1.Memory Reconsolidation and Its Potential Neurobiological Mechanism记忆再巩固现象及其生物学机制
2.In this paper we reviewed recent progress in studies on the formation and consolidation of declarative memory and proposed some modifications and extension for the classical model of memory storage.综述了陈述性记忆形成和巩固的神经机制,并对经典模型进行了修正和拓展。
3.A mechanism of mutual benefit and promotion between a teachers college and it s practice base is the key to the consolidation of educational practice base.稳定的实习基地是教育实习质量的保证 ,师范学校与实习基地之间形成一种互利互动的机制是教育实习基地得以巩固的惟一出

1.the pull of gravity二. 语法巩固练习
2.Union Solidarity and Development Association联邦巩固与发展协会
3.readjustment, consolidation, filling out and raising standard调整、巩固、充实、提高
4.Stabilize and perfect the financial contract system巩固完善财政包干制度
5.a fortified place where troops are stationed.军队驻扎的巩固的地方。
6.revet a trench(用砂包、鹿砦等)巩固壕沟
7.The people's democratic dictatorship has been consolidated.人民民主专政业已巩固
8.The question is whether the co-operatives can be consolidated.问题是能不能巩固
9.Is it possible to consolidate them?究竟能不能巩固呢?
10.We should consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.巩固军政军民团结。
11.consolidation phase [Records Management Strategy]巩固阶段〔档案管理策略〕
13.Confirm thy soul in self-control!巩固自我控制的精神。
14.Can these co-operatives help to bring about the gradual consolidation of the others?可以不可以由这些已经巩固的合作社带领其余尚待巩固的合作社逐步地获得巩固呢?
15.In saying that peace has been attained, we do not mean that it is consolidated; on the contrary, we have said that it is not consolidated.我们说和平取得了,并不是说和平巩固了,相反,我们说它是不巩固的。
16.consolidate one's gains; consolidate one's hold on first place.巩固一个人的成果;巩固一个人的第一把手的权力。
17.The Consolidation of Regimes after Democratic Transition:A Dynamic Concept of Democratic Consolidation;后民主转型的政体巩固:一个动态的民主巩固概念
18.consolidation of power under central control.在中心的控制下权利的巩固

1.The foundig experience is summed up,Difficulties are kept on surmounting, And the founding achievements are consolidated.回顾赣榆县初级卫生保健先进县创建过程,总结创建经验,继续攻克难点,巩固创建成果。
2.To consolidate the reigning base in a great agricultural country where the farming population makes up the majority, the Party should maintain a good relationship with the farmers, striving for and protecting their interests.中国是个农业大国 ,农民占人口的大多数 ,巩固党的执政基础 ,必须处理好与农民的关系 ,必须代表并维护好农民的利益。
1.Attach importance to leading social trend of thought and strengthen socialist ideology;重视对社会思潮的引导与巩固社会主义意识形态
1.By using the activities of the Party’s ruling herself and the country at the beginning of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China as the background in an objective perspective, this article analyses the then policy and practice in the CCP’s consolidating the ruling basis and tries to draw some useful experience to give a helpful hand to today’s Party’s ruling activities.本文以建国初期党的治国、治党活动为背景,以客观的态度分析了当时党巩固执政基础的政策与实践,力图从中总结经验,为当代执政活动提供有益的借鉴。
6)therapeutic effects consolidation疗效巩固
