1.Treating dyeing wastewater by catalystic iron inner electrolysis process with aeration;曝气催化铁内电解法对印染废水预处理的试验
2.Discussion on aeration repair theory of oil pollution of groundwater;地下水石油污染曝气修复理论探讨
3.Renovation of Polluted River Water by Artificial Reaeration;人工曝气复氧整治污染河流

1.A Test for Improvement of Layout of Aerators in Aeration Tank曝气池中曝气器布置方式改进的研究
2.air diffusion aerator空气扩散式曝气装置
3.Limno biological aeration塑料管充氧生物曝气
4.The mixed contents are aerated for 2-3 days.将这混合液曝气2-3天。
5.Bubble Free Aeration & Nitrificantion of Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor;无泡曝气膜生物反应器的曝气和硝化研究
6.Study on Comparison of Multiple Performance of Self-Suction Jet Aeration and Bubble Aeration;自吸式射流曝气与鼓风曝气综合性能对比研究
7.Modeling and Simulating of Oxygen Transfer and Water Flow Rate in the Aeration Chamber of Water-lifting Aerator扬水曝气曝气室的充氧提水性能研究
8.Study on air BAF and oxygen BAF process in advanced wastewater treatment空气曝气与纯氧曝气生物滤池应用于污水深度处理的研究
9.Aeration system comprises one circle concrete tank which equipped with one (1) set of submerged aeration header, one (1) set of re-circulation pumps and air blowers.深水射流曝气系统为一圆形曝气池,有一组射流曝气头,一个循环水泵。
10.When fitted with check valve, it can also be used in intermittent aeration system.当曝气器配置止回阀时,还可用于间歇式曝气系统。
11.Furthermore, we designed the second generation Micropore aeration equipment which is made up for the defaults of the pre-Micropore aeration equipment.根据情况,我们设计了第二代曝气推流一体化超微孔曝气装置。
12.Research on Biological Aerated Filter Treatment Efficiency for Media Size and Macrospore Aperture;滤料粒径和曝气管开孔率对曝气生物滤池处理效能影响的研究
13.Study on Organic Contaminants Removal Using Air Sparging and Biosparging;地下水曝气(AS)及生物曝气(BS)处理有机污染物的研究
14.Numerical Simulations on the Periphery Flow Field of Water-lifting Aerator and the Flow Field of Aeration Chamber;基于CFD的扬水曝气器外围流场及曝气室流场模拟
15.Study on Efficiency of Aeration Type in Biological Aeration Filter in Treating Wastewater;曝气生物滤池中曝气方式对污水处理效率的影响研究
16.The Relationship between the Water Depth of Aeration Tank and the Effects of Aeration in the Domestic Sewage Treatment Station of Kunming Shipping Industrial District;昆船工业区生活污水处理站曝气池水深与曝气效果关系的研究
17.Problems on the Design and Construction of Aerated Biofilter曝气生物滤池设计与施工的若干问题
18.The optimum water depth increases as the aperture of the aerator increases.水深较小时,宜选用孔径较小的曝气器;

1.92 mg/L(the addition is half of the theory),aerated pressure is 40 kg/cm2 and aerated time is 1 h,the water treated by this method may be met the criterion of drinking water.采用在水中投加适量高锰酸钾并同时曝气的混合方法,来处理模拟地下水中的Mn2+。
2.With being aerated for 4 to 12 hours ,the rate of removing COD Cr ,BOD 5 and NH 3 N from the outlet of SBR tanks reaches 85%~95%.当曝气时间为 4~ 12h时 ,SBR泄出水CODCr、BOD5及氨氮的去除率分别能达到 85 %~ 95 %、90 %~ 95 %和 6 5 %~ 80 % ,从而大大降低了垃圾渗滤液治理工艺中后续处理阶段的负荷 。
1.Design optimization were adopted in aerating and sedimentation when municipal sewage was treated by CASS(Cyclic Activated Sludge System),which was useful to save running power cost and process administration optimization.采用循环式活性污泥法(CASS)工艺处理城市生活污水,并对曝气和沉淀排水阶段进行设计优化,利于节能及优化运行。
1.Two methods of blower-aeration and vacuum pump-aeratin were comparatively studied.对鼓气曝气和抽气曝气两类曝气方法做了对比研究,结果显示:抽气曝气,稀释水DO始终达不到8mg/L,开放静置24h,DO几乎不增加;鼓气曝气30min,稀释水DO已稳定超过8mg/L,鼓气曝气120min后开放静置20h,DO仍有8mg/L。
5)pneumatic aeration气压曝气
6)pneumatic aeration压气曝气

曝气  水和空气充分接触以交换气态物质和去除水中挥发性物质的水处理方法,或使气体从水中逸出,如去除水的臭味或二氧化碳和硫化氢等有害气体;或使氧气溶入水中,以提高溶解氧浓度,达到除铁、除锰或促进需氧微生物降解有机物的目的。    影响气体在气液两相之间转移速率的因素有:该气体在气相中的分压和在液相中的浓度、温度、两相界面面积和水的组成等。在相同温度和分压下,一种气体在水中的溶解度(常称平衡浓度)是恒定的;当该气体的浓度大于平衡浓度时,则从水中逸出;小于平衡浓度时,气体溶入水中。水库或湖泊往往由于藻类、原生动物和浮游生物的繁殖或动植物残体的腐烂而有臭味。致臭物质通常是挥发性有机物,可用喷泉、多阶跌水、多层穿孔板落水和多层焦炭盘落水等曝气装置,使水流分散成薄膜状或液滴状而将其去除。    地下水有时含有硫化氢、二氧化碳或过量的铁、锰,也可用曝气法处理。游离二氧化碳有腐蚀性,水的碱度较低时,曝气后水可经石灰石滤床过滤,使二氧化碳转化为碳酸根,这时滤床中要有较长的接触时间。地下水中溶解的铁、锰一般是低价的重碳酸盐,和空气接触后,因游离二氧化碳浓度降低而溶解氧浓度提高,即能转化为沉淀。铁、锰含量一般不高,需氧不多,所以对曝气的要求较低,而对接触时间要求较高。    在废水的活性污泥法中,混合液的溶解氧必须用曝气法补给。活性污泥法曝气池采用的曝气方法可分为两类:气泡曝气法和表面曝气法。前者是压缩空气通过管道和布气设备在水中形成细小的气泡,向上浮动通过水层。后者是应用叶轮或旋刷剧烈搅动水面,不断以新的界面和大气接触,气泡曝气法和表面曝气法除供氧外,还具有搅拌作用,使活性污泥维持悬浮状态。关于曝气池的构造和设备见活性污泥法。此外,气泡曝气法还用于废水处理厂的沉砂池以冲洗沉渣和防止废水腐化(见沉淀)。