1.The molecular multiplicity and function of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its receptor in vertebrate;脊椎动物GnRH肽的分子多态性和功能
2.Distribution and Type of Mucous Cells in Digestive Tract of Several Vertebrates Species;几种脊椎动物消化道黏液细胞的类型与分布
3.Investigation report on vertebrate varieties in Dalian forest zoo——On amphibian reptiles and mammals;大连市森林动物园脊椎动物种类调查报告—两栖爬行及哺乳类

1.The vertebrate spine or spinal column.脊骨脊椎动物的脊椎或脊柱
2.Of or characteristic of vertebrates or a vertebrate.脊椎动物脊椎动物的或有脊椎动物特征的
3.pectoral gridle(脊椎动物的)肩背
4.A fish or fishlike vertebrate.鱼状脊椎动物鱼或似鱼的脊椎动物
5.single-host parasites of lower vertebrates and invertebrates.低等脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的寄生虫。
6.invertebrate biophysics无脊椎动物生物物理学
7.paleobiology of invertebrates无脊椎动物古生物学
8.invertebrate neurobiology无脊椎动物神经生物学
9.invertebrate bioenergetics无脊椎动物生物能量学
10.biology of desert invertebrates荒漠无脊椎动物生物学
11.Botany, earth science, invertebrates, and vertebrates.收藏植物学、球科学、脊椎动物脊椎动物
12.most vertebrates are stereospondylous.大部分脊椎动物都是全椎目动物。
13.vertebrate morphogenesis脊椎动物形态发生学
14.embryonic development of invertebrate胚胎发育(无脊椎动物
15.embryonic development of vertebrates胚胎发育(脊椎动物
16.vertebrate photoreceptor optics脊椎动物光感受器光学
17.Invertebrate Zoology and Experiment无脊椎动物学及实验
18.invertebrate functional morphology无脊椎动物功能形态学

1.Distribution of Wetland Vertebrates of Liaocheng City of Shandong Province;山东聊城湿地脊椎动物分布
2.The establishment of vertebrates specimen database management system and its application;脊椎动物标本资源信息管理系统的研制及应用
3.Here systematic methods were used to assess the causes of the present-day distribution of introns in different lineage in 105 protein-coding genes containing 3 574 introns and 1 001 intron conserved sites in distinct amino acid alignment sequences in orthologous genes from 6 genomes of vertebrates (Mus musculus,Rattus norvegicus and Homo sapiens), Diptera (Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles ga.发现在进化早期,脊椎动物、双翅目昆虫和线虫的共同祖先中含有大量内含子,在进化过程中,双翅目昆虫和线虫发生了大量的内含子丢失,甚至在双翅目昆虫中内含子丢失较线虫更严重。
1.Application of Sequences of nrDNA ITS to Molecular Systematics of Invertebrates;核rDNA ITS区序列在无脊椎动物分子系统学研究中的应用
2.Study on feeding habits and food relationship of main economic invertebrates in Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas;台湾海峡及邻近海域主要无脊椎动物食性特征及其食物关系研究
3.Metallothionein diversity and its ecological service functions of invertebrates: an overview;无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白(MTs)多样性及其生态服务功能
1.Antibacterial activities of epiphytic bacteria from the surfaces of seaweeds and invertebrates against fouling bacteria isolated from a net cage in coastal sea in Dalian;大连海区海藻和无脊椎动物附生细菌对养殖网笼污损细菌的拮抗活性
2.Structure and diversity of invertebrate resources in the Yellow Sea;黄海无脊椎动物资源结构及多样性
3.Diversity of Aboveground Invertebrates in Dinghushan and Its Correlation with Litter;鼎湖山地表无脊椎动物多样性及其与凋落物的关系
