1.By using Liapunov functionals,new sufficient conditions for system persistence and existence of a unique positive almost periodic solution with globally asymptotical stability.研究了一类非同步扩散项的n种群Lotka-Volterra非自治捕食-竞争系统,应用Liapunov泛函方法得到系统持久生存和存在唯一全局渐近稳定正概周期解的新的充分条件,并举例说明定理的应用。
2.The sufficient conditions for persistence and global attractivity of peridic solutions are obtained by means of using differential inequality and constructing suitable Lyapunov function.研究了一类扩散具有时滞的非自治捕食系统的持久生存与周期解问题,利用微分不等式和L iapunov泛函的方法得到了该系统持久生存与周期解全局吸引的充分条件。
3.We gain conditions for persistence for three-species of the system and global asymptotic stability for positive periodic solution of the system.研究了一类具有扩散系数和 Holling 类功能反应的一捕两食三种群非自治捕食系统 ,得到了系统持久生存和周期系统存在唯一全局渐近稳定的周期解的条件 。

1.Joint Model for Longitudinal and Survival Data with a Cure Fraction;含持久生存数据的一个纵向数据模型
2.On the Permanence of a Stage-structured Predator-prey System具有阶段结构和自食作用捕食系统的持久生存
3.Permanence of a Predator-prey Model with Stage Structure;一类阶段结构捕食系统的永久持续生存
4.store in a deepfreeze, as for conservation.低温保存以便永久保持。
5.By her sweetness Ivy managed to survive the drawn-out brutality.艾薇靠着自己随和的性情,总算在持续很久的残忍中生存了下来。
6.Occurrence Characteristics and Biological Toxicity of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Strategic Water Sources of the Yangtze Estuary;长江口战略水源地持久性有机污染物的赋存特征及生物毒性
7.Permanence of populations of a competing chemostat model in a polluted environment;污染的竞争恒化器模型种群的永久持续生存性(Ⅱ)
8.Permanence for Two species Lotka Volterra Models with Harvest or Throw in;具有收获与投放的二维Lotka-Volterra模型的永久持续生存
9.Bio-degradable, non-persistent wastes生物降解、非持久性废物
10.An object used for storing temporary or persistent data.用于存储临时或持久性数据的对象。
11.Peter asked,"How long will our food supplies hold out彼得问:“我们的存粮还能维持多久?”
12.Q: Yet, the problem of permanency, of continuity of being, is not solved.但、永久持续地存在这个问题仍未解决。
13.A Comparison Between Some Persistence Store Technologies in J2EE Engineering;J2EE工程中持久性存储技术的比较
14.Research on Durable Data Storage Mechanism in WAN Storage System Based on P2P基于P2P的广域存储系统数据持久存储机制研究
15.His writing often focuses on the permanence of objects and people that have survived through the upheavals of contemporary history.他的作品经常聚焦在经历当代历史巨变后生存下来的物与人的持久性。
16.Permanence and Global Stability in a Predator-Prey System with Three Life Stages具有3个成长阶段的捕食-被捕食模型的永久持续生存和全局稳定性
17.Can a nation organized and governed such as ours endure?像我国这样组成和管制的国家,能够持久存在吗?
18.Optimize Transparence Persistence Store in J2EE Environment and Implements with JDO;J2EE环境中透明持久存储优化及在JDO中的实现

1.Permanence for a Model of Hematopoiesis;一个造血模型的持久生存(英文)
2.Mathematical analysis of system with regard to the positive invariant set,the asymptotical properties of non-negative equilibrium and permanence is discussed.讨论了系统的正不变集,非负平衡点的渐进性及持久生存性。
3)long-term survivors持久生存
1.In thispaper we proposed an alternative discrete-time survival model which may accommodates survival data with "long-term survivors".但当生存数据中有所谓“持久生存者”时,通常的离散生存模型已不适合。
4)longterm survivors持久生存者
1.Permanence and Global Stability for Single-species Model with Three Life Stages and Time Delay;具有三个成长阶段的单种群时滞模型的永久持续生存和全局稳定性
2.Permanence for Two species Lotka Volterra Models with Harvest or Throw in;具有收获与投放的二维Lotka-Volterra模型的永久持续生存
3.In this paper,a predator-prey system with sex structure is investigated,sufficient conditions for permanence and extinction of the system obtained,sex ratio under different capturing rate studied and conclusion made that sex ratio is related to the capturing rate of predators.研究一类具有性别结构的捕食系统,得到了保证该生态系统永久持续生存与绝灭的充分条件,而且得到了不同的捕食能力对捕食者性比有影响的结论。
6)uniform persistence一致持久生存

持久黄体  家畜的一种产科病。特征为发情周期或分娩后黄体超过正常存在时间(如母牛为产后25~30天)而不消失,其组织构造和机能都与发情周期黄体或妊娠黄体无区别。可导致持续分泌孕酮、抑制卵泡发育,从而使发情周期循环停止和不孕。病因与舍饲时运动?蛔恪⑷樟钢锌笪镏屎臀厝狈σ约岸竞涞扔泄亍W庸膊∪缱庸Щ蚧⑴咛ピ缙谒劳觥⒉笞庸淳刹蝗⒉糠?胎衣不下,以及子宫肿瘤等,也可引起本病。多见于母牛(特别是高产乳牛),其他家畜少见。临床特征为不发情;母牛在产犊后或配种后超过两个半月直肠检查无胎儿;一侧或两侧卵巢增大,黄体突出卵巢表面,比卵巢实质为硬;子宫多松软下垂,触诊收缩反应减弱。治疗时首先应改善饲养管理,同时肌肉注射前列腺素F2α及其类似物如氟前列烯醇和氯前列烯醇等。一般在注射后一周之内即可奏效,并能配种受孕;必要时可隔7~10天再注射 1次。也可用催产素、胎盘组织液、促卵泡素、孕马血清或雌激素治疗。沿用已久的黄体摘除术可以引起卵巢的严重出血性损伤,已被淘汰。由于子宫疾病而使黄体不能及时吸收的,应以治疗子宫疾病为主。