1.Progress in the research of mutation of genetic intron and retinitis pigmentosa;基因内含子突变与视网膜色素变性的研究进展
2.Characterization and analysis of Toxoplasma gondii aldolase gene and intron;刚地弓形虫醛缩酶基因及其内含子的分析
3.Role of intron and 5 untranslated region in human thrombopoietin gene expression;内含子和5 非翻译区对人血小板生成素基因表达的影响

1.Characteristic Analysis of GⅡ Intron Gene in Arthrospira节旋藻二类内含子(GⅡ intron)基因特性分析
2.Analysis on Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Intron2 of MSTN Gene in Five Yak Breeds牦牛MSTN基因内含子Ⅱ遗传多样性研究
3.Cloning and analyzing of the intron of Tea PCP gene茶树PCP基因内含子的克隆与序列分析
4.Exploitation and Application of Intron Length Polymorphism Markers in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻内含子长度多态性分子标记的开发和应用
5.The introns are cut out by processing enzymes in the nucleus and the exons(coding sequences)ligated together.核内的加工酶切下内含子,同时外显子(编码序列)连接在一起。
6.protein splicing蛋白质剪接[通过翻译后加工去除蛋白质内含子]
7.Predicting the structures and Studying the Phylogeny of Group IE Introns;E亚类I型内含子的结构预测与系统发生分析
8.The Intron Evolution of Entomic Olfactory Receptor Gene, Or83b-like Gene;昆虫嗅觉受体Or83b-like基因内含子的进化研究
9.Having three carboxyl groups.三羧基的分子内含有三个羧基的
10.Does this post contain offensive content?这根柱子包含令人不快的内容吗?
11.The element cannot contain child element. Content model is empty.元素不能包含子元素。内容模型为空。
12.And with 18,000 tubes and 6,000 switches,内含18,000个电子管和6,000多个开关。
13.The computer contains a large number of electronic switches.计算机内包含大量电子开关。
14.The category kernel-mode drivers includes many subcategories.内核模式驱动范畴包含许多子范畴。
15.found pebbles embedded in the silt; stone containing many embedded fossils; peach and plum seeds embedded in a sweet edible pulp.发现泥沙中含有小卵石;内含化石的石头;桃和李子的种子内含于甜美的可实用的果肉中。
16.electrical heating elements contained in a flexible pad.在一个带有韧性的垫子内含有电子加热元件。
17.The Relation between Nitric Oxide in Endometrium and Disfunctional Uterine Beeding;子宫内膜中NO含量与功能失调性子宫出血的关系
18.The Relationship between Endogenous Hormone and Parthenocarpy in the Eggplant Fruitlets茄子子房内源激素含量与单性结实的关系

1.Comparison and analysis of the molecular character of breakpoints in introns of deletion hotspots of dystrophin gene;缺失型杜氏肌营养不良症缺失热区内含子断裂点分子结构特点的对比分析
2.A unique conservation of the pyrimidine-rich introns in the mammalian cardiac myosin heavy chain genes;哺乳类心脏肌浆球蛋白重链基因中的富嘧啶基内含子的唯一保守性(英文)
3.The origin of non-coding sequences,especially introns,is an outstanding issue that has been receiving continuous debate for the last two decades.非编码序列,特别是内含子的起源,是一个重要的悬而未决的问题。
4)intron RNA内含子RNA
5)intron 13内含子13
1.Preliminary investigation of the microsatellite at the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene intron 13 in Chinese;中国人群eNOS基因内含子13微卫星多态性的初步研究
6)nad1 intronnad1内含子

内含子分子式:CAS号:性质:又称沉默DNA(silent DNA)。真核基因中的非翻译区,它不被表达于蛋白质分子或成熟的mRNA中。内含子把单个真核基因分成许多不连续的区域。内含子也可见于某些前核基因组,但较为少见,且也有许多调节功能。由核RNA转录产生的为不均一核RNA(hnRNA)含有内含子,经特殊的酶(如ribozyme)作用切去内含子序列,然后剩余的外显子(exon)被连接酶拼接成为成熟的mRNA。