1.It is an important step to determine the origin of part coordinate system in CNC operations.确定工件坐标系原点是数控加工中重要的一个步骤。
2.First,singular quantities at the origin of the system are discussed.研究一类五次多项式系统的奇点量与中心条件,首先由原点的奇点量研究开始,通过一同胚变换将无穷远点转变成原点(初等奇点),再用计算机代数系统Mathem atica计算了这个多项式系统原点的前6个奇点量,和无穷远点前12个奇点量,最终得到了原点和无穷远点的中心条件。
3.TAO Yuan-ming as the origin of his poetic theory was not only the starting point but also the destination of the spirit of his theory.“陶渊明”作为其诗学的原点,既是其诗学历程的出发点,也是其诗学精神的归宿,赋予了朱光潜动人的生命诗学色彩。

1.virtual origin of impulse current冲击电流波视在原点
2.a pattern of regularly spaced circular spots.通常是环形原点的式样。
3.your |computer. |It |tracks |key |changes |to |your |system就可以从还原点还原您的计算机。
4.An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin.零序数中表示最初的点或原点
5.The Evolution of Origin and Fulcrum of Mass Sport of Contemporary China;当代中国群众体育原点与支点的嬗变
6.get [go] back to the basics回到起点[原点];回复到基本原则[(教育方面的)基础训练]
7.I think there are several reasons.我想这包括几点原因。
8.theory of six-point locating of workpiece工件的六点定位原理
9.So that's his (little) game! ie Now I know what he has been planning.原来那就是他的鬼点子!
10.That accounts for the delay of the train.那就是火车迟点的原因。
11.The field was interspersed with stands of trees.原野上点缀着树木。
12.ASP.NET Characteristic and Running Principle ExplanationASP.NET特点及运行原理浅析
13.Among them,19 ,40,13 antigens lie in HLA-A,B,DR loci respectively.b位点抗原检出40种; DR位点抗原检出13种。
14.An arsenic atom can take the place of a germanium atom in the lattice.一个砷原子能取代点阵子中的锗原子.
15.Reinterpretation of Prototype Theory -A Supplement to the Concept of Present Prototype Theory;原型重释——对当下原型定义的一点补充
16.Expression of the Structure Gene(Pro) collagen of Alpaca Skin羊驼皮肤结构基因(原)胶原的表达特点
17.a prairie islanded with groves星星点点地分布着一些树丛的大草原
18.And all of this, every bit of it, was avoidable.这一切,点点滴滴,原本可以避免。

original point原点
1.The concept of original point of K map and ej map is discussed.介绍了函数的最小项展开式和XOS展开式及其图形表示,提出函数K图和ej图的原点概念,以此为基础讨论了基于原点的函数K图和ej图之间的转换方法。
2.What is the essence of education?Is heuristic teaching the highest state?Only we trace back to the original point can we seek the real meaning of education and find a way out,that is ,innnovative teaching.面对教育这个永恒而沉重的话题 ,迷惑中我们追问 :教育的真谛究竟是什么 ?从注入式教学到启发式教学 ,是教学观念上的一次重大进步 ,但启发式教学是否就是教学的最高境界 ?通过回到“原点”的思考 ,发现创意式教学就是新形势下真正意义上的可持续发展教学 ,并对创意式教学的概念、特色等进行了探讨。
3)BP (base point)基点,原点
4)initial point起始点原点
5)initial point原点,起始点
6)the vegetables orders the raw material菜点原料
1.The Chinese new vegetables order from now on how the innovation is more perfect to turn,the norm tum, must pay attention to the vegetables roll call to call,the vegetables orders the raw material,vegetables to order the shape,vegetables to order the taste,vegetables to order a contents with 14 etc of flavor.中国新菜点今后如何创新更加完善化、规范化,必须注重菜点名称、菜点原料、菜点形状、菜点口味、菜点味型等十四个方面的内容。
