1.Observation of anesthesia for two different strains minipig in setting up and then repairing tibia defect;不同品系小型猪胫骨缺损模型及修复的麻醉观察
2.Study on genetic differentiations among different strains of cultivated ginseng;人参选育品系的遗传变异研究
3.Selection of a high-temperature resistant strain of Porphyra haitanensis (Rhodophyta);坛紫菜抗高温品系的筛选

1.Optimized Analysis on Quality Properties of Wheat Varieties in Guanzhong;关中小麦品种(品系)品质性状优化分析
2.systematic production of substitution lines系统的产生代换品系
3.breed or type(of animal,insect,plant,etc)(动物、昆虫、植物等的)系,品系,品种,类型
4.1) the exact names of the breed, strain and subline;(一)品种、品系及亚系的确切名称;
5.Study on Wheat Varieties Milling Quality of Shaanxi Guanzhong;陕西关中小麦品种(品系)磨粉品质性状研究
6.They have add two new product to their range.他们给产品系列增添了两个新产品。
7.A trial planting report of new sugarcane varieties in Yizhou City甘蔗新品种(品系)在宜州试种表现初报
8.Red and Black Taian Wheat Lines: Nutritional Quality Evaluation泰安红、黑粒小麦品系营养品质比较
9.A Research on the Association and Difference Between City Brand and Commodity Brand;论城市品牌与商品品牌的联系和区别
10.Research on the Synergistic Relationship between Corporate Brand and Product Brand企业品牌与产品品牌的协同关系研究
11.We have a series of product, such as cosmetic,the produce of clean-skin and moisten.我们有一系列的产品,从化妆品到洁肤和润肤品。
12.A Research of the Relationship of Brand Individuality, Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty品牌个性、品牌信任与品牌忠诚的关系研究
13.Our main products are soy, catsup, pickles, balsam, sesame catsup, etc.主要产品有:酱油、酱、菜、油、酱等系列产品。
14.Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals:respiratory system agents药品行政保护品种介绍:呼吸系统药
15.Analysis of Quality Characters of New Wheat Varieties (Lines) in Sichuan;四川小麦新品种(系)品质性状分析
16.The Effects of Brand Experience on Customer Brand Relationship;品牌体验对顾客品牌关系的影响研究
17.The Research on Cost Control System of Multi-varietal Products;多品种产品生产的成本控制体系研究
18.Experimental Research on the Relation between Memory Quality and Mood Quality;记忆品质和情绪品质关系的实验研究

1.Study on the Rescreening of 10 Genes Functions Using Different Laboratory Mouse Strains;用不同实验小鼠品系对10个基因进行功能复筛的研究
2.Evaluation the Salt Tolerance of Melilotoides ruthenica Strains in the Germination Period;扁蓿豆不同品系种子发芽期耐盐性鉴定
3.The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Treatment on Hard Seeds of Melilotoides ruthenica Strains;硫酸处理打破扁蓿豆不同品系种子硬实的效果研究
1.The Preliminary Observation and Analysis on the Adaptability of the Four Buddleja davidii Breeding Lines;4个大叶醉鱼草育种品系引种适应性的初步研究
2.Selection of Bombyx mandarina Line Adapting to Artificial Diet Rearing in All Instars;野桑蚕全龄人工饲料适应性品系的选育
3.Breeding Report of New Winter Wheat Line 95-62-1 With Resistance to Stripe Rust;冬小麦抗条锈新品系95-62-1选育报告
1.Research on Pollen Viability of New Chinese Chestnut Lines;板栗新品系花粉生活力的研究
2.A study on genetic identification of tea lines "Xiangshanzao" by DNA fingerprint;“香山早”茶树品系的DNA指纹鉴定研究
3.Characteristic Performance and Evaluation of Seven New Sugarcane Lines7个甘蔗新品系种性表现及其评述
1.Preliminary Study on Regional Trial of Dryland Broad Bean Varieties;蚕豆品系旱地区域试验初探
2.Preliminary Study on Maize Varieties Comparation;玉米新品系比较试验初报
3.Study on Rice Varieties with Different Panicle Type High-yield Experiment in Cultivation Technique;水稻不同穗形品系高产栽培试验研究
6)Cultivar and strain品种品系

品系  品种的结构单位。具有明显特征、特性,遗传性稳定的小种群,群内个体间有一定的亲缘关系。    作物育种上的品系可通过对自交或近亲杂交的后代进行多代单株选择而获得;也可由于一个栽培品种发生性状分离,经人工选择而形成。品系可用作杂交育种的材料;具有经济价值的可直接在生产上应用,也可繁育成为品种。    品系在家畜育种上的应用经历了一个发展的过程。20世纪30年代初期,一些国家的家畜育种试验研究单位受玉米自交系杂交成功的启示,采用高度近交的方法培育近交系。但因畜牧生产上近交系杂交的经济效益不高,这种方法被逐渐放弃。与此同时,系祖建系,即通过个别优秀的种公畜或种母畜的缓和近交来建立系、族的方法不断完善,并发展成亲缘选育法。至50年代,又出现小群闭锁继代选育的方法。随着畜牧生产工厂化、集约化的发展,对种畜、种禽的性能要求日趋明确、集中。1966年,荷兰首先育成了猪的专门化父系和母系,用于杂交生产商品猪。专门化的品系要求各具专门化的性状,如猪的母本品系要具有良好的繁殖性能,而父本品系则要具有生长快、饲料利用强的特性等。用专门化的父系与母系杂交生产的综合系,兼有父、母本的突出性状。两个不同的综合系还可杂交生产性状全面的高产杂种──商品代。养禽业中采用3个或4个综合系配套生产的商品鸡就属此类。不同品系还可杂交育成兼具各品系特性的新品系──合成系。欧洲国家早期育成的著名畜禽品种大多由若干品系构成。品系由于育成期短,经济价值高、杂交效果好,已在畜禽生产中日益发挥其独立作用。