谈财经专业课教学中的举例
10.It would be an endless task to cite such living examples.这样的实例举不胜举。
11.Village Election Politics: A Survey of the Election Case from 1998 to 2005;村庄选举政治:1998-2005年选举案例透视
12.The case you take is not in point.你举的那个例子不恰当。
13.Can you give some examples?你能举几个例子吗?
14.Can you give me some examples?你能给举些例子吗?
15.Such things are too numerous to mention one by one,这样的事例不胜枚举。
16.A few examples will make the point clear.举几个例子就明白了。
17.Take an example in tactics.举战术的例子来说。
18.marshal facts in preparation for an exam.为准备考试而列举实例

1.Giving examples is very common in teaching English words.举例是英语词汇教学中常用的方法。
1.Exemplifications in CET-4 Writing;大学英语四级作文举例策略探究
2.However, there are still quite a few shortcomings in certain entries in relation to pinyin, definition, exemplification, format, diction, needing further revision and improvement.《现代汉语词典》(1996年修订本)出版以来,在推广普通话、促进汉语规范化方面发挥了显著作用,但在条目、注音、释义、举例、体例、用字等方面也存在一些疏误,有待进一步修订完善。
3.In order to improve the quality of classroom teaching of English and of language input in classroom teaching in particular, teachers usually adopt a variety of teaching methods and techniques to achieve the teaching goals, among which exemplification is a most common technique used by teachers.在组织课堂教学的过程中,英语教师为优化课堂教学,提高英语课堂语言输入的质量,常常采用各种各样的教学方法和教学手段来实现教学目标,举例就是教学中极为常见的一种教学行为方式。
4)giving examples举例
1.Therefore,paying attention to questions and ways to gain cases when giving examples is very important to improve the classroom teaching level and raise the students good quality.举例是教师在课堂上常用的一种教学手段。
5)For example or for instance例如,举例
6)Examples in practice实践举例
