1.Effects of seed priming on vigor of Prunella vulgaris seeds;种子引发对夏枯草种子活力影响的初步研究
2.Study on the correlation between physiologicalcharacters and vigor of aged rice seed;水稻老化种子活力与生理性状关系的研究
3.Study on the Vigor Change of Zelkova schneideriana Seeds During Storage Period;榉树种子贮藏过程中的活力变化研究

1.The capacity for work or vigorous activity; vigor; power.能力,精力,活力工作或积极活动的能力;活力;精力
2.rising again as to new life and vigor.复活,恢复活力和精力。
3.lose freshness, vigor, or vitality.丧失新鲜精力或活力
4.Vigorous spirit;energy or excitement.充沛的精力,活力或激情
5.a charming and vivacious host.有魅力和活力的主人
6.give new life or vigor to.给予新的精力或活力
7.characterized by or full of force and vigor.具有力量和活力或者充满了力量和活力
8.a vibrant atmosphere, personality,performance活跃的气氛、 活泼的个性、 有活力的表演
9.the activity of causing to have energy and be active.使人有活力和活跃的活动。
10.learn how to live a more energetic lifestyle!学习如何活的更有活力的生活方式!
11.To grow or flourish with youth and vigor.有活力因年轻和活力而茁壮成长
12.the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something.给某物生命力与活力的活动。
13.Characterized by energetic action or activity; lively.精力充沛的以有活力的行为或活动为特征的;充满活力
14.To expend great or vigorous effort.努力耗费巨大的或充满活力的努力
15.Let the Classroom Teaching be Filled with the Attraction, Vitality and Magic Powers;让课堂教学充满吸引力、活力与魅力
16.He was rejuvenated by his trip.旅行使他恢复了活力
17.characterized by high spirits and animation.精神高涨,富有活力
18.His paintings has a drive.他的画有一种活力

1.Effect of Specific Hydrogen Bond on Activity and Thermostability of Hyperthermophilic Esterase APE1547;超嗜热酯酶APE1547中特殊位置氢键对酶活力和热稳定性的影响
2.Study about the effect on activity of lipoxygenase in defatted soybean flour by drying heating;干热对脱脂豆粕中脂肪氧合酶活力影响的研究
3.The effect of different drying methods on alliinase activity of garlic;不同干燥方法对大蒜的蒜氨酸酶活力的影响
1.Realization of the Relation between Vitality and Safety of City Sidewalk:A Case Study of Traffic Road in CHONGQING;都市人行道空间活力与安全性关系认识——兼论山城重庆交通路段关系
2.Ideals and Practice of Leisure-Factory Environmental Design with Vitality and High Efficiency;活力高效的休闲式工厂环境设计之理念与实践
3.Research Progress of Wheat Seed Vitality;小麦种子活力的研究进展
1.Effects of cryopreservation on the viability of tracheal tissue and cell in rats深低温保存对气管组织细胞活力的影响
2.Studies on the factors influencing the viability and pathogenicity of Sclerotinia minor during storage小核盘菌保藏过程中活力和致病力影响因素研究
3.Analysis of Viability of Seeds in storage for differen familiesof Liquidambar formosana;不同家系枫香种子贮藏活力分析
1.ENaC-α Expression in the Testis and Sperm of Rats and Human and Its Relationship with Sperm Motility;上皮细胞钠通道α亚基在大鼠和人睾丸、精子中的表达及其与精子活力的关系
2.A review of research of motility and cryopreservation of fishes sperm;鱼类精子活力及其超低温保存研究综述
3.Effects of Activity and Content of Protein Kinase C on Human Sperm Motility;人精子蛋白激酶C活性及含量对其活力的影响
1.Study on Seed Vigour Improving of 0rchardgrass by PEG Treatment;PEG渗调处理改善鸭茅种子活力的研究
2.Studies on Proteinaceous Protease Inhibitor and Its Relationship with Desiccation Tolerance and Vigour of Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Seeds;花生种子蛋白酶抑制剂及其与脱水耐性及活力的关系研究
3.Simulate Natural Phytocoenosium Build the Vigour City Park模拟自然植物群落,营造活力城市公园

活力  动能(见能)的旧名,为1695年G.W.莱布尼兹(1646~1716)所引入,他认为运动应用质量m和速度v的平方量度,并把mv2称为活力,以区别于静止物体的压力或死力。19世纪20年代末,功的概念引入力学后,G.G.科里奥利提议把mv2称为活力。以后,在英国首先把活力改称为动能, 例如W. 汤姆孙和P.G.泰特的《自然哲学论》(Treatise on Natural Philosophy,1867)中说:"一个运动着的物体的活力或动能同质量和速度平方两者成正比。"