1.Selection of processed cheese spread ingredients and effect on texture;涂抹型再制干酪配料的选择及其对质地的影响
2.Evaluation of properties of different ice cream with texture profile analysis;质构分析仪对不同种类冰淇淋质地品质的研究
3.Influence of thickeners on the texture of yogurt;增稠剂对酸奶质地的影响研究

1.marine geology and geomorphology laboratory海洋地质地貌实验室
2.Having a rough, coarse texture.质地粗糙的具有粗糙、粗劣质地
3.National Geoparks--Sacred Places of Geology and Common Wealth of China;国家地质公园——地质圣地 共同财富
4.The chronology of the earth's history as determined by geologic events.地质年代学以地质事件测定的地质历史年代学
5.Class B: hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey.乙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。
6.Class C: hydrogeology servey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey.丙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。
7.superincumbent bed【地质】复层, 叠层
8.cryogenic period【地质】低温冻结期
9.cretaceous period [ system ]【地质】白垩纪[系]
10.neolithic period【地质】新石器时代
11.volcanic rift zone【地质】火山断裂带
12.a geological age, formation地质年代、 结构.
13.Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey.乙级:区域地质调查;水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。
14.geophysical and geological measurement地球物理和地质测量
15.geologic quadrangle map地质标准地形图图幅
16.intercalary strata【地质】夹层, 中间地层
17.Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology地貌及第四纪地质学
18.coastal berm(e)【地质】海岸后滨阶地

1.The Environment Evaluation of Agriculture geology in Zhejiang Province;浙江农业地质生态环境评价
2.The function and quality management in the geology controlling during petroleum exploration supervision.;石油勘探监理中地质监督的作用与质量管理
3.Study of the affect of mine geology condition change and mining minerals activity to gas gush;矿井地质条件变化与采矿活动对瓦斯涌出的影响
1.By analyzing the report of the geological wurvey of Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone,the different measures are taken to deal with different foundation beds on the basis of the different geological conditions.通过对青岛开发区地质勘测报告分析 ,针对不同地质条件采取了不同地基处理措施 ,如 :水泥粉喷桩、振冲碎石桩、深层搅拌桩、人工挖孔桩、预制桩、灌注桩、强夯等等处理方法。
2.The Jixi coal field is situated at the mountainous area,the geological condition is complex,although this region are many including the coal bed,although may pick the level some,but the best level are not many,moreover also has the big fault.鸡西煤田地处山区,地质条件复杂,该区域虽然含煤层较多,尽管可采层有些,但最佳层不多,而且还有大断层。
3.(1) For bad geological conditions, "early detection, early exclusion" should undertaken outside tunnel and the measures taken mainly include clearing the slope stones、anti-slide pile and so on.本文以小康高速公路隧道洞口工程为依托,通过洞口施工技术的总结,洞口环境调查,以及实际工程中根据地形、地质条件的不同,所采用的超前支护措施、洞内开挖方法、支护衬砌方案及参数的统计与分析,得出了在不同地形、地质条件下,隧道洞口“零开挖”的最佳进洞施工方法。
1.Researching of Geological Character in Daqing West Part Xinzhan Oil Field;大庆西部新站油田地质开发特征研究
2.Research on geological hazard of the bridge construction site is quite necessary to ensure long span bridge constructed safely and successfully.详细的地质勘察是大桥建设不可缺少的前期工作,从地质的角度,深入分析了润扬大桥桥区的区域稳定性,对大桥区域的地质灾害进行了评价并提出了相应的预防措施。
3.Based on the geologic environment of Xi an city,the application of different ground source heat pump(surface water source heat pump,under ground water source heat pump and soil source heat pump)were compared.本文通过分析西安地区的地质情况,对地源热泵的几种系统形式(地表水源热泵、地下水源热泵、土壤源热泵)在西安的应用作了适用性分析,并结合本地区的工程地质和水文地质情况对土壤源热泵进行了经济性分析,提出了土壤源热泵在西安应用的优点及存在的问题以及今后应重点研究的方向。

质地质地  药物的软硬、坚韧、疏松、黏性等特征。