1.Research into Urban Ecological Safety Evaluation of Nanning;南宁1996-2005年生态安全评价研究
2.Study on Analysis of Particulate Source in the Air and Its Control in Nanning;南宁市大气颗粒物源解析初步和防治对策探讨
3.Characteristics and rational development and utilization of a world-class ball clay deposit in the Nanning area, Guangxi;广西南宁地区所产世界级球粘土的矿床特征与合理开发利用

1.A Comparison Study of the Lexicon between the Upper Ningxiang Dialect and the Lower Ningxiang Dialect in Ningxiang County of Hunan Province;湖南宁乡上宁乡话与下宁乡话的词汇对比研究
2.Nanning Chemical Industy Group Co., Ltd.南宁化工集团有限公司
3.Guangxi Nanning Sucrose Esters Factory广西南宁市蔗糖酯厂
4.The Analysis and Recent Forecast of Investing and Cooperating between Nanning and Vietnam南宁与越南投资合作分析及近期展望
5.A Conception on Building the Economic Corridor from Nanning of China to Lang Son,Hanoi,Haiphong and Quang Ninh of Vietnam建设南宁—谅山—河内—海防—广宁经济走廊构想
6.An Investigation of Early Education in Muosuo Matriarchal Families in Yongning Village Ninglang County Yunnan Province;云南宁蒗县永宁乡摩梭母系家庭幼儿教育调查
7.On the Ning Family and the City of Ning Cheng in the Central Region in Pre-Qin Period --A Probeinto the Root of Ning Family in Lingnan in Sui and Tang Dynasties;先秦时期中原地区的宁氏与宁城——隋唐岭南宁氏家族祖根探论
8.The Analysis of the Impact of Nanning Economic Development on the Throughput of Nanning Airport;南宁经济发展对南宁机场吞吐量增长的影响分析
9.Construction of Cultural Nanning--on how Nanning to "construct the city through culture";"文化南宁"特色的构建——南宁市如何实现"文化立市"战略的几个问题
10.A Brief Discussion of the Epitaphs of Ming Dynasty Manning Count Mao and His Wife Bai from Their Joint Burial;《明故南宁伯追封南宁侯谥庄毅毛公夫人白氏合葬墓志铭》考略
11.Nanning east Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, south Beibu Bay, for Southeast Asia, backed Cloud, Guizhou, Sichuan Southwest.南宁东邻粤、港、澳,南临北部湾,面向东南亚,背靠云、贵、川大西南。
12.The chairman is leaving for Nanning tomorrow-I mean for Nanjing.主任明天动身去南宁,不,我是说是去南京。
13.On the Place and Function of Nanning in Nanning - Guiyang - Kunming Economy Zone;南宁市在南贵昆经济区中的地位和作用研究(下)
14.On the Position and Function of Nanning in Nanning - Guiyang - Kunming Economy Zone (Part);南宁市在南贵昆经济区中的地位和作用研究(上)
15.Analysis of the Ideas for Further Promoting the Industrial Co-operation between Nanning and Vietnam浅析进一步促进南宁与越南产业合作的思路
16.When will the No. 5 special express leave for nanning ?5次特快什么时候离站去南宁?
17.The next train runs from Beijing to Nanning.下一列火车是由北京开往南宁的。
18.Singles working, studying, living in Nanning.在南宁工作,学习,生活的中外单身人士。

Nanning city南宁
1.For preliminary investigation of pollution levels of airborne particulate matter in Nanning city,eighty five airborne particulate(PM 10 ,PM 2.为了初步调查南宁市大气中颗粒物PMl0、PM2。
2.Using the Composite Comfort Index by Lu Ding-huang,tourism climatic comfort in Nanning city is evaluated.本文选取了陆鼎煌的综合舒适度指标对南宁市的旅游气候适宜性进行定量评价,可知南宁市的旅游气候舒适度高,表现为舒适程度高,舒适期长。
3.There are important affect to Nanning city accept the eastern Industry transfer which will optimize the estate structure, speed up the industrialization advancement, realize the economy development quickly.南宁市积极承接东部产业转移对优化产业结构,加快工业化进程,实现经济又好又快发展,具有及其重要的战略意义。
3)Southern Ningxia宁南
1.The Utilization Potential of Rainwater Resources in Semiarid Loess Hilly Area of Southern Ningxia;宁南黄土丘陵干旱区小流域雨水资源潜力研究
2.Study on reasonable groundwater exploitation and using in southern Ningxia;宁南地下水资源合理开发利用及区划分析
3.The Study on the Potential of Utilization of Rainwater Resources in Semiarid Hilly Area of Southern Ningxia;宁南半干旱山区雨水资源潜力研究
4)south Ningxia宁南
1.The water-retaining and yield-increase effects of BP aquasorb in the mountainous region of south Ningxia;BP保水剂的保水效果及其在宁南山区的生产表现
2.The Effect of Water Harvesting with Ridge Building on Semi arid Fields in South Ningxia;宁南半干旱偏旱区旱作农田沟垄径流集水蓄墒效果与增产效应研究
5)mountain area of southern Ningxia宁南山区
1.Assessing benefits of the conversion of cropland to forest and grassland project in the mountain area of southern Ningxia;宁南山区退耕还林还草效益评估研究
2.Effects of grassland vegetation restoration on soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in mountain area of southern Ningxia宁南山区草地植被恢复方式对土壤饱和导水率的影响
3.Based on the elaborating analysis of the weak ecological environment in the mountain area of Southern Ningxia,it points out that the main foundation stone leading to the poverty in the mountain area of Southern Ningxia is the weak and continuously deteriorating ecological.着力分析了宁南山区生态环境恶化与贫困的关系,提出宁南山区的反贫困应与生态环境治理同步进行。
1.Urban Spread and Its Effects on Ecosystem Service Values——A Case Study in Nanning;城市空间扩展对生态系统服务价值的影响——以南宁市区为例
2.Attempt and thinking of the Faster Development of Nanning Printing Enterprises;创新理念推进南宁市印刷企业又好又快发展
3.Preliminary Study on the Exposure Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Urban Roadside Microenvironments in Nanning;南宁市街区挥发性有机物暴露水平初步分析

南宁南宁Nanning Nanning南宁(N anning)中国广西壮族自治区首府,军事重镇。位于自治区西南部。辖兴宁、永新、新城、城北、江南、市郊6区和岂宁、武鸣2县。面积ro 029平方千米,人口264.61万,其中市区面积1 834平方千米,人口1巧.17万(1993)。有壮、汉、瑶、回、苗等30多个民族,其中壮族占人口64%以_!二。 秦属桂林郡。西汉属郁林郡领方县。东晋大兴元年(318)为晋兴郡、县治所。隋改晋兴县为宣化县。唐为琶州治。元改岂州为南宁路。明、清改路为府。1913年后,先后改宣化县为南宁县和昌宁县。1949年析置南宁市,为广西省省会。1958年为广西壮族自治区首府。地处南宁盆地,地势北高南低,周围低山丘陵环绕。北有大明山,东南有铜鱼山,西南有四方岭,西有摩天岭。北部和西部岩溶地貌发育。城东北59千米处的昆仑关,地处大明山东向余脉昆仑山的东南两条支脉的分叉处,扼支脉间峡谷北口,地势险要,为南宁东北门户。城区位于盆地中部,平均海拔77米。城东北有夭狮岭,东南有凤岭南山,南部有五象岭和凤凰岭,西部有纱帽岭,西北有风门岭等拱卫,诸山海拔约150一340米。郁江(境内段亦称琶江)从西向东流过城区,江宽380米,水深10米,水量较大,流速0.3米每秒,两岸建有防洪大堤。属亚热带湿润季凤气候,年平均气温21,7℃,1月平均气温128℃,7月平均气温28.2℃。年平均降水量1 300.6毫米。 南宁工业有食品、纺织、机械、化工、冶金、建材、电子、煤炭等门类。食品工业是全市最大行业。农业盛产水稻、玉米、甘蔗、花生等。南宁为桂西南地区的交通枢纽。衡阳一友谊关、南宁一防城铁路在此交会,南宁一昆明铁路在建设中。公路干线可达百色、友谊关、北海、湛江、柳州等地。南宁一梧州二级公路全线通车。郁江航运,西达百色、龙州,东经梧州直抵广州。民航通往北京、广州、昆明、北海、桂林等城市。 南宁历为兵家争夺要地。宋皇裕四年(1052),广源州部首领侬智高率军5 000攻下邑州建立大南国。次年狄青夜渡昆仑关大破侬军,收复岂州。宋熙宁九年(1076),交趾(今越南)调兵8万攻占邑州,宋将郭透率军赶赴广西,收复岂州。抗日战争时期,日军于1939年在钦州湾登陆北犯,占领南宁和昆仑关。中国军队分三路反击,经13天激战,歼日军4000余人,夺回昆仑关。(徐耀鑫)南 宁