1.Primary culture and subculture of pancreatic ductal epithelial cells from kunming mice;昆明小鼠胰腺导管上皮细胞的原代和传代培养
2.Study on amitosis and differentiation in the subcultured PC12 cells;传代培养PC12细胞无丝分裂与细胞分化的观察
3.Cell fragmentation in subculture of PC12 cell line;传代培养PC12细胞的早期细胞分裂过程观察

1.continuous passage culture连续传代培养(物)
2.After subculture, confluence was occurred in 1-2 weeks.传代培养细胞可在1~2周汇合成片。
3.Primary Culture, Subculture and Biological Identification of Human Embryonic Germ Cells;人胚胎生殖细胞的原代、传代培养及生物学鉴定
4.The primary culture and subculture of hepatopancreas cells from Qinghai lake-naked carp(Gymnocypris przewalskii) in vitro青海湖裸鲤体外肝胰细胞原代与传代培养
5.After repeated adherence and enzyme digestion, the cells attained the requirement of morphological purification with a purity of more than 95%.经台盼蓝拒染计数,将细胞按1×10^6接种于培养瓶,传代培养
6.Experimental Study on Efficient Serial Subcultivation of Schwann Cells in Vitro施万细胞高效体外传代培养的实验研究
7.Methods: celt engineering thchniques including isolation, culture and subculture of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts were used, and to observe the pattern and growing course of cells.方法:利用细胞工程方法进行组织分离、原代培养及传代培养等,观察细胞形态;
8.Study on the Evolution Rules of Pathogenicity of vvIBDV During the Coures of Subculturing;传染性法氏囊病超强毒传代培养过程中致病性变化规律的研究
9.Effect of scoparone on intracellular calcium concentration of guinea pig airway smooth muscle cells in primary culture and subculture滨蒿内酯对原代和传代培养豚鼠气道平滑肌细胞内钙的影响
10.Research on Transdifferentiation of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Subcultured in Vitro;体外传代培养对人视网膜色素上皮细胞转分化的影响
11.Study on Culture,Cryopreservation and Revivification of Fibroblasts from Dental Pulp Tissue牙髓成纤维细胞传代培养与冻存复苏后生长情况比较
12.He is devoted to educating the younger generation, teaching by precept and example, content to be, so to speak, a rung of the human ladder.他甘当人梯, 言传身教, 培养青年一代。
13.Experimental observation of the long-term culturing Trichomonas vaginalis阴道毛滴虫长期培养传代的实验观察
14.Methods ESCs were propagated 1 generation after anabiosis to gain embryonic bodies (EB).方法 将ESC自液氮中复苏、培养,传1代后进行拟胚体培养。
15.Chinese Ancient Myth Legend and Imagination Training of High School Students;中国古代神话传说与中学生想象力的培养
16.Traditions and Trends of Talent Cultivation in Oxford University;牛津大学人才培养的历史传统与现代走向
17.Dual Function Performed by Traditional Legal Psychology in Developing Citizen s Modern Consciousness;传统法律心理对培养现代公民意识的二重作用
18.An Opinion of the Chinese Traditional Culture and the Quality Training of Contemporary College Students;中国传统文化与当代大学生的素质培养

serial subcultivation传代培养
1.Influence of serial subcultivation on the immunoregulation of retinal pigment epithelialium cells in vitro;体外传代培养对人视网膜色素上皮细胞免疫调控能力的影响
2.To understand calf preadipocytes activities by serial subcultivation,the primary culture preadipocytes from calf epiploica were proliferated and passaged when the cell growth and attachment arrived 90%.结果显示,细胞传代培养后,仍保持脂肪细胞蓄积脂肪的特性,细胞生长曲线与原代脂肪细胞的生长曲线依然一致,细胞冻存复苏后保持87%的存活率。
3.The serial subcultivation of adipocyte superiors to primary culture when researching the effect of single facte.脂肪细胞的传代培养在单一因子对脂肪细胞的功能研究上有一定的优越性,尤其对不宜于在活体采样的人及动物。
6)Serial passage连续传代培养
