1.Response of the Na~+-K~+-ATPase Activity of Bufo gargarizans Tadpole to Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+) Single and Combined Pollution Exposure;铜、镉及其复合作用下中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪Na~+-K~+-ATPase酶的变化
2.The Effects of Domestic Sewage on the Micronucleus and Abnormal Nucleus of Red Cell of Tadpoles;生活污水对蝌蚪红细胞微核及核异常的诱导
3.Effects of Salinity and Alkalinity on Tadpole and Abnormal Young Frog of Rana chensinensis;盐度、碱度对中国林蛙蝌蚪及变态幼蛙的毒性影响

1.A tadpole ultimately turns into a frog.蝌蚪最后变成青蛙。
2.a nut, a plum, a pear, a tadpole,核桃、李子、梨子、蝌蚪
3.I'm Little Tadpole. I'm looking for Mummy, too.我是小蝌蚪。我也在找妈妈。
4.the other, headless tadpoles.另一个则弄出了没有脑袋的蝌蚪
5.I can't do tadpoles again, they keep these things on file.我不能再用蝌蚪了,学校有记录。
6.Experiment Result: Smoke is poisonous to tadpoles.实验结果是:烟对蝌蚪的毒害性很强。
7.They lifted their heads to look at Zhang.每一只蝌蚪都抬起头看着张操志。
8.A little tadpole is swimming in the river.She is looking for Her mother.小蝌蚪在河里游泳他看到了他的妈妈。
9.The little tadpoles saw the fish, They thought she was their mother.小蝌蚪们看见鲤鱼以为是自己的妈妈。
10.I asked them to sell me their tadpoles and I would set them free.于是我就让它们把蝌蚪卖给我去放生。
11.As a tadpole changes into a frog, its tail is gradually absorbed.蝌蚪变成蛙,它的尾巴就逐渐被吸收掉。
12.T: Good morning.Are you my mummy?蝌蚪说:早上好。你是我的妈妈吗?
13.Drawing Tadpole People:A Review of the Research on Development of Children s Doodling;蝌蚪人的出现:儿童涂鸦发展研究述评
14.Genotoxicity of the Herbicide Butachlor on Bufo gargarizans gargarizans Tadpoles丁草胺对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的遗传毒性
15.QSAR study of the selected organic compounds anesthesia activities to tadpoles一些有机物对蝌蚪麻醉活性的QSAR研究
16.The Adaptability of Tadpoles in Chinese Forest Frog in Aquatic Environment with Different PH中国林蛙蝌蚪对水环境pH的适应性
17.Acute Toxicity and Combined Toxicity of LAS and KMnO_4 on Rana nigromaculata TadpolesLAS和KMnO_4对黑斑蛙蝌蚪的毒性研究
18.The little tadpoles saw the tortoise dressed in green, and they shouted.小蝌蚪们看见了乌龟穿着绿衣服就喊了起来。

1.Acute toxicity of Cu~(2+) and Cr~(6+) to Rana chensinensis tadpoles;Cu~(2+)和Cr~(6+)对中国林蛙蝌蚪的急性毒性
2.Adaptability on Tadpoles of Frog (Rana chensinensis changbaishanensis) to Ca~(2+) in Water Environment;长白山林蛙蝌蚪对水环境Ca~(2+)的适应性
3.QSAR study of the selected organic compounds anesthesia activities to tadpoles一些有机物对蝌蚪麻醉活性的QSAR研究
3)Rana guentheri tadpoles沼蛙蝌蚪
1.Toxicity influence of dichlorvos and butachlor on Rana guentheri tadpoles.;敌敌畏和丁草胺对沼蛙蝌蚪的毒性影响
4)tadpole like蝌蚪型
5)Abnormal tadpole变态蝌蚪
6)tadpole period蝌蚪期

蝌蚪【通用名称】蝌蚪【其他名称】蝌蚪 (《本草拾遗》) 【异名】活师(《山海经》),蛞斗、活东(《尔雅》),虾蟆子、玄鱼、玄针(崔豹《古今注》),虾蟆儿(《本草拾遗》),聒子、虾蟆台、虾蟆粘(《尔雅翼》),悬针、水仙子(《纲目》)。 【来源】为蛙科动物泽蛙、金线蛙或黑斑蛙等蛙类的幼体。动物形态详"虾蟆"、"青蛙"条。 【功用主治】清热解毒。治热毒疮肿。 ①《本草拾遗》:"主火飚热疮及疥疮,并捣碎敷之。" ②《本草蒙筌》:"烂捣为火疮敷药,绝无瘢痕。" 【用法与用量】外用:捣敷,或经埋藏化水后搽敷。 【选方】①治火飚热毒.一切疮疖:蝌蚪一升,淘净,加旧石灰半斤,稠成水,日晒,调加三黄散搅匀,再晒至干收藏,临时加冰、麝,水(化)开搽。(《本草求原》) ②治无名大毒,一切火毒、瘟毒:寒水石、净皮消、川大黄各等分,研极细末;用蝌蚪水(初夏时,捞取蝌蚪,收坛内,泥封口,埋至秋天,即化成水)一大碗,入前药末各二两,阴干,再研匀,收磁罐内,每用时,以水调涂患处。(《医宗金鉴》蝌蚪拔毒散) ③治流行性腮腺炎:蝌蚪一斤,冰片一钱。将冰片加入活的蝌蚪内,待溶化成水后涂患处,每天三、四次,连涂二至三天。(苏医《民间验方选集》)