分枝定界,branch and bound
1)branch and bound分枝定界
1.A reduced branch and bound approach for solving quadratic programming problem with quadratic constraints;带有二次约束的二次规划问题的一个收缩分枝定界算法
2.This model is a mixed integerlinear program (MILP), and is solved with a branch and bound (B&B) algorithm.针对废弃物品的收集、预处理和再制造问题,建立了回收物流设施选址混合整数规划(MILP)模型,用分枝定界法求解。
3.This paper discusses the problem and presents a branch and bound technique to find alternate optimal solutions for assignment problem.本文讨论了该问题 ,并提出一种求指派问题多重最优解的分枝定界

1.A branch and bound algorithm for a kind of indefinite quadratic programming一类不定二次规划问题的分枝定界
4.Branch-Bound Algorihm for Hot Strip Rolling Batch Planning Problem;热轧批量计划问题的分枝定界算法研究
5.Optimization to the Route of Depositing and Fetching of Automated Warehouse Based on Ranch and Bound Method;基于分枝定界法的旋转货架存取路径优化
6.Comparisons between Plane-cutting and Branch Delimitation in Integer Plan;整数规划中的割平面法与分枝定界法比较
7.Comparison of Color Solution via Hungarian Algorithm and Branch-and-bound Method匈牙利算法与分枝定界法解决调色问题之比较
8.Hot Steel Rolling PlanOptimization Based on Intelligent Branch-bound Algorithm基于智能分枝定界法的热轧钢轧制计划优化
9.Resource-constrained Max-npv project scheduling problem and branch and bound algorithm资源约束型Max-npv项目调度问题的分枝定界算法
10.Branch-bound Method for Portfolio Investment Decision under Nonnegative Constraint非负约束条件下组合证券投资决策的分枝定界
11.The Branch and Bound of Implicit Enumeration Method Solution(BIP);关于隐数法解(BIP)时的分枝与定界
12.Some Limit Theorems for Subcritical Branching Processes in Random Environment;随机环境中下临界分枝过程中的一些极限定理
13.On the Extinction Time of Subcritical Branching Processes in Random Environment;随机环境中下临界分枝过程的灭绝时
14.Global production and trade situation and the competitiveness analysis of Lychee世界荔枝生产贸易格局与竞争力分析
15.The Identification of Mycobacterium Species by Reversed Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Mycolic Acid;分枝杆菌分枝菌酸的反相高效液相色谱分型鉴定技术方法研究
16.Expression and Identification of M.tuberculosis RmlC Enzyme;结核分枝杆菌RmlC的表达及酶活性鉴定
17.Identification of M.tuberculosis Rv1018c;结核分枝杆菌Rv1018c基因的功能鉴定
18.The Analytical Method Standards Setting of Grafted HTPB接枝二茂铁HTPB分析方法标准的制定

1.In order to solve this model, a revised branch-and-bound algorithm is designed and illustrated by a numerical example. 通过对模型特征分析,提出了一种分枝定界算法,实例应用及算法复杂性分析证明了该算法的有效性。
2.Finally, a branch-and-bound algorithm is presented.本文根据运输问题中一类常见的情况建立了在并容量网络中求最大并流的网络模型,证明了最大并流问题的NP完全性,并给出了求解该问题的一种分枝定界算法。
3.It is easily shown that this problem is NP-hard,and a dynamic programming algorithm and a branch-and-bound algorithm are developed to solve it optimally.文中简单说明此问题为NP-难问题,并提出了一种动态规划算法和一种分枝定界算法来求得此问题的最优解。
3)branch and bound algorithm分枝定界
1.A genetic branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve the 3 machine flow-shop permutation problem,which is similar to the often used genetic local algorithm and the genetic dynamic programming algorithm.提出一种遗传分枝定界算法求解 3机Flow -shop调度问题 。
2.A genetic branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve the 3 mach ines Flow-shop permutation problem, which is similar to often used the genetic local algorithm and the genetic dynamic programming algorithm.Flow shop调度问题属于NP难题,传统的方法很难求出精确最优解,提出了一种遗传分枝定界算法,即在遗传算法中引入分枝定界算法保持对优化解有贡献的工件部分顺序,求解3机Flow shop调度问题,该算法与常用的遗传局部算法和遗传动态规划算法类似,用随机方法测试例子,与目前著名的Taillard的禁忌搜索算法和Reeves的遗传算法两种改进算法进行比较,大量的数据实验证实了遗传分枝定界算法的有效性。
3.A genetic branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve the 3 machine flow-shop permutation problem, which is similar to often used the genetic local algorithm and the genetic dynamic programming algorithm.提出了一种遗传分枝定界算法求解 3机 Flow- shop调度问题 ,该算法类似于常用的遗传局部算法和遗传动态规划算法 。
4)branch and bound algorithm分枝定界法
1.Moreover, a branch and bound algorithm is given.接着又给出了求解该问题的一个分枝定界法。
2.At the same time,its algorithm is also obtained which is a branch and bound algorithm.这类数学模型尽管可以转化为0-1规划模型,但它相对于转化后的0-1规划模型:①决策意义明确,表达形式相对简单;②不需要引入参数M并在求解前确定其上界;③相对于求解转化后的0-1规划模型的分枝定界法,新分枝定界算法在最好情形下计算量最多为原算法的八分之一。
5)branch and bound method分枝定界法
1.City distribution center:truck load matching based on branch and bound method;基于分枝定界法的车辆配载问题
2.The branch and bound method and SQP approach is used to solve this problem.采用分枝定界法和序列二次规划方法,对载人潜水器圆柱形耐压壳体的重量最小化进行了研究。
3.The method was combined with probability analysis and with branch and bound method to evaluate the system.首次将结构连续变更定理用于刚架结构的可靠性分析 ,并将该定理与概率计算、分枝定界法相结合对系统加以分析 ,计算结构总体失效概率·避免了总刚反复组装、求逆 ,大大简化了繁琐的运算 ,为结构系统失效提供了新判据·实现了变化结构的连续结构分析 ,加快了可靠性分析时效·算例表明结果令人满
6)branch and bound分枝定界法
1.Proposes a hybrid algorithm that integrates constraint propagation technique and branch and bound algorithm to solve the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem.将约束传播技术同分枝定界法相结合求解优化目标为最小最大完工时间的混合流水车间调度问题。

皮米诺定 ,去痛定,匹米诺定药物名称:匹米诺定英文名:Piminodine别名: 皮米诺定 ,去痛定,匹米诺定外文名:Piminodine 适应症: 为强效麻醉性镇痛药,镇痛作用较呱替啶强。用于胆囊炎合并胆结石、胰腺炎、癌症等引起的剧痛。 用量用法: 1.皮下注射或肌注:1次10~20mg,必要时每4小时1次。 2.口服:1次25~50mg。 注意事项: 有成瘾性。 规格: 1.片剂:25mg。 2.注射液:10mg。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药