1.The effect of temperature on embryonic growth and material conversion during incubation in the grass lizard, Takydromus septenrionalis;温度对北草蜥卵孵化过程中胚胎生长及物质转化的影响
2.Hybrid Intelligent Control for Incubation;禽蛋孵化过程的混合智能控制
3.Changes of the Content of Crude Protein and Urea Nitrogen of Allantoic Fluid during Incubation;孵化期间鸡胚蛋内蛋白质转移的研究

1.incubated enterprises (incubator)在孵(孵化器)企业
2.Technology Incubation Centre技术孵化中心(技孵中心)
3.To engage(a clutch, for example).进行(例如,孵化
4.The emergence of an adult insect from a pupal case or an insect larva from an egg.孵化成虫从蛹中孵出来,或幼虫从卵中孵化出来
5.Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Incubatory Ability--Appraisal of University Business Incubator;大学孵化孵化能力的模糊数学分析
6.Relativity Analysis of Science and Technology Business Incubating Ability;科技企业孵化孵化能力的关联分析
7.A Discussion of the Relationship between Business Incubators and Its Tenants;企业孵化器与孵化企业间关系的探讨
8.To sit on(eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood.孵化坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命;孵卵
9.In our study, both incubation temperature and substrate moisture did not affect hatching success and sex ratio of hatchlings.孵化温、度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体性别无显著的影响。
10.The 3rd, into good hatch is done before brooding implement, hatch uses an egg dish, kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job.第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盘、种蛋和出雏器的清洗消毒工作。
11.Study on the Development of Hatching Gland and the Biochemical Characteristics of Hatching Enzyme of Misgurnus Anguillicandatus;泥鳅孵化腺发育及孵化酶生化特性的研究
12.Hen's eggs take 21 days to hatch out.鸡蛋需要21天才孵化
13.eggs are preparing to hatch.有一些准备孵化的卵。
14.To produce(young) from an egg.孵化从蛋里产出(幼体)
15.When will the baby chickens hatch out?小鸡何时会孵化出来?
16.To cause(an egg or eggs) to produce young.使孵化使蛋产出幼体
17.Not all eggs hatch properly.并非所有的蛋都可孵化
18.When will the eggs hatch (`out)?这些蛋什麽时候孵化?

1.Study on the Changes of Calcium and Phosphorus Contents in the Eggshells of France Muscovy Duck in Different Hatching Stages;法国番鸭不同孵化阶段蛋壳内钙·磷含量的变化研究
2.Effects of Salinity on Hatching and Growth of Artemia;盐度对卤虫孵化和生长的影响
3.Analysis on Cholesterol Content of Yolk in Gushi Chicks and Silky Chicks during Hatching;固始鸡与丝毛乌骨鸡孵化期间蛋黄胆固醇含量分析
1.Observation on the hatching of Taenia solium eggs using sodium hypochrite method;次氯酸钠法孵化猪带绦虫卵的观察
2.Effects of 5 Chinese Herbs on the Hatch and Oviposition of Henosepilachna vigintioctoctopun Fabricius;5种中药对茄二十八星瓢虫孵化、产卵的影响
3.Study on the Changes of Calcium, Phosphorus and Potassium Contents in Mallard Eggshell at Different Hatching Phases;野鸭不同孵化阶段蛋壳内钙·磷·钾含量的变化研究
4)The act of incubating.孵化孵化的行为
6)incubated enterprises (incubator)在孵(孵化器)企业
